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RMweb Gold
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Everything posted by CovDriver

  1. getting with the times now reading rmweb on my 42inch smart tv Happy new year everybody

  2. Has found some (175) colour slides of some quality traction from the early 90's how do I get them onto my PC ?

    1. MarkC
    2. CovDriver


      Ok cheers I'll have a look at that it's an option.

    3. MarkC


      No problem. Hope it helps you :)

  3. Has so many ideas for a new layout going around my head and I'm swaying away from taking over the garage as it's to bloody cold

    1. Stevelewis


      AND it will more thann likely be Too hot in the summer!

  4. HAs so many ideas for a new layout going around my head and I'm swaying away from taking over the garage as it's to bloody cold

  5. Well I've read about half of the magazine now and I must say it's a great read especially the section on the weedkiller trains and Diesels in the Duchy so much inspiriration I really need to pull my finger out and get some modelling done !!
  6. yippee my copy arrived today I've only had time for a quick glance but this is a great bookazine I'm looking forward to a proper read tomorrow
  7. I ordered mine on the classic magazines website last Friday and I'm still waiting for it to arrive
  8. Little bit annoyed that someone didnt reply to my message about a classified advert and the money was waiting too!! GGGRRRR!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. CovDriver


      I don't really want to name and shame publically

    3. Horsetan


      Maybe they're only on here very occasionally.

    4. CovDriver


      It's complicated but I tried to buy the first lot but was beaten by a few minutes and then he told he was putting another lot up for sale I quickly offered to buy them when it was posted but my message was ignored never mind I've just had a present from Hattons a weathered blue 128!!


  9. No Warley for me this year got a crap turn tomorrow and a GSM-R training course on Sunday at Tyseley depot might take the camera with me?

    1. Mickey


      thought you gota driver job....the boredoms only just started...

    2. CovDriver


      I'm waiting for the start date for the drivers job until then it's still guard duties :-(

  10. I've just popped into smiffs in Coventry city centre and they haven't got any copies at all so I'll try online tonight
  11. Well that's us moved into our new home and we have internet again all I need is a space to build a layout garage or keep it small and portable ?

    1. Simon Moore

      Simon Moore


      A big layout is something I think most of us dream of. I can't wait for my attic converting

    2. Stevelewis


      Garage, dont mess around with small they become boring! Insulate well though!!

    3. Tim Dubya

      Tim Dubya

      living room, they'll have to work around you!

  12. That is looking the dogs danglies!! great work in such a short amount of time wish I had the time to get to half this standard Cheers Colin
  13. looks like I might have to change my screen name to COVDRIVER

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. big jim

      big jim

      Nice one! Im guaranteed to get in your way at some point

    3. big jim

      big jim

      Nice one! Im guaranteed to get in your way at some point

    4. Horsetan


      I thought a cover drive was something you did in cricket.

  14. RIP to all our fallen Certa Cito

  15. At the going down of the Sun we will remember them. RIP to all those who gave there lives for our today especially the friends that I lost in recent conflicts

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. MarkC


      We will remember them...

    3. Londontram


      Pte John Green dispatch rider the Signals Italy 1944

      The uncle I never knew

    4. CovDriver


      Royal signals an excellent regiment my former corps too.

  16. One long shift tomorrow then straight to Watford for my final trai driver assessment!! cacking it now to be honest.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. CovDriver
    3. yorkie_pudd


      Good look on passing then you could be Cov GTD ??

    4. laurenceb
  17. Just got back from Harry Potter world and I was amazed at the level of modelling for Hogwarts castle !!

    1. gwrrob


      Excellent isn't it.A bit dark to fully appreciate the finer details though.

    2. CovDriver


      Totally agree but it's inspiring for anybody to make a decent model from scratch I think (watch this space) a 4mm scale model of Coundon Road box is in the pipeline I think?

  18. That working had just come through New st I took the photo as we was running side by side all the way to Grand Junction the driver seemed very happy in his work as we passed him but the engine side door just seemed to be open as it was closed again when I passed it the next day while it was stabled at Kings Norton Colas depot. Cheers Cov Guard Colin
  19. Happy as a pig in poo my class 24 arrived 15mins ago a Great looking loco!!

    1. RedgateModels


      Did they deliver a Deltic by mistake?

  20. Rumours going around the mill that Colas Have purchased DB schenker can anybody confirm this where's big Jim when you need him?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. CovDriver


      Cheers Jim I thought as much

    3. 11B


      That would de a lot of repaints!

    4. big jim

      big jim

      other wibble this week.....another 70 on the way (but thats plausable)

  21. After seeing the quality of the layouts at RMweb live well a couple in particular I really should pull my finger out and build a layout upto similar standard!!

  22. Visiting traction for the afternoon on Orchard Road D1046 having a visit to the superbly detailed servicing shed
  23. Thoroughly enjoyed having a running session on Orchard Road today was an absolute pleasure to meet you and was it really three hours it only seemed like 30mins honestly !! Once again thank you for letting me loose on Orchard Road. Cheers Colin Cov Guard
  24. I'm looking forward to seeing this in the flesh for the first time on Saturday I've always kept an eye on this layout it's right up my street. Did someone say there loco's are all in boxes I've got a Dapol western that's in need of a quick run all weathered an sound fitted but as I've no layout at the moment could I be cheeky and ask for a test run of her?
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