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Everything posted by Shedmaster

  1. There's something wrong with you. Really, there is.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. KalKat


      ...... have you been peeking again? :


    3. Shedmaster


      It's a line from a film....but I like to use it for the brainless zombies plagueing our world on their mobile phones, incapable of even looking up from the screen or putting the thing down for ten whole seconds without picking it up again!

    4. KalKat


      Ag yes .... FOMO is it not?

  2. Hi, a short tale for you.... Do you ever get those day's when you're out in your car and you notice that every idiot on the planet is picking on you personally ? I can confirm this does happen, usually it's ME they pick on ! I was driving along the A2 London bound some years ago, and as I left the slip road and got to the traffic lights at the bottom, I stopped next to a BMW in the adjacent lane waiting for the lights to change. When they did, I pulled away a little faster than the beemer and ended up a little way ahead, not racing him, he was just taking it a lot more casually with his roof down and attractive blonde next to him. I could see this fella was calm and relaxed without a care in the world. Anyways, for no real reason, I kept my eyes on his car behind me for the next few miles until another set of lights brought us both to a stand. I kid you not, everybody who could upset him, did so! Cars were pulling out on him, cutting him up and doing things that were just blatantly disregarding the fact that he was even there, despite him doing nothing at all wrong in any way to invite trouble. Nothing happened to anybody else, just him in his BMW. As I pulled up to this next set of traffic lights, a seven seater type thing pulled up behind me and I could hear shouting, really aggressive and threatening some real hardcore 'education' of the occupants within...next to this, our friend in the BMW with his woman. He had obviously lost his temper in the last couple of miles as he'd noticed, as well as I had, that everybody seemed to be intent on ruining his day! The seven seater had obviously been the last straw for him, he'd just offered to "burn them all alive", before rolling forward in his BM and stopping once again next to Me. Well, I couldn't resist...with the windows already open on my beaten up old car, I looked across at them both with a massive grin, I honestly thought he was ready to kill someone at this point, he was so full of rage. I explained how pleased I was that he was here with Me today. His face dropped as I think I caught him off guard but I continued to explain, how normally it is I who have to deal with these fools as they continually gang up on Me and upset Me, but today, they were leaving Me alone and picking on him instead. I said I had noticed them at the last set of lights and seen just how many people had made a bee-line for him, and, for no reason, chose to massively spoil his day, to which he gave me a massive smile and agreed, it was his turn today at which point the lights changed and off they went with a wave and a laugh, back to being the happy chappy I had seen originally. The point of my post here is that YOU are NOT imagining this stuff. I have seen with my own eyes that these fools really are members of an elite group, who obviously have a quota for the day, they really ARE out to get you. The best course of action to avoid them is of course subject to some debate, but I know they are definitely hell bent on driving badly and spoiling everybody else's day, just for fun. But it's alright....I'm onto them now - they can't upset Me - I know their game..... Kindest Regards, Shed.
  3. Hi, For information, EWS had such a large number of these 'injuries' around the access/egress areas of these badly designed Loco's, that they published a proper full colour booklet detailing just how to get on and off the things, of which I still have my pristine copy. However, this featured the EWS red holdall of the time which itself then fell from favour, as Drivers were regularly slicing their hands when accessing the pockets, due to the exposed and sharp metalwork within. Kindest Regards, Shed.
  4. Hi, Can I please suggest adding 'Exploding Railway Detonators' to your sound files? ( L O U D ones, not some firework grade 'pop'... ) Probably a single 'Explosion' sound at a time so the user can activate it according to what they are doing with the Loco, either rescuing a failed Lima model or destroying loose dets on shed to avoid them getting into the hands of...miscreants Good luck with this part of your project, Kindest Regards, Shed.
  5. What we've got here...is failure...to communicate! Some Men, you just can't reach...

    1. CovDriver


      Quality GnR track

    2. Shedmaster


      Agreed. We have the wall of deceit to remind us all, that you can't trust freedom when it's not in your hands, when everybody's fightin for the promised land...

  6. Hi, 24th April 1997 is the last confirmed date that I worked with a Brake Van to/from Dungeness CEGB. There is a pic of this on the internet with 73 108 but it is not my picture so not sure if I can post it here or not... Thanks, Shed.
  7. Hi, Thanks for pointing this out, I make you absolutely right of course. My dig was simply aimed more at the 'lie' than the loss of the contract, which I had seen as firmly ours for the keeping as it had 'always been that way', how little I knew! This was one of the first instances I had seen whereby we lost work, but I just got used to it over subsequent years as freight traffic became so changeable. I seem to remember the rules on the provision of barrier wagons changed during the early EWS years ? Didn't the flask used to run with just the RNA's+FNA's and no brake ? I think the 'Ness' flasks may just be a contender for your original question but happy to be corrected... Kindest Regards, Shed.
  8. Hi, I remember working the flasks to Dungeness as late as 1995/6(?)...definitely had the stove working as we had to load the bags of coal before departure from Wembley in the early hours and had to make sure the thing was alight on arrival at HG for the forwarding Trainman . This was just before the mis-management swore blind that Mainline Freight as it was at the time, would not be losing the contract to DRS...guess what 'actually' then happened...yep, off went the contract. Kindest Regards, Shed.
  9. Hi Jim, Just a line to say 'Thank You' and echo the 'Best Wishes' sentiments of other posters here, all the best for your future mate. For Me, my personal favourite from your valued contributions was back when we had the snow. You were kind enough to take some excellent pics of the snowplough's in action and document some very interesting workings with the 2x56's. I imagine I am right in saying that this was the biggest deployment of plough's for many years and something just not normally seen in the UK, so for you to capture this and make your pictures and info freely available is something I think of as being truly 'special', Thank You so much. Best Wishes again for your future, always stay safe and look forward to more from you soon... Kindest Regards, Shed.
  10. An echo of a distant time comes willowing accross the sand and everything is LNER green and submarine?

  11. My modelling mojo appears to be on extended annual leave again!

    1. Huw Griffiths

      Huw Griffiths

      I think mine must just have done a runner … .

  12. My modelling mojo appears to be on extended annual leave again!

  13. Hi, So, real life track pins eh? Who'd have thought it..... So, getting back to the axle counters then, these are totally different 'heads' to those used for HABD's etc? Again, I'm just curious as to how they count axles and know the difference between an axle and a part of the bogie/undergubbins. Many Thanks, Kindest Regards, Shed.
  14. Hi, As ever, Thank You for your interesting and detailed responses, I'm reading these with interest. iands, your excellent pictures have thrown up another question now, what do those yellow things do in the middle of the concrete sleepers? Movement detectors? Anchors? (Sorry Shed, hijacking my own thread !) Kindest Regards, Shed.
  15. Hi everybody, Would anybody in the know be able to explain the basic principles of how axle counters work please? I'm not after anything technical or that may be considered sensitive. I have a mental picture of this trackside gadget, that sits and either counts axles as a train passes or physically detects the train in section by using a laser beam? Many Thanks, Kindest Regards, Shed.
  16. That feeling when you enter a kamikazee bid on eBay and have to sweat it out, only for it to win really low!

    1. Hroth


      And then you wonder. What did everyone else notice that stopped them bidding....

    2. StevieD71


      Did that on Friday. great feeling when it comes off.

    3. bigP
  17. Hi all, I've just found this on another forum, a reworked series of these advertising posters, i.e "Timmy Says Its Quicker By Boat", worth a mention I thought ? https://www.railforums.co.uk/threads/five-dont-go-on-a-great-western-adventure.162047/ Kindest Regards, Shed.
  18. Hi, I would put this in the category of pure 'genius' myself...it's advertising, but not in the usual naff way. Kindest Regards, Shed.
  19. Now THAT'S what I call essential...! Kindest Regards, Shed.
  20. Hi, I too have a project underway to produce this train for my Stewarts Lane layout, these being overlays for the two Mk1 coaches...'Ptarmigan' and 'Polar Bear'... ...unfortunately, the project is on hold waiting a suitable opportunity to continue... Kindest Regards, Shed.
  21. Hi, Do any of you remember the good advice offered on this very forum some years ago about the £9.99 el-cheapo soldering iron ? Based on the said advice, that's the last time I went into Maplins and spent money, on this 'own brand' 50W thing. Unfortunately ( for them ) it is still going strong many years later - I haven't had to return for an upgrade or had the need for any impulse purchases whilst there. Kindest Regards, Shed.
  22. Hi Dave, Would you be able to clarify what the arrangement is at the inner ends of the vehicles, where you show a tension lock coupling please ? Is there a blanking 'insert' such as on the Bachmann Class 03 loco and following on from that, are these supplied with things such as air/vacuum pipes and coupling hooks? I see that there is a massive amount of detail provided on these models, just not seen anything about this particular part. ( or maybe I've missed it? ) I'm actually sat here wondering as I type, if the current deluge of snow across the UK will cause a spike in sales for you, of course I hope it does! Many Thanks, Kindest Regards, Shed.
  23. Hi All, How about we spice down the action a little for this masterpiece of double crossing teen lesbo-fest.... Instead of 'Wild Things' starring Denise Richards and Neve Campbell, how about 'Mild Things', but I'm unable to think of two suitably dull female leads ??????? Over to you... Kindest Regards, Shed.
  24. Hi again, Just a few pics more of different bits n' pieces, hope they come in handy for somebody, All the best, Kindest Regards, Shed.
  25. Hi All, Please find enclosed a selection of pictures from my 'Stewarts Lane' project, featuring an active 'Sturgeon' wagon, #994900, based in Central London. I hope these pics are useful either for RevolutioN or modellers reference material for weathering etc, these are my pics and so there are no restrictions on use. #994900 is currently in use as an 'Internal User' vehicle and is used to carry all manner of parts around it's home depot. Apologies for such a large post but I hope these come in useful...Best Wishes to 'RevolutioN' on your project, Kindest Regards, Shed. EDITED TO REMOVE DUPLICATES
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