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Everything posted by westerner

  1. Glad to hear that the Op went well. I really am enjoying this thread even though I model the WR.
  2. As there has been much discussion about the Lima 117 thought I'd included mine in some more grass shots. the further grass has had a repaint and a bit of a fluff up.
  3. Robin you are correct it is the old Hornby one. As to tips on its construction I can't be very helpful I'm afraid as its over 10 years since I built it. As far as I can remember it went together quite easily, It must have as it was one of the first kits I put together. The problem with it is that it is meant to be ground mounted not on a platform therefore it is too high. I keep thinking about making it lower by cutting the last section of stairs off and reducing the height of the uprights. But so far I haven't plucked up enough courage to do it.
  4. Ah that was a very long time ago!!! Actually I've cheated a bit on the grass further away from the front of the layout and repainted the hanging basket liner it with a less thinned down version of the original colour (Tamiya Flat Green). When dry etc I'll take some snaps.
  5. Thanks chaps for your kind comments. I agree that the chances are the grass would look healthier nearer the water. Personally I feel the tufts sit better now, and I might add a few more. Les, the difference in lighting is because I've not used my photo flood and I'm just using the one bulb in the room, and therefore the slightly different angles produce a different effect. When this area is fully finished I'll get the floodlight out and take some better snaps.
  6. You'll also see one (the yard crane) on Wencombe.
  7. I'm another one (Welshman that is). The problem is that the top of those book cases is over 10ft above floor level. The fiddle yard baseboards are 3 ft wide. To reach the top shelves I have to stand on the top level of a stepladder. It's precarious and I always worry about dropping something 7ft onto the layout, not to mention falling onto it myself. I am not confident of being able to get anything, however lightweight up there, and to ensure it stayed where it was put. I think the fact that I would then have to remove the boards when I wanted to get to books, which I shall need to do makes an accident waiting to happen even more likely. Gilbert You wouldn't need to go that high with a backcloth because you could crop the picture down to where the backcloth finished.
  8. What is slightly annoying is that this shot gives the best light of all, but also brings in those ***** bookcases. Gilbert have you thought of getting a very light blue sheet you could hang over the bookcases and other intusive backgrounds whilst you are taking your photographs.
  9. Thanks Tom it would be interesting seeing fields of green in an engine shed environment and RSLR. As you can see from the photo below the mixing beige and early fall green has given me a half way house which I'm much happier with (the area around the nail). It also now gives me an idea of how various mixes of the two colours will come out if I want to vary the shades of green. it will be interesting when i try it on the area just beyond the boggy bit which is very yellow.
  10. i didn't put it very well. I actually meant re grass the whole lot. As it happens i've had a nother go by mixing the green with a beige and it seems to be much more like the original hanging basket liner, just a tad greener I'll post some pictures tomorrow when the glue has dried. There are bits of Wencombe which I think are too yellow so I might play with the mix over those.
  11. Thanks Mike I like the idea of awaft with an airbrush. Of course if I go over the lot and hide most of the yellow grass it may not look so vibrant. I'll have a think
  12. I've been playing with my new toy a FMR tea strainer style static grass applicator. Seems to work OK but not sure if grass is too green. I have got used to the rather yellowish tint to the painted hanging basket liner. What do you think? It's on the far bank of the stream.
  13. I'm glad those photos give that effect. It would be good to see you at Basingstoke Mike. as you probably realise I'll be with Potterbourne..
  14. Thought i'd post a couple of photos of one of those quiet times at Wencombe.
  15. AHH Yes Fiddleyards They can be a problem. Josh's Potterbourne started with cassettes, which whilst we never did have an accident, we got close a couple of times. So before we went to Warley it was changed into a fan of sidings. So much easier and without the fear of spilling stock onto the floor.
  16. I must agree with Andy and Mike. Although not an eastern region modeller I have always found looking at this layout interesting. Almost making me wish i had lived nearer the ECML. Almost
  17. Personally Gilbert I cnnot see anything wrong with the new photos. Unfortunately there is laways the slight distraction of the background shelves etc. However when one concentrates on the railway I find them as good if not better than the daylight lit ones.
  18. I did think that the original Cornish pasties were full of veg, no meat, too expensive, so I think you've got the lot. Although I did understand that occasionally they had fish in.
  19. It 'll be interesting to see your version. I don't suppose Walthers ever thought that their US Red Wing Flour Mill would be tuened into UK dairies and creameries.
  20. Like Mickey i would say this looks very familiar as in Railway Modeller some years ago.
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