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Everything posted by jamest

  1. Hi, Managed to miss this one so far. Fantastic layout and you have made great progress in a relatively short time. I like your choice of buildings, their placement, and how you have blended the scenery into the back scene. Lots of nice BR Blue action too - I've got a lot of BR blue stock myself but have been modelling earlier stuff recently - makes me want to go back to this run down, sparse era! Thanks for sharing. Regards, James
  2. Hi, The layout looks fantastic and I can only echo others comments. I've built a few layouts and had the 'next one' bug - and on at least one occasion moved a layout on too soon. Have a good think before you do. But we all have space and money restraints! Thanks for sharing the build. All the best, James
  3. Hi all, Actually next is point control, not coal facilities! I have not referred to this since stating I would be using seep solenoids in my first post. Well I got them set up and they were working ok, but after ballasting they were not as reliable. Now this is obviously mostly my fault (if not all), but it prompted me to re-think and not use them going forward. I do like the feel of manual wire in the tube - and it is very straightforward and reliable. Therefore I am now using gaugemaster polarity switches to deal with the frogs and seperate wire in the tube for the point control. One of the things I would like to add is the ability to control the points from the front at home, and the back at exhibitions (if I ever get that far). So to get this ability - and the option to remove the front operation when required - I have come up with the following. I don't claim it as my idea as it is a combination of the materials I have around and the experience I have gained on here.... So the wire push pull to the top of the picture is for the back of the layout (it is earth wire stripped from spare wire I have lying around) - and the middle choc block allows me to pull the wooden dowel from the front by screwing it down on the wire and the empty tube inserted in the end of the wooden dowel. I can remove the wooden dowel if desired, leaving only small holes at the front of the layout: NOTE: I am aware I need to be careful about shorting/touching the bus wires - it is not as close as it seems below and I intend to be safer still by adding tape to insulate locally. So the loop pull is at the back... And the dowels protrude at the front... It takes a bit of fine tuning to get everything working as resistance free as possible - but I am very pleased with the results. Cheers, James
  4. Hi, You've got to be careful you don't get pulled around by others ideas....but I hope to start something like this and I plan to have a similar track-plan and an island platform (maybe even with through running and a bridge over the right hand side) - so I agree with d&h. but like I said...it is your layout - good luck with the planning/build. regards, James
  5. Hi all, Thanks for the advice on the colours and crane. The crane will reside on the loading platform because, as suggested, it s proportions fit better. I've also to weather the track and hard standing. I have previously dusted with an Airbrush to get dirty ballast in and around the track but I always leave it too late and find it difficult to a) get a good effect and b) not cover everything else I don't want to! So this time I have experimented with applying a thinned down dirty track colour with a pipette in the centre of the track. It spreads out a little and enables me to keep the area inbetween lines cleaner. I know some actually mix in colour with their ballast mix - I might consider that next time as I am quite pleased with the effect. You'll see I've also started to add grass clumps in random areas. The eagle eyed among you will notice that the Provinder store has morphed into a good shed on a platform. I've managed to accumulate many resin building options over the years and I feel I prefer this one - it has been painted in the same western colours used elsewhere and weathered a bit. It will be planted on the platform better when I have detailled the interior and placed thing inside. Next is the coal facilities... All the best, James
  6. jamest


    Fantastic modelling - the pictures of the Jinty by the signal box are amazing. Adding the shading and picking out the detail of the figures makes a real difference - the rest of your modelling is pretty good as well! My eye was immediately drawn to the red rag held by the member of the train crew in the jinty photo - an example of a small detail really adding to the overall effect. Thanks for sharing - plenty of inspiration here for me - I'm planning out some coal facilities myself at the moment and this is very useful. Regards, James
  7. I can only echo the other comments. Really like this one and enjoying watching your progress. Regards, James
  8. Hi Chris, Thanks for the advice - I prefer option 1. I've repainted in western region colours to better match what I want to run. I had intended to run mostly stream but I have several green diesels that I would like to run too. I have a green class 20, 33, 35 and 25 and a class 105 DMU. On the steam side of things I have a jinty, pannier, 3MT, and a 2MT Ivatt 2-6-0. I like to get the era and motive power about right - but I claim rule 1 on whether a certain loco might ever have been seen down Devon way! regards, James
  9. Hi all, I'm after a bit of advice on the positioning of my yard crane.. I'm unsure whether the best postion is on the loading platform, or at ground level... On the platform (I favour this one): On the floor serving the other siding - the provinder store could well be closer with the coal on the other side at the buffer stop. Or in this postion on the platform - but I feel this surface is better served as a place trailers can back up against for loading - which would put the crane in the way? Any suggestions greatfully received! Regards, James
  10. Hi all, Here are the pictures from the re-paint to western region colours.... I've also added more ground cover to the yard area - I purchased some fine stone at Trainwest and instead of laying and flooding with diluted pva 'a la ballasting' I applied pva neat to the surface and sieved the fine stone over the top. I'm really pleased with the results. It is probably 'overscale' on the surface roughness but gives the colour mix and texture I like about other peoples layouts on here. The gound cover greenery is also taking shape and I have added the peco fencing behind the loading platform. I've also shamelessly plonked planted a Bachmann loading gauge! I want to weather the ballast and siding a little - but I am worried/wary as I always seem to go too far and make it too dirty - but it looks a little clean at the moment. Thats all for now. Regards, James
  11. Hi Marc, When you say "remove some of the loose ballast" and start ballasting proper..... Do you have some ballast in and around the track when you are spraying? Apologies if I've missed something you've already explained. Regards, James
  12. Hi, Yes reading around I think a re-paint is in order - I picked up some options at the weekend and will be testing them to see which I like best for the chocolate colour. I have downloaded the scalescenes Western region station signs and posters, etc too. Regards, James
  13. Thanks Chaps, I have other Heljan hymeks and I noted their wheel arrangement - there is a small 'boss' diameter on one side as the axle enters the wheel. As others have said it might not be a problem, but I have re-arranged them as per the factory examples anyway. I've not been brave enough to try another chip again yet - but I will watch out for the chip/blanking plate socket. If I'm honest I could well have pushed down on the socket while I was hacking away at the underside! That would explain it working ok before my intervention. I did notice that the blanking plate and chip where relatively loose fits in the loco socket anyway. I might return it to my local shop (where I got it) explaining all this as he is very good with second hand stuff - and he was not sure how 'good' the loco was when selling it. thanks again. Regards, james
  14. Hi all, Question regarding colour scheme of my station buildings. I've gone for the older GWR dark and light stone colours but I've had a crisis of confidence on my choice. I would like to run some green diesels too - so should I have gone for chocolate colour trim as per the Western region? Or could the earlier colour scheme I have chosen survived into the 60s? I could apply rule 1, but I would like the concept to be realistic - if not strictly true (if you see what I mean). Regards, James
  15. Hi, I think I have made a mistake in trying to improve the running of my second hand purchase. It was running ok and smooth...if a bit intermittent - so I thought a wheel clean and re-tweak of the pickups would help. I picked off the bottom cover and removed the wheels - being careful to keep the axles in the same place - but, possibly crucially, I did not insure that I did not turn the wheel set 180 degrees. So what was the left wheel of a set could now be on the right - if you see what I mean. After adjusting the pickups outwards (possibly a bit too much really) I re-assembled (not realising the possible error mentioned above) and tested on DC. It ran better, not perfect, but better. I had already tried it on DCC too before my bodging - and it was ok, but no better. But when I tried it on DCC after my work the chip started to smoke and died after only a few inches of travel! My question is - what potentially did I do wrong that could have induced such an error? Would swapping over the wheels left and right cause this? Regards, James
  16. Hi all, Thanks for the comments - I have some updates, but no train shots I'm afraid. I've added a hedge and barn to the bufferstop end - it is teased out horsehair 'squares' sprayed brown and then coated in scatter: And I've also added some green to the base brown on the entry side: I plan to add a fence behind the loading platform stretching along to the hedge on the road. I will add bushes and other 'rough' groundcover lineside of the fence and have the forground as a field with some livestock. All the best, James
  17. Hi Andy, You really do have an eye for laying out the track so it flows well - the trackplan is certainly not unique as I'm sure you'll agree - but the last picture in particular shows off the gentle curve and platform 'skew' in relation to the baseboard edge. A lesson for anyone new to planning such things - it can't be a coincidence that you have managed to create this on most of your layouts. All the best, James
  18. Hi Marc, My vote would go for straightening the roof a little - if it is possible - I think the 'wave' is a little too pronounced at the moment. But if it is too difficult I would live with it! The scene really is coming together now - really like the white washed shed. All the best, James
  19. Hi, With regard to your question on magnet location.... I would place one in every siding - otherwise you will need to reverse a long way back and return if you want to pickup one wagon and leave an attached second wagon in the siding (hope I've explained that well enough). My inglenook (Bratton Lane in the link in my sig) employed three magnets and it was worth the effort with regard to operation. All the best, James
  20. Keep progressing like this and you'll get plenty of positive comments! Apologies if you've already said - but is that a marcway point? Regards, James
  21. Hi Marc, Thanks for that I'll take a look along the Iain rice trail to see what I can find. I remember seeing the pictures of Ogmore road you posted elsewhere - I'll keep them bookmarked for future reference! And I will be following this with interest. Cheers, James
  22. Hi Marc, Looking forward to seeing this develop as your work is right up my street. I know we should always look forward and not back but do you have anything else on Ogmore road? I've had a quick search and have only found a few more pics on line. I'm interested in the layout as I like the hidden entrance at one end and the off-scene run around at the other. Its similar to an idea for something I'd like to develop. Perhaps a simple track plan sketch? all the best, James
  23. Looking good - will follow with interest. Can I assume that the platform line will terminate at this stop and not carry on (either in reality or practically)? I say that because you could either put in the 'buffers' or suggest that the line continues - even if it doesn't! I also love the rail bus and class 24 - right up my street. All the best, James
  24. Hi, Thanks for the link, I will follow with interest. All the best, James
  25. Hi, Been watching your progress for a while...I really like this concept. So much so I'm tempted to do a version of my own. Thanks for sharing, I will follow with interest. All the best, James
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