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3 link

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Status Replies posted by 3 link

  1. O gauge has bit me. I get an urge to build a full on JLTRT or DJH kit. My N gauge layout is looking a bit sorry for itself :(

  2. What's the price of fish got to do with it?

  3. Chocolate covered sprouts ready for any trick or treater.

  4. Once more into the breach dear friends - well the A11 / A14 and M6 anyway

  5. more brass than a brass thing with extra brass bits on it.

  6. Why am I wasting my time when I could be modelling

  7. Feels inspired to start the O Gauge adventure after being criticised from an Armchair observer that I am "Not a real modeller, because I don't hammer everything out of sheet brass... but use RTR components"

  8. Been offered a job!!! Think a beginners O gauge kit might be in the offering!

  9. Upgrades are a necessary evil - thanks to Andy for explaining, much appreciated

  10. Did a shift today, back in tomorrow. I did promise myself that I'd give up working 7 days a week - then I opened my latest bank statement...

  11. Off to the continent in a month for a lads weekend. Looking forward to it. Wonder if I can sneak in a model shop and a shoot around Amsterdam Centraal?

  12. The brake pedal on my Picasso seems to double the speed of the indicator light. I shouldn't be surprised if there is a Cubic law governing braking pressure and indicator flashing speed. A Renault Monet would have made a better impression.

  13. has attained 75.8mpg. That's more like it :-)

  14. has attained 75.8mpg. That's more like it :-)

  15. Two bear cubs climbing on the trellis in the backyard, eating the grapes - where's the camera? ... WHERE IS THE CAMERA?? Too late - they've gone!

  16. Taking the boys to Shoreham airshow tomorrow; hoping they'll get to see the Vulcan flown like it should be flown... visually impressive and noisy with the howl! Hope it's not the last chance but best to do it now I suspect.

  17. Working on a layout that my Dad owen's 120 feet of main line track ballasted, shed and yard one and two almost done, the yard one willhold about 130 wagons!.

  18. Is beginning to regret the current project. Scratch building the detail on a 4mm class 47 bogie. There really are lots of fiddly bits ... including the bits around the primary springs that are just too damm fiddly to see how I could make. Maybe I'm tired. Maybe a break is needed. Even the three springs I've made are not consistent. Over a month of not getting anywhere.

  19. wonders if there's some obscure detailing kit out there for an ex-DR "Ludmilla" diesel.....

  20. da*n this site is fast now!

  21. Railmatch, that's another aerosol you owe me AGHHHH !!! Why can't you get it sorted !!!

  22. Managed 58mpg in the Beetle on my way to the office, isn't that really interesting?

  23. Only acheived 47.3 mpg on the way to work this morning ;-)

  24. ******* mossies!

  25. 1 order to shop 1 for a pile of point jigs and materials hurry back sweet order so i can make a restart my Mojo is now rampant and the urge is running like the nile in flood

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