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3 link

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  2. Major shelf collapse - get all the books away when the 6ft shelf above my desk decided it didn't want to play. Books now all over floor.

  3. wishes Slaters would chemically blacken the wheelsets they include in their kits.

  4. Why all the fuss about what Hornby will do next year, still not one damn thing that I wish to buy.

  5. It was while at scout camp I mastered the Sheepshank.People say that Knot tying is a useless skill but try telling that to my bin bags.

  6. is distinctly underwhelmed by the Hornby announcements...no 0 gauge at all....

  7. Now seems to be an epidemic of people using you're when they mean your. Aaarrrgh! But perhaps they are being ironic . . .

  8. Is it too early to start the 'MRJ 220 - where is it I can't find it its not in smiffs yet' thread?

  9. Has anyone worked out what Hornby's "design clever" might mean?

  10. If a bus station is where you catch a bus, and a train station (ugh!) is where you catch a train, what's a fire station for?

  11. in yet another hotel, this time next to Butlins in Bognor

  12. Has had a row with my printer. I think I won, as its now in the bin. Although I now can't print want I want!

  13. Staff Christmas Doo tomorrow night. Really not looking forward to it to be honest...

  14. Trying to find my GWR hall kit in the Brazilian postal system.

  15. I'm convinced that some people just don't understand how lavatories in Voyagers work... why else would a businessman in First Class leave his sh*t for me to flush away??!!

  16. ...I must not watch 2 hours of car crashes on you tube! I must not watch...

  17. ...I must not watch 2 hours of car crashes on you tube! I must not watch...

  18. has discovered some theiving git has nicked the heated door mirror glass from the car. >:-X

  19. Why is it that as a confirmed N gauge modeller O gauge is really appealing but OO isn't...?!

  20. Lots of lovely 0 gauge stuff at Thornbury, with a strong local group presence. Very tempted to investigate further...

  21. Why is it that as a confirmed N gauge modeller O gauge is really appealing but OO isn't...?!

  22. Yesterday, in this blog, I launched an unwarrented and undeserved attack on Physicsman due entirely to my own misinterpritation of his post. I am happy to withdraw my remarks and offer my sincere apologies to everyone for my error. Assuring you of my good behavoir in future. With Regards

  23. Joined the GOG. The first slip...

  24. The former physics teacher may with to know that the last time I was tipsy as a result of drinking Theakestones Old Peculiar (or any other alcohol) was at my daughters wedding which was 8 years ago. In fact I detest drunkeness in any form! Which is why I found his comment about my being inebriated after I indulged in some mild leg-pulling on his thread both derogatory and insulting. Best wishes for Xmas and the future to all on RMWeb.

  25. Warburtons + Anchor butter = :-)

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