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Worsdell forever

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Everything posted by Worsdell forever

  1. Dr Merryweather's Tempest Prognosticator!

    1. Porcy Mane

      Porcy Mane

      Will it predict landslides... >?)

  2. 60 thou would be the best alternative, a little larger may make them look better, it's only .2mm.
  3. Nice weather tomorrow - day off. Horrible weather tomorrow - got to go to work...

    1. Boris


      Turn your phone off!


    2. class"66"


      Yer its realy snowing here!!!!

  4. He also has a drilling jig to position the customers where they are in the photos, I spent a lot of time getting them in the right plaices...
  5. Not boring at all Steve, could have watched another half hour!
  6. Acetylene cylinders were and indeed still are maroon, Oxygen cylinders were all over black, they now have a white collar. I think the older colours came in in 1973. Old and new colours can be found here. There may have been some Propane cylinders used for heating as well as cutting in place of the Acetylene. Edit, the new colour codes came in in 2004 in the UK.
  7. Something like this? unfortunately it's a magazine advert and too early...
  8. That's reminded me I was going to do one of these conversions. I may have a body somewhere, I believe it is quite accurate, the underframe is a work of fiction as David has shown they can be greatly improved to make a really useful model.
  9. Whitby on the news again, East side still falling into the harbour just like it has been for the last few thousand years...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mallard60022


      It's the skeleton staff that I feel sorry for..............

    3. Metr0Land


      Yes the frontline staff have been cut back to the bare bones

    4. skipepsi


      Thought it was a slow news day but 1900 years old news!

  10. Hi All, Thanks for all the 'Likes', I must be doing something right! Hi Stu, They are from three makes, the one leaning I think is a 247 Developments driver/fireman, the one behind him and the one eating his F & C are from Pete Goss and the other two, the one in the Gannex coat and the one with the bags (diesel driver?) are from Phoenix Scale Miniatures.
  11. Looking good, I would say the beam would have two supports, giving three bays of about 9' each. These supports could have been brick pillars, giving you the excuse to distress the lower bricks.
  12. VVC 700S is what the model started out as, the one I've modelled should be a darker green and it time permits later on I may repaint it, for now it will stay as it is. Couldn't resist creating a queue for the chip van. Still a few little jobs to finish on it, lights, rear legs, hatch stays and a step. The blu-tac is there to hold him up, I think he's just fallen out of the 8 Locks pub...
  13. If you don't eat yer meat, you can't have any pudding. How can you have any pudding if you don't eat yer meat?

    1. kevpeo


      you, yes you, stand still laddie!

    2. Steve Taylor

      Steve Taylor

      wrong, do it again

    3. 69843


      Listen everyone. Laddie recons himself a poet!

  14. Had a bit of a Google and they must be these? Of course we don't need gimmicks to sell F & C round here, we just sell the best...
  15. I was going on the few bits I could find on t' Internet, not a great lot of sites giving prices of fish & chips in 1975! these prices are just below what was quoted, the chip van that came to our village when Ah wer' a lad (Tuesday night, 8 o'clock) was priced about the same as most chip shops. According to one site the price went up from 50p to 60p between 75 & 76! Yes, it will get a chimney and it will be lettered, just not sure exactly how it will look yet. Orange chips? Our 'Pop Man' had a Transit pick-up with a canopy over the back. It was from Lowcocks in Middlesbrough, I think this is an earlier one.
  16. As Eric suggests No 1 looks like one of these LMS ones, Parkside kit.
  17. So. in anticipation of a queue for 'chippy night' tomorrow (friday) the menu (sounds way too posh for a van like this...) has been put out. I've done a bit of Googling tonight to try and find out some prices, all was a little vague but a rough estimate is below. Fish and Chips 40p Pie and Chips 35p Pie 30p Chips 5p Peas 3p Bread & Butter 2p Tea 3p They had to sell pies of course...
  18. I hope he enjoys them, I haven't tried them yet...
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