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Accurascale Fran

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Everything posted by Accurascale Fran

  1. Hi Dogbox, That's correct, we (well ESU) recorded D9019 for our sound project. We cant say too much more on it at the moment as its still very much a work in progress but we will see if it's feasible to have one engine only mode. Cant promise anything, but can certainly try. Cheers, Fran
  2. We’re going to do as much detail variation as we can but there will come a line that we will have to draw when it comes to tooling some detail variations! D9000s big light being one such I can think of! Cheers! Fran
  3. It was so good Phil and delivered at the perfect time on both days to give me a much needed sugar boost that we can certainly look into it. I’ll see what we can do. Regards to you, your good lady and those baking skills! Fran
  4. Thanks Baz, great to meet you too! We are finally back in Dublin after our first Warley show, and what an amazing show and experience it was! Thank you everyone who stopped by to meet us, to come by for our Deltic launch and who made purchases! It was great to be able to put faces to names and chat, even if it was for just a brief period when we were mobbed during various parts of the weekend. We were flat out at times and we look forward to meeting you and others at some of the shows we’ll be attending in 2019. Our office and dispatch will get back tomorrow and we have a huge amount of HUOs to dispatch to new homes from your online orders. The most popular pack at Warley was our NCB pack, which flew off our stand! Cheers! Fran
  5. Hi Phil, It was a little from column A, and a little from column B. We are big fans of them and it also felt like a model that we could really go to town with detail wise As well as really put Accurascale on the map. In many ways from a business POV it was a no brainer. Cheers! Fran
  6. He’s made his comeback at the right time, must’ve sensed something. I’ll be damned if I’m measuring or scanning him though!
  7. Hi Deltic fan, the 3D print is currently sitting on HUO wheelsets sitting atop of what will be the gearbox so the wheels do look slightly odd. We have an engineering solution for this age old question that will deliver a most convincing look in the model which will be apparent with engineering prototypes etc in the coming months. Cheers! Fran
  8. Well we did say “Go big or go home” and we are happy to listen to feedback once it is constructive as we want to get it right just as much as the most die hard enthuasts! As I said, we are talking to Brian and other authorities in Deltics, and it will be right. We get a 3D print to assess as part of this process, but we have utmost confidence that the final product will be right and that’s the most important thing. Cheers! Fran
  9. Hi Meld, Thanks for your feedback, we are still tweaking cad and can assure you that this will be an accurate and definitive Deltic. We are confident that the shape will be correct and as you say have been in conversation with several serious authorities on the real Deltics such as Brian. He has been very helpful and there have been several tweaks made since the print as we had a lead time to get it done for the show. We are fully confident it will look right, ride right, run right and be the excellent model of these babies that we all crave. Cheers Fran
  10. Hi everyone, Firstly, thank you for all your wonderful feedback today, both here and elsewhere online as well as at the show. It’s been one very busy day, and thanks to everyone who dropped by the stand for the launch and a chat, and especially for your orders and feedback. Also, thanks to Mr Bullock for our treats from his good lady, and the ladies of Model Rail for the coffee to keep us going! As in sure you can all appreciate, this is a 3D test print as Stephen explained earlier, and it has also been cobbled together with temporary wheels etc. They can’t be 3D printed convincingly after all! Great to see so many RMWebbers today too and we hope to meet many more of you tomorrow! Cheers, Fran
  11. We’re at Warley Model Railway Club & Exhibition and we’re all set to go! Join us on Facebook Live from 10:30 to find out what it is! https://www.facebook.com/AccurascaleUK/
  12. That was just for show attendees to warn them that when they see our stuff they absolutely will spend their money!
  13. We are all set up and ready to go for Warley Model Railway Club & Exhibition 2018! Drop by our stand to pick up some HUOs, see samples of the Cemflo, PCA and 7mm HUO and of course see our big announcement at 10:30am! Drop by and say hi, stand B31A!
  14. Well everyone, you have provided us with all sorts of interesting guesses and suggestions. You all seem so eager to know what we are doing so it seems cruel to hold it in any longer, so here’s a sneak peek! As someone of you may know, Lima released a number of Class 33s in CIE livery, masquerading as an A Class. It seemed fitting to complete that circle since we are doing a proper A Class with IRM, so here is our A in Class 33 livery! Other liveries are available, such as triple grey construction sector which we feel is fitting for an Irish loco in British outline guide! We know, you are all beside yourselves with excitement! Please form an orderly queue at our stand tomorrow to place your orders. We think that this is going to be such a winner we have drafted in additional staff to deal with demand! See you tomorrow! Fran
  15. All will be revealed on Saturday but we will say we have worked very close with the provider. It will be a first rate system too and the reasonable price will not be reflective of a cheap, poorly designed system. It’s going to be top quality as you will find out as the project progresses. Correct, it’s at 10:30. Cheers! Fran
  16. I have 3 Hornby 5 car sets here I plan to modify, will they do instead?
  17. We always said we do things differently. No nasty surprises now Now there's an idea. First person to name a model and give us 1,000 orders up front can have anything they like. Cant say fairer than that? Cheers, Fran
  18. Hi everyone, Just a bit more information ahead of Saturday! We will be offering it for pre-order on Saturday, both online and on our stand. You can choose to pay in full, or a deposit of £30 per locomotive should you wish to pay in more manageable chunks between now and delivery which will be Q4 2019. Both DCC ready and DCC sound variants will be offered on all running numbers and liveries we are doing. Price for DCC ready is £160, and DCC sound is £250. Cheers! Fran
  19. Hi everyone, Just a we reminder that we will be attending the Warley show this year as a manufacturer and trader for the first time on stand B31A. If you remember it was a year ago when we first broke cover and Andy sought us out at Warley 2017 when nobody really knew who we were! We're really excited to be coming back to the show this year with our new stand and unveiling our first British outline locomotive at 10:30am on Saturday morning! It's been an eventful 12 months as I am sure you have all gathered! We have received a few emails asking if we sell our models at shows recently. The answer is yes, we do! We will have stocks of pre TOPS, TOPS and NCB HUO wagons with us as well as our buffer detail packs. What's more, to celebrate our first Warley show, we are doing our one and only ever HUO sale, with each pack bought on the stand £55.01 (the penny is a long, long story!) We also know that Warley isnt for everyone, so we have put the same deal online for the duration of the weekend and are including Black Friday to give you all some further savings. Again it is a once off, and the sale ends on Sunday evening at 10pm https://accurascale.co.uk/collections/24-5t-huo-coal-hopper-oo-gauge We were busy preparing for the show all week and our stock is already on its way. I need to be neater with my pallet wrapping though! This is the HUO stock we are bringing for the weekend, make sure we come home with an empty pallet! We also have some IRM orange cement bubbles too should they take your fancy! Also on our stand will be a 3D print of our loco as pre-production samples of the Cemflo, 7mm HUO, PCA and Rawie buffer stops and we can also take pre-orders for all these items on our stand during the weekend. So, please stop by and say hi, or even just have a quick look. A year ago nobody really knew who we are, and a year on many still dont, but hopefully you get to learn more about us this weekend and beyond and see how we do things. See you at stand B31A! Cheers, Fran
  20. Hi Dungrange, We did look at it from the outset of the project and deemed it not viable at the time. However, going by how successful the PCAs have been so far through pre-orders (seriously popular!) we may take a look at it again in the future after these variants sell out. Cheers! Fran
  21. Meanwhile Realtrack models has received their first production sample from us for the N PCA. You can see it here and let the guys know your thoughts! https://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/42803-pca-cement-wagon-project/?p=3372426 Cheers, Fran
  22. King will always be the superior Irish crisp! I will bring a bag for a lucky winner if I think of it! 'fraid not! Cheers, Fran
  23. Hi Alan, We may have a Glasgow announcement to make but I will know nearer the time. I can tell you that we do not have a cally coach in the works at the moment though. Cheers, Fran
  24. Hi J, To be honest we haven’t fully decided yet, we may do what we are doing for our Irish loco, where we take a deposit and the balance can be paid off before the model arrives in stock (though most are opting to pay up front!). We’ll know by Saturday though! See you then! Fran
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