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Everything posted by wollastonblue

  1. Paul, Best solution, drop the tenner to Andy Y for the Forum funds. Everyone's a winner then. Cheers Alex
  2. Having just arrived back from France. I was unaware of Zola being sacked. Sums up the Golds and Sullivans, while I do not deny what they did for Birmingham City was a lot of good, there was also a lot of bad. Ticket prices for one. Congratulations to Chelsea on the double. One statistic for you only two teams have stopped Chelsea from scoring this season. Inter Milan and...... Birmingham City! Congratulations to all those supporters whose teams won something, survived, or got promoted. But as a Birmingham City fan, though I am chuffed to bits with our season. Bodes well for the future. Now didn't a Wolves fan owe me tenner somewhere?
  3. Play That Funky Music - Wild Cherry
  4. Everyday - Agnelli and Nelson (These mentions of Christmas is depressing, it's only May).
  5. Pretty in Pink - The Psychadelic Furs
  6. Devil My Cry - Sanctus (Trance Yeah!!)
  7. I did pre-order the NSE version, but I think I'm going to change to the All Blue Sound Version now. I didn't realise they were repainted so late in NSE. Oh well time to dig out the plastic. The unit will be running as a Hastings unit on my layout. I can live with the 1mm too wide, but then again I live with my track being 2.33mm too narrow.
  8. Hi, Fantastic layout. May I enquire about the 3 Story Townhouses, are they Scratchbuilt or from a Kit? I really like them, and would like something similar on my layout. Cheers
  9. As promised a photographic update of how the layout has bee progressing. Rather slowly, but hope to speed up a little over the next few weeks, as I've got a fortnight off soon to recuperate from an operation. As usual any comment etc. all gratefully received.
  10. Whole of the Moon - The Waterboys
  11. One of the parts of Railway Modelling I find really fun is creating the fictional history, and locations for my layouts. So with the purchase of a 3rd Rail EMU, a scottish layout seems to be a bit too far fetched. So here goes with Smallbridge. The name comes from one of my literary heroes Hornblower, who after his exploits against the French was made Baron Hornblower of Smallbridge, and a bit of a google has found no Smallbridge in Kent. I did try and find something with a Doctor Syn reference, but couldn't find anything fictitional locations. Small references to Hornblower will hopefully be made on and around the layout. The Location: Smallbridge is a medium sized seaside town between Camber Sands and Dungeness. Smallbridge had a large fishing fleet, and as result of this a railway built to serve the town, and the fishing fleet. During the 20th Century, the fishing fleet dwindled, but the tourism boomed. The Southern Railway deemed it big enough to add to the 3 Rail network. A small terminus station serves the town, and a TMD, and a Coachwork Shed are also in operation up until the late 1980s. Passenger Rail Services to Smallbridge: 4CEP The hourly service to and from London Victoria. 205 DEMU (On order from Kernow) Service to Brighton/Ashford 2EPB Frequent service to Canterbury via Dover Loco with Mk1 Cross Country Service to Edinburgh (formed of 3 coaches, and formed into a larger train at Reading) The New Bachmann FNA will provide a Nuclear Flask service from the Dungeness Power Station. The Coachwork Shed will provide a fitting out for Pullmans from VSOE, and Mk1 Pullmans A service train of TTAs, and VDAs will also run to service the Coachworks and TMD So other locos are due to join the fleet. The fuel unloading depot as featured on the previous layour will be going. I will update the current layout building situation, later today. As usual all comments, critism, suggestions etc welcome.
  12. Swagger With Us - TINo (Sorry had to google one to keep the game going).
  13. Well if you haven't cottoned on by now, I have a new love in my life. I couldn't help myself. This is the story anyway. I was helping out at Churchrail on Saturday, and after a really enjoyable stint operating Summat Colliery, and then relieving the gentleman of Highley Unlikely for a while, the guys at Castle Trains had bought with them a Shiny New Bachmann Blue Grey 4CEP. To say I was seduced is an understatement, before I knew I had whipped out the Debit Card, and purchased the unit. After a short run on Hythe Parkway, she was boxed up and returned to Stourbridge, where a brief run on my layout she looks right at home. Time to rethink a building or two, and also the history and location of the layout. Dungeness way may be an idea to make use of the FNA being brought out by Bachmann. I have done some more work on the layout, which I will update the blog later today with piccies. As always any suggestions, critism, or advice welcome.
  14. Viva La Diva - Dana International Are Eurovision Songs allowed?
  15. Give Me Louisiana - State Song of Louisiana (Had quiz round on American State things in the pub the other week).
  16. Hi Pete, Thanks for that. However: Rules - Suggest a Song that uses any word from the previous song posted, not the Artist. Cheers Alex
  17. Plastic Man - The Kinks (Don't know how we got from Drop the Pilot Joan Armatrading to Monkey Man - The Wiggles though).
  18. Welders wanted in Aston area of Birmingham. Must be able to weld roof back onto open top bus.
  19. New York City Boy - The Pet Shop Boys
  20. I think he buys the Locos fitted and removes the decoders and speakers, and then lists them seperately. Using my local shops prices thats profit of £35 per loco if he sells the decoder for £95 and the Loco for £55.
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