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Everything posted by luke_stevens

  1. Ultrascale do the exactly correct wheels for the 4-6-0 County: https://www.ultrascale.uk/eshop/products/view/CAT006/181 Luke
  2. refresh the page. it doesn't seem to auto load. L
  3. Morning! I suspect the person who is concerned enough to want pin-on-spoke rather than pin-between-spoke will be sufficiently worried about the 16.5 rather 18.83 that the would be re-wheeling / re-chassining anyhow! Luke
  4. Latvian Railways have the same problem with oil. There is more than enough demand for a service to / from Ventspils, just not enough capacity for a passenger service. Luke
  5. The reuse of the wheels from 4115 was a fundamental element of getting the 47XX replica built. Without them we wouldn't be going to have a "new" 47XX on its way. Of course it would have been nice for Heljan to have tooled up a different wheel just for this model but doing what they have done means that they now have both the CADs for a 61XX and the correct driving wheels (in 4mm). If it means we get a 61XX it will have been a worthwhile compromise. Luke
  6. I think the curious thing is why are they suddenly announcing something 2 days before Warley? I wonder if they are going to announce something that someone else was already going to announce? Adams Radial and Class 71's again? Luke
  7. Now as a hyperlink... https://www.shapeways.com/shops/sparkshotcustomcreationsscc Luke
  8. Please No! I doubt that anything produced today will be carpet-safe. Get a piece of board and nail / stick the track down. Luke
  9. I have the driving wheels of 47XX, 5101 and 61XX all at 5'8". The new build 47XX is using the 5'8" wheels from 4115. If they weren't acceptably correct they wouldn't be using them. Swindon standardisation at it's best. Not sure where you get the 5'3" from. Were you thinking of the 5 highly non-standard 3100's that Collett rebuilt in '38 from 3150's? Luke
  10. True, but the wheels on the rebulit 47XX happen to be identical... So Heljan has the CADs and the correct wheels. Wouldn't that be nice ? Luke
  11. luke_stevens


    Just for clarification the last item is on full clearance sale as neither the off switch not the volume control work... (Love his enthusiasm really!) Luke
  12. I would think that if it is the Golden Arrow version then it will only have the headcodes appropriate for the Golden Arrow. Any other headcode would be wrong Luke
  13. In was very impressed to see these in operation on the Gaugemaster display at the Bluebell Railway model railways weekend (24&35 June 17) The key thing I thought was how quiet they were! Look forward to getting mine... Luke
  14. I'm working on on too. As you've done it's better to match up the from axles with the splashers and have the rear stick our, so to speak. Do you have any front / smoke box shots? I really must finish mine. Luke
  15. Oooh! Interesting! Clearly a 94XX! Could be a red herring. But I like the idea of announcing something at Warley and have it arrive just a few months later. The article is Aug 15 and states "As I write this, I am several months into researching the new items for our 2017 range and I’m looking ahead to what we might consider modelling in 2018. ", but under the 94xx photo it states "Measuring up the locomotives and rolling stock - not all projects make it through" Paul Isles says he joined in summer 14 so he'd have to be measuring up the 94xx after Bachmann had announced theirs... Luke
  16. Also known as: "We've done nothing about it, but we announced it so no-body else would announce it because we'd like to do it but there are lots of other things to do, though if anyone else does announce it we'll suddenly start work on it really fast!" Luke
  17. I had the same at the club last week. A few swipes with a needle file to remove a slight tight spot at the place of transition from curve-to-straight and all was fine. Luke
  18. That will be the sort of vapourware that started to be delivered last month, that mine arrived last week and that I fitted a sound decoder on Sunday. You are right "Just remember some people spout utter rubbish on here with no basis whatsoever". Unfortunately at the moment you are one of those people Luke, very happy with his weathered DJModels 71
  19. Took delivery of my weathered 71 today. Lovely model with exquisite moulding (particularly the bogies) and fine details (pantograph). There was a couple of oil marks on the body which slightly marred the weathered finish, but the faded with gently rubbing with a slightly damp cotton bud. The one thing that is a slight concern is that the loco is developing a slight surging effect. It can't be heard but I can see it slightly pulsing at about once per wheel revolution. It's unchipped at the moment and I delicately placed a couple fo drops of oil on the gears as instructed. Has anyone experience something similar? And has anyone got a suggestion as to what is causing it and / or suggestions of how to stop it? It seems like a slight binding in one of the gear towers / bogies but I may be wrong. Thanks Luke PS it is not at all sufficient to return it!
  20. I believe E6002, but not sure how long it ran before getting the grey/green sole bar. I was talking with someone who suggested "a couple of weeks"! he say them when they were new and was surprised when there was a livery addition so quickly. Luke
  21. When I talked with Kernow Chris today about delivery dates he said July - August (17!). He also said the 4TC's are July - August (17) and the D6XX not far behind. I said I'd have to choose between the Bullied and the 4TC, with the 4TC winning. I asked if they would be doing 10203 in green with the small yellow panel. He said they would be later and I said I'd have one of these (budget permitting!) Luke
  22. Hi Dave, This is the installation Guide on the Youchoos web site. http://www.youchoos.co.uk/Index-Resource.php?L1=Guides&Item=DJM14XX And this is the function list, order option and the ability to listen to the sound file. http://www.youchoos.co.uk/Index-Shop.php?L1=Project&Item=GWR14XX No connection but happy customer of sound for pannier, S15 and A3. Luke
  23. The photos are great. It's nice to see something simply done well. I have't seen Sheepcroft in person yet but hope to do so. Yours Luke
  24. Just seen the photo on Phil Parkers blog http://philsworkbench.blogspot.co.uk/2017/02/stafford-2017.html He seemed impressed. I am too. Simple but carefully done! Luke
  25. Unless I'm very much mistaken the BR roundel on green mk1's is only appropriate for the "Royal Wessex". Luke
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