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Hal Nail

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Everything posted by Hal Nail

  1. Reminds me of the old, whats the last thing that goes through a fly's mind when it hits a high speed train at 125? Its @rse.
  2. I have a total limit i'm getting close to. There is a double whammy in that kit prices have rocketed up towards the equivalent r-t-r and made up kits just aren't selling now, so my largely self sufficient way of modelling needs a rethink. The 73, which isn't entirely typical for Bodmin in 1957, probably wont happen and I might sell my 33 as well (when i get round to replacing the gears).
  3. Its got the right number of wheels, distributed evenly either side of the centre. What we like about a model is entirely personal. For me, if a key aspect of a model looks wrong and spoils the character (speaking generally, not specifically this one), unless it is an easy fix, it woudn't make any difference to me if the rest was honed from gold. And the converse is also true. If it basically looks right (which comes down to everyone's individual familiarity and observational skills) but a detail somewhere is wrong or missing, I'd either sort that out or ignore it.
  4. Better light - although the usual problem its picked up the weathering far more than the naked eye sees. I probably need to get round to making a photo plank.
  5. Something I find interesting and concerning really, is that we seem to collectively recognise when the UK economics are not in great shape, but somehow we are supposed to be individually immune to this and it should be others who suffer. eg yes theres a war going in, we've had unprecendented spending on a pandemic, its harder to exploit cheap labour elsewhere and arguably the worldwide public are finding it increasingly hard to work out the least bad leadership candidate - but nevertheless it would be really gutting if a model wagon went up.
  6. Tower Models have the leaflet up. They speak directly to manufacturers for updates so their dates tend to be reliable, eg they usually hear when things are on the water (and you can gauge the progress from the status of those ahead in the queue as well) and all the different news is in one place. But admittedly in many cases you would only have 362 days warning for next years models.
  7. Its not my company, so I could but would probably have to be a one way trip!
  8. On the bright side ive been sat on some dollars at work for years because i couldn't be bothered to sort them and can offload them now and still realise a gain after the bank take their massive cut!
  9. Bear in mind us hearing 3 days earlier would have had zero impact but having a marketing team would put the price up!
  10. GWR toad - I'm going to guess at AA19 or 20
  11. I think these would likely have been patched but in 1960 the question is more whether they would have had any paint on the rest! Ample scope for replacement planks and much darker seasoned and unpainted wood.
  12. Yes and 10 ft wheelbase as well. There are always exceptions to most rules (and RMWebbers do love to throw them into a discussion!), but black patches for grey, no patches for bauxite and xp on 10 foot fitted was the norm in your time frame. Something like this might be of use but not hard to find photos either http://igg.org.uk/rail/6-livy/br/9-br-4864.htm
  13. Dont think its that book, unless i just missed it. All the grey ones have patches.
  14. Latest state of play: I did end up painting the safety valve cover green in the end. The contrast between my laptop and my phone is so vast its impossible to judge what people are seeing when i put a picture up. To the naked eye its quite a rich green with a dusty boiler top.
  15. These two have clearly had tender swaps as the crest has reverted to the earlier one. I think more than likely black in that photo tho, as very few tenders would be green large early crest at any point, let alone in the 60s (the two locos werent allocated to Barnstaple till later on). Now you've said it, could be persuaded the loco is green though!
  16. Its a staggering amount of capital tied up. Given the Heljan mogul didnt really sell quickly either, I cant see any more tender locos being done in a hurry - although of course people tend to ignore obvious lessons these days so hopefully someone else wades in!
  17. Not quite the point of the question but related, if using 3 link, for stock where access to the hook is restricted (eg Lionheart mk1s, rear of Hattons LNER tender etc), Ive been thinking a simple solutìon is to just have a variety of "one link" loops that can be slipped on the hard to access hook (easier to do if only one loop, as rigid and thus self-supporting as you aim)! Wouldnt look any less prototypical than resorting to alternative types of coupling or more drastic modifications to allow access and can just be taken off again once not needed.
  18. I find it ironic that we have all these things to be aware of these days but despite that, society is going downhill fast. Stuff that affects everyone, like unusually high call volumes, an inadequate electoral system and declining levels of education, we are apparently powerless to do anything about. But we are quick to stamp out laughter in case anyone is accidentally offended.
  19. There are good deals around and I would certainly argue O is better value but I dont think its true to say they cost roughly the same (per earlier) and prices are going up. I would aim to pay or get £28 for a Parkside kit 4 or 5 years ago. Its nudging £40 now and not even for a new release, just the cost of exactly the same thing. That said, this works both ways when you come to sell. My net outlay is nothing like it would be if my hobbies involved cars or women! By the way, in case the OP isnt aware, the secific 7mm section on here has a range of useful threads.
  20. Actually i buy and then sell quite a bit so maybe its just a few of us swapping stuff!
  21. Who is it selling all the O gauge stuff on eBay all the time then?
  22. Noticed the other day that Antics had some 16T for 30 quid so snapped them up and I've been messing about with these. The 45xx is progressing, building up weathering on the cab front, firebox and boiler very slowly, removing most each time to try and get an even finish. Green is the hardest colour to weather as it "adopts" whatever shade you put on.
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