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Everything posted by Grimleygrid

  1. Excellent photos looking inside the shed MM, you have done a great job detailing the inside of the building. Great work!
  2. Hi Leon, I like the gas storage tank, looks very nice indeed. The back scenes look really good, certainly gives the layout that industrial look and feel. Loving the Grid and 60 action. Whenever I see your 062 it makes me want to get one and re-number it as 002 or 003! I agree with Peter, the Metals 37 on the OCAs looks Fab, nice weathering on the wagons.
  3. Hi Leon, I know what you mean it does seem to be dragging on a bit! In my opinion Railfreight livery definitely suited the 58s best, could do with a few more…. Thanks for the information Dave; superb work on the rails. I am not quite at that stage yet, lagging behind Stewart’s Lane I would say! Certainly when I am ready that will come in handy. Might have to get the Stewart’s Lane Permanent Way gang down to Boxenby to help out!! Well not too much to report. I have managed to add the H sections to the wall behind roads 1 to 4 and the lathe road. I had planned to start work adding the metalwork to the main wall behind the dead-end roads but my main PC has decided to play up. As the photos from my visit to the real depot are on it and I need to browse through some of them before starting work, research and progress will be temporarily halted. Hopefully this week I can get the PC fixed and in turn do a bit more modelling. Here are a few photos to show recent progress, please excuse the leaning locos but as mentioned before this will be addressed once the pits are glued down.
  4. Hi Peter, your 33026 looks just like how I remember them when we saw Cromptons on our ventures down on the southern region. Great weathering as always. You have certainly have been busy, I am looking forward to seeing what you do with your depot area. Have you got any ideas for what sort of shed you are going to build?
  5. Hi MM, yes it does make a big difference and once shaped to fit the roof line should also change the look further. Also once painted it will also make it darker inside. Thanks Chris, just need a few more Type 5s! Thanks David. Hi Peter, yes the walls will be staying white but will be toned down with some light weathering. They need to look like they have been covered in years and years worth of grime and diesel clag! I have just about managed not to get a Bachmann 20090, yet! But not sure for how much longer though! Yes a couple of the pits are not quite right but that is just because they have been plonked down so hopefully once in their permanent position and glued down all should be fine. Fingers crossed! Hi Dave, well I have to say that after looking at your depot my mind has been made up and unfortunately this now means many hours to be spent filling in the joins…..but as you say if it is worth doing then it is worth doing properly. I can also envisage later on me regretting not doing it every time I look at it. So at some point over the summer I plan to get that job done and dusted. Thanks for the inspiration Dave. Over the weekend more work has been carried out on the metalwork on the wall to the rear of the through roads and also the short wall by road 4. The latter has now been finished with just the smaller H section girders to be added to the rear wall. Here is a photo of progress, apologies for the quality it was quickly taken last night with my old mobile: Hopefully this weekend I can get the H section girders added to the rear wall and then get the metal work on the wall behind the dead-end roads.
  6. Coming on nicely Jo, love the shed building. You have made a superb job of that and I look forward to seeing it finished.
  7. Hi Dave, well if Stewart’s Lane gets short of Brush traction just let me know and Boxenby will send a few down 0Z60! Thinking about it my 60 fleet have not worked any heavy freight for nearly 18 months…..perhaps they should head down south! Your floor and pits look superb, I just hope that I can get mine looking half as good as yours. I have to confess that I am not overly looking forward to working on the floor! Not sure if I have the patience to fill in all the gaps but as you say will make a big difference to the look. I might just wait and see when the time comes to fitting them permanently….after seeing your latest photos I think that I may have to put in the time and effort to do it as the pits do look superb. Hi Mark, as Dave has said they are a great company to deal with and their work is first class would highly recommend them to anyone. Thanks I am very pleased with how the metalwork has turned out and looking forward to getting more of it added. Hopefully this weekend! I too think that your Red 60 would look good inside the shed! I use the Squadron White putty for filling, very nice stuff to work with and also files/sands down easily giving a nice finish. I have now managed to have a look through the parts that arrived the other day and have to say that I am very pleased. Here is a photo of the roof sections just put down on the top of the shed. I need to put a small score line down the middle to allow the sections to then be bent to fit the roof line. Once in position, the roof sections reduces the light coming in through the top of the shed and give a more realistic feel to the inside. Here is a shot taken with natural light, although I have just notice the re-railing gang need to be called!
  8. Hi Mark, nice to see some Brush Type 5s at Rannoch. Love the photo of 11 on the viaduct, superb! Might have to get a model of 011……. Not sure if you are aware but 11 has an oil leak so will need to go to Boxenby for attention!
  9. Hi Chris, I look forward to seeing 132 finished, always did like them in original Railfreight livery. She will indeed look very nice on a rake of HEAs. Hopefully next year Hornby will do one in that livery! At some point I would like a model of 31199 as it appeared to follow us whenever we were out!
  10. Hi Leon, Nice tractors! I bet now that you have the siding down and can run trains, you will be playing rather than working on the layout! !
  11. Thanks MM. Today I received a parcel from York Modelmaking which includes parts to help with the outside walls, brickwork and roof sections. Hopefully tomorrow I can have a proper look at what is inside.
  12. Hi Guy, I am very pleased with the trusses and they certainly add something to the look of the inside. Once the pipes and other bits and bobs get added it will improve the look of the walls even more. They were purchased from the 4D Model Shop, Brass open web truss 10mm x 4 lengths Ref. Code: SO10004. I suppose you could join them although the top edge is slightly thicker than the bottom but that is not exactly a problem. Hope that helps. Thanks Leon. Not sure how it has got that many views! Thanks Chris, some dirt and soot plus pipes and trunking will make a big difference to the walls, but I am now beginning to feel that progress is finally being made. Also once the roof is on it wall darken the inside which will change the appearance too. I have been doing some further work on the walls and now the metalwork on the east wall is complete with the lathe wall finished apart from the two ends. These have been left until I have finished working on the entrance to the lathe road from both the front and rear of the shed. My plan is to get the metalwork in place on all the walls including the shutter doors before finally adding the pipes and trunking. A couple of photos, please excuse the quality as I used my old mobile to take them! First off 58037 on road 4: 56032 sitting on road 16 which will house the wheel lathe: For those of you that like me are quite fond of the Brush class 60 I have added a couple. 60091 sits on road 4: 60076 on road 16:
  13. Thanks Class66, it is albeit slowly!! Thanks David. Thanks Tim, yes I have spent a few hours on it so far and a few more to come too I think! York Model making are a great company to deal with, very friendly and helpful and as you say their products are first class. I am a very happy customer! I keep looking at photos of the real shed and wonder what my model will look like once covered. Hopefully it will resemble the real one! Thanks Mark, yeah I know a few 60s are required, although they will be in Coal, Metals, Petroleum and may be a construction one…. Feel free to send any of yours to Boxenby once finished at Rannoch! As yet I have not worked out how much it is going to cost for the metal siding that is needed to cover the outside of the shed but will have to look at that soon. I am quite excited about getting it finally covered. Well despite spending quite a bit of time modelling recently I was beginning to feel that there was not much to show for it, but now I can see some progress. I have been working on the two east walls and here are a couple of photos showing progress so far: I hope to get more of the metalwork in place later this week.
  14. Hi Tim, I am not an expert on steam locos at all and have no knowledge what so ever but they do look very nice to me! Slightly different to Auchinraith!
  15. Hi Leon, Really like 032 on the MGRs, good work! Love the shot of the depot filled with sector liveried locos, quality! Just how a TMD should look! The last photo of the Metals 37 with the steel works in the background looks superb, really gives a lovely industrial back drop. Can just imagine it trundling slowly along…..
  16. Well done Phil, that is indeed the clip I was talking about. Thanks for your help! Apologies Chris, I had copied the link but forgot to paste it into the message, sorry!
  17. Hi Chris, Found this great video on YouTube last night which I thought you might appreciate as the start is filmed at Easington Colliery and it includes a couple of nice views of the headstocks. Oh and some Grid action too!
  18. Love the Peaks on the fuelling point, quality! Good skills YVM driving whilst holding a beer! BR obviously were not as strict back then!
  19. The handrails look superb. Although the class 70 looks a very good model it doesn't compare to a nice Grid on HAAs!!
  20. As with many other members I truly love visiting this thread to see updates on the progress that has been made. Truly amazing modelling and inspirational. Absolutely love it. You really do have patience with the repetition involved!
  21. Hi Mark, I agree with previous posts the viaduct is really looking good. Love the colour, it really does bring it to life. The Large Logo Tractor also adds a bit of life too! Excellent modelling, that will stand you in good stead for your next layout a model of the Forth Rail Bridge!
  22. Over the weekend I decided to finish filling in the sides at the ends of the inspection pits and get them sprayed with white primer. This was duly done and the pits put back. Now they are ready to be sprayed with a top coat of matt white and weathered before being glued in place permanently. Here you can see the inspection pit sides after filling and spraying: Whilst at Boxenby I decided to peek in through the lathe road: And a quick look in from the rear of the shed: I have now finished the design for the outside of the shed and hope to make a start on covering it in the next few weeks.
  23. The two headgears look absolutely superb, excellent modelling. That is going to be rather impressive, especially with a nice 56 on MGRs arriving! The Inter-City swallow HST looks good, can just imagine being on board looking out as it went passed to see if there was anything at the colliery! Look forward to seeing more progress.
  24. Hi Lewis, yes Grimley is completely operational although it must be a good 18 months since I last visited. Blimey, can’t believe it has been that long. I have to confess that I really do miss running a 60 on the ores! Over the past few days I have been working on the design for the roof section and also the brickwork for the outside of the shed. I have spent quite a lot of time looking at photos of the outside of Toton studying the shed to help with the design for Boxenby. Hopefully I can finalise the design over the weekend. Today I picked up some open trusses for the inside walls, these are made of brass and are just what I have been after. These will sit at the top of the vertical girders between the H section and the lined plastic sheet and will be sprayed matt black. Here is a quick mock up of how it should look although the lined plastic sheets are white on the wall. You can see at the bottom of the wall there is the brickwork, with the horizontal cross pieces and then the open trusses at the top. The H section vertical girders then sit on top.
  25. Hi Baggie, thanks. It is progressing,…..albeit slowly! Only the spare room at the moment but we might need to extend that. When I get ready to putting it up with board two that might cause a few issues with Mrs. Grimley! I should think I probably have…….. I have not visited Grimley for a long while, you are correct any modelling time is spent working on the depot. I do miss running trains though!! Eventually I plan to put a mainline by the side of the depot to allow trains to run passed. So one day you will be able to see MGRs, steel including the Corby coils, stone and petroleum trains trundling by…..might need to move house first! Thanks Mark, I am quite pleased with it. Just want to get I finished and have a play! I look forward to seeing them running on Rannoch, if they need servicing or maintenance you know where to send them! Do you know I picked up a copy this morning and saw the advert that you mentioned. Didn’t even know that they used a photo of mine. That is one of my first attempts at weathering, 60078 working the coils. Last night I spent an hour or so working on the design for the outside of the shed in preparation for covering it. Hopefully I can get this finished over the next few days. My plan is to get the outside covered in the next month or so. I am really looking forward to seeing the depot covered and no longer looking like a wooden shell!
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