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Everything posted by Grimleygrid

  1. Jo, those Bachmann jacks were made for that power car! Excellent work on the walk in pits, I am loving the buffer stop that really does look the business. Superb work. I need to make some similar to those for my depot, I might have to get you to make me a few in OO! You have made a good job of filling in the sides of the pits, very nice. I think that you are right it allows the fitters/maintenance staff to inspect the under frame/wheel sets etc. That is exactly how I like sheds! Thanks Jo, Indeed a nice Inter-City swallow power car or Mk3 would look superb up in the air. Look forward to seeing more progress.
  2. Hi David, I use the Railmatch acrylics thinned down with the Railmatch acrylic thinners and have been very pleased with the results. The mix that Andy mentioned works very well. I also use 10% Paint to 90% Thinners for washes and also 20%P to 80%T and both work really well. Nick, I haven’t tried using water to thin it down, but personally I would stick to using the Railmatch thinners but it is up to you.
  3. Hi Jeff, The walls and brickwork will all be matt white and then weathered to give that dirty, grimy used look that is normal for the inside of a depot. The metal work will be matt black with the vertical girders being painted light/dark grey. Most of the photos that I have used for my research have been found on fotopic or the internet, a shame that fotopic has gone as it was a great resource for information. I have also used some video which we took whilst at Toton back in 1988 which has been very useful and also some photos taken on a visit last year. Unfortunately I am unable to post any of those taken a year ago, sorry! Apart from the colour of the doors and fascias it appears that very little has changed over the years, well from what I can see! Once the roof is on it will look very different because at the moment too much light is coming in which does not give the right atmosphere. Hopefully once the roof and sky lights are in position this will reduce that giving much darker areas as per the real thing. I will see if I can get some video of our visit back in 1988 up at some point. Hope that helps.
  4. Hi Jo, I like what you have done so far. The main shed building looks very good with the Bachmann office block sat next to it. Are you planning to have pits and walk ways inside the shed? An HST power car would look good up on lifting jacks inside. I look forward to seeing more progress.
  5. Nice photos Carl, the weather certainly looked grim! Mark, the photos just confirm what an excellent job you have done on Rannoch. Get those Large Logo 37s fired up!
  6. Hi Lewis, yes you are right although I am not sure I am that adventurous to attempt a full respray like that! You are right the blue 013s are very hard to get hold of, I have been looking for a couple to have as 008 and 010. This weekend has proved quite productive with two major jobs completed. The first was to spray all of the walls except the main wall and the short wall by road 4 at the rear of the shed with a top coat of matt white. When these walls were covered they were sprayed with two coats of primer but not given a top coat, a very silly mistake to make. This then meant that the whole shed had to be masked off to allow these walls to be sprayed. Friday evening after getting in from work I decided that as the weather was good to mask up the shed and get this job done. I have been thinking about doing this job for a while now but just the thought of having to mask it all up had put me off! The last three walls that have been covered have all had the brickwork and lined plastic sheets sprayed with a top coat prior to being glued on. I have learnt from that! Well now this has been done and all the walls have been given a top coat, I am now ready to start adding the vertical girders and also the smaller horizontal bars, plus all the pipes etc. This should really start to make the walls come to life, if that is possible! Well start to look more like walls inside a TMD building……. The second job was to get the short wall by road 4 at the rear of the shed covered with lined plastic and bricks, which has now been done. Here are a few photos of progress: This is the short wall by road 4, at Toton this walls does not have a step in it but unfortunately when the shed was built mine did. Not the end of the world but I quite like it now! Sorry the first photo is slightly out of focus! This week I am going to start planning for how the outside of the shed is to be covered, looking at both the brickwork and metal sheets. Hopefully I can make a start on this in the next few weeks. Also at the same time I am going to start adding the metalwork, as mentioned above which sits above the brickwork on the walls.
  7. Hi Gordon, sorry to hear about your back problems and I hope all goes well at the end of the month. Just catching up with your superb thread and have to say that your woodwork and track work continue to inspire us all. Your relaxed attitude about wasted time and effort is admirable. Wish at times I could get that through my obsessive state of mind! Despite the changes, I have no doubt that your layout will still be a master piece and I look forward to seeing more progress.
  8. Thanks to all of you for the feedback and kind comments. Jeff, thanks. I wanted to see how it would look with a few locos in the bays and have to say that I am pleased so far. Once the platforms are painted and weathered and as you say with clutter added it should look quite good. Sorry Jeff, you asked what colours am I going to use, for which parts in particular? Sorry I am a bit tired so not quite with it!! Thanks Chris, I am starting to see it coming together and can visualise the depot when finished. Although there is still a long way to go! Thanks Lewis, I need to get the outside covered and then it should really start to look like a depot building. Thanks Arnie, I need some Peaks to go inside! Thanks Richard, I still need quite a few more though! Thanks class 66, slowly! 47541, glad that you like it. At times I look at it and am amazed that this silly project has been started! Porkie, yes it is a good programme. I too watched it (on video!) only a couple of weeks ago when I was deciding what colours to paint the buildings. It is also a good resource for me. Also been watching some clips from Toton on you tube, some great videos on there. I also have some video taken on our visit in 1988 which also comes in handy. Chris, I am very pleased with the buildings and brickwork and also relieved that once assembled the commissioned parts have produced results which I am very, very pleased with. Much better than I could have imagined and hoped for, especially as this whole project is my first real attempt at building a layout on my own. Still I have learnt a lot so far and hopefully it will help me for the next time. It is funny as when you look in from the front you cannot really see the buildings but hey there you go! Oh and if the depot has all the doors closed as when I visited back in 1988 you won’t be able to see anything!! I am glad that I chose to have the parts for the platforms and buildings/brickwork made, very pleased with it all so far. On the traction front there is a serious shortage, I only have two 58s which are both in Original Railfreight. Me too. I believe Hornby are doing 56040 which will be nice but it is a WR machine so may not get away with it. Although it could be visiting the wheel lathe. 56002 and 024 were two favourites of mine, I still have them somewhere both old Mainline versions that I had detailed for me. Would like to have them redone using the new Hornby model. Would love a few like that. I was hoping that Hornby would do a Large Logo one this year but alas no, hopefully in 2012! I have been doing some research into diagrams to see how many locos will be required to cover the workings off of Boxenby, my thanks to Phil and MikeH on this forum for all their assistance. More on that over the next couple of weeks. All I can say is that there will be a requirement for quite a few 20s, 56s and 58s……….. Over the past few days I have been preparing the last wall for covering and tonight I plan to glue the first parts on. Hopefully by the weekend this should be finished and then I can start planning for covering the outside of the shed.
  9. Hi Mark, Good luck with the jump, will you be taking photos of the bridge in preparation for your next layout?!!! The viaduct looks very good, I look forward to seeing it painted. Oh and that DB red 60 passing over it!
  10. Good progress Jo, have you built any of the buildings yet? Nice wiring!
  11. Hi Dave, superb shots. Loving 642 and 644….is it possible to get a depot permit as I am thinking of venturing up after seeing the latest photos! Great work, I look forward to seeing the new Waverley West with extension and scratch built Haymarket depot. Sounds very interesting indeed, good luck and fingers crossed. By the way I cannot find my notebooks from the visit to Edinburgh but am pretty sure that it was 1989. We have some video some where,…..but not sure where!
  12. Looks like you had a good running session Peter, some excellent shots there. Nice to see lots of locos stabled. I am still waiting for the shot of a Grid on test from Crewe works!
  13. Hi Neil, really like the look of your depot shed. I agree with MM it is always nice to scratch build something just to make it unique and as you say satisfying too. Good work Sir. I look forward to seeing more progress. Love the Choppers too! Great work on the 80 and 09 RBE, I have to say that the weathering on the 09 is very good indeed.
  14. Thanks 40044, oh dear still they don't fail as much as 60s! Hopefully those 60s that get overhauled will have higher reliability figures. Nice photo of 099 Roman.
  15. Thanks 40044, I presume the plan is to use the 59/2s on the FF circuit replacing 60s? Is that because there is less work for the 59s in the Mendips?
  16. Some cracking shots there, love 47642 Strathisla on shed, always did like the Inverness and Eastfield 47s. I also love the shot of the 47 by the shed allowing a little glimpse inside the depot, great work. Those tower lights really do look superb, I will have to get a few of those.
  17. Thanks Leon it looks a bit different now! I have to say that I cannot wait to see BR Blue, Original Railfreight, Red-stripe Railfreight and Coal Grids with some 20s and 58s for company. As well as some other classes too… Well Boxenby is certainly looking different now that the main wall is on and with the buildings in position you can certainly see what I am trying to achieve. I am very pleased with the initial look of it and once the inspection platforms are raised up a little to meet the bottom of the doors it should be just right. Once the platforms have been painted and weathered and clutter added it should look quite good. A few photos: With some locos on shed: Just one short wall to cover now, this is the one which sits between the main wall and the rear of the shed. Hopefully this will be done over the weekend. Although a lot of work still needs to be done on the walls even after being covered, my plan is to get the outside covered next. Then it should start to look more like a depot building!
  18. Looking good Arny, you are accumulating quite a nice collection of Peaks now. Good work.
  19. Hi Mark, sorry to distract you! Not sure when exactly the open day will be, I am starting to make progress and once the better weather arrives I hope to really get cracking. Perhaps the end of next year?!!! Or is that a bit too optimistic? What ever happens, your 60s are more than welcome to attend, anytime Sir. I look forward to seeing your 60s, can’t beat a couple of 60s especially triple grey! Don’t worry they will fit in just fine! Well the main wall is now in place and it does look quite good, I am very pleased so far. This morning I added the roof over the stores which sit at the west end of the main wall, this being where the wall is lower. I will try and take some photos of the main wall and buildings in position tomorrow evening. Perhaps with a few 20s, 56s and 58s….. This is how I would like to see the Inspection and light maintenance section once finished: Nice!
  20. Good to see the number of 60s in the operational pool on the up. I notice that there are now three 60s at Warrington including 040 and also 59201. Is the super shed there to take over one of the FF circuit diagrams? Perhaps Beast or 40044 might be able to advise. Thanks in advance.
  21. Mark, I remember quite a few Network days spent at Reading seeing the Inter-Regionals change locos there. We used to get 50s from Waterloo to Basingstoke and then get a cross-country up to Reading for another 50 to Oxford or Paddington. As you say, proper trains then! Hi Dave, you are welcome. Sorry they are not better quality! I believe that it was 1989, will see if I have any information to confirm the date. Peter, I had a Lima model of 643 and 644 many years ago! 643 has got one of the ploughs missing! I think Waverley West and Llanbourne need a model of that one……
  22. Hi Richard, many thanks, glad that you like it. Hopefully I will have some more photos for you soon…. Over the weekend I was doing some work on the outside walls of the shed in preparation for covering in the next few weeks so did not get time to work on the inside of the depot. Last night I managed to glue the main wall to the rear of the shed, fingers crossed that it is ok! Just before I glued it on, I briefly held it in position along with the two buildings and have to say that it does look rather nice. If I have time later I will post a couple of photos of the inside of the shed showing the main wall and buildings in position.
  23. Hi Dave, after seeing your model 644 it reminded me of a trip up to Edinburgh via the ECML and then returning back south by the WCML. We took a cross-country service and got hauled by 47643 from Waverley to Carstairs where we saw a few 47s including 461, 467 and 644. I was sure that I had taken a couple of photos on the way into Carstairs so had a look over the weekend and found them. Although not the greatest shots ever I took them out of the window on the way passed. Here they are: First off 47643 just come off the front at Carstairs: 47461, have just about managed not to buy one….yet! 47644 A DBSO at Waverley
  24. Excellent thread, the boards and carry case are very impressive. This is going to be an excellent layout and I look forward to seeing more progress. I wouldn’t mind a team of helpers like that!
  25. Great work Mark, the platforms are looking superb. I agree with Peter you have done a great job on the grass and puddles. I might have to look into using some of that for wet areas out the front of Boxenby.
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