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Everything posted by Grimleygrid

  1. Thanks Chris, I am very pleased with how the brickwork and buildings have turned out and also feel that I am starting to actually see something after quite a lot of work. Hopefully once the main wall is in place the inside will start to look more like a TMD! Thanks Ian, I do sometimes think it would have been easier to model a TMD similar to Peterborough! My problem is that in order for me to be happy, I have to get as good a representation as I can, which at the moment is predominantly by scratch building. This is good because I can try and get something that resembles the real thing which I am happy with, but comes within a certain budget and can accommodate my limited modelling skills! Thanks Grunfos I had seen it but thanks for pointing it out. A very useful photo indeed. Yes I have visited Toton-rail a superb website with some excellent photos. I have to confess that I normally end up visiting it almost daily! Thanks Ian, it does give a good view of the track work for the rear of the shed and round the side including the fuelling point. I have been putting the finishing touches to the main wall ready for gluing in place. The rear wall has been glued on and I am hoping to get the main wall in position this weekend.
  2. Superb Dave, 644 was always a favourite and you have captured it perfectly. Like Peter I too had a soft spot for Scottish 47s, must have been because they were so hard to see being a long way from me!
  3. Thanks CR I hadn't seen the line up for this year, will have to try and visit.
  4. Well done Guys a superb article which I thoroughly enjoyed reading. The photos are stunning and really show off what is an excellent layout. Hopefully one day I will get to see it in the flesh!
  5. Nearly there. Today I did some further work on the brickwork and buildings, just leaving the door frames to be added. Hopefully tomorrow I can make a start on gluing the brickwork to the shed building. Here is a photo of the two buildings and brickwork for the main wall at the rear of the shed:
  6. Great work on the work benches and shelve units, they look really impressive.
  7. Loving all the Grid action Phil, great work! B)
  8. Last night when I got home from work I sprayed the brickwork and buildings with the top coat of matt white and also the doors with the first coat of blue. Tonight I plan to spray the doors with the second coat of blue and then hopefully paint the fascias grey tomorrow night.
  9. Nice work on the window, certainly a much easier option than cutting it out!
  10. Nice work on the window, certainly a much easier option than cutting it out!
  11. Now that is a lovely collection of 45s Arny. There was one for sale on ebay which ended yesterday evening but I got tied up and forgot until it was too late!
  12. Thanks Peter that would be very helpful. Today after finishing off adding some parts to the two buildings for the rear of the shed, I sprayed the brickwork, buildings and doors with white primer. This evening I put the two buildings in position to see how they will look once finished. Hopefully later in the week I can get the top coat on and get the doors sprayed and fitted.
  13. Thanks Coddy. I remember at open days many years ago, when you used to be able to climb all over them, how cramped it was walking through the engine rooms of locos. Did they really let us do that?!!! So goodness knows what it must have been like to try and work on them! I hear that class 66s are much better for fitters to work on than older traction, easy to maintain with very good access. But times change, designs improve and now with the higher availability and reliability figures, locos spend less time out of traffic so the requirement for numerous depots around the country to provide maintenance has greatly reduced. Hence the man in a van these days. Always did like 26s although being from down south I didn’t really see that many of them. Perhaps that is what made me like them even more! Peter, I have spoken to someone and found out that the cover over the horns is in fact a GPS aerial. There you go, well, they say that you learn something new every day! CR, at the moment I only need three sheets for the main wall area but soon I will be starting on the outside so will definitely need more then. Finance will be required then! I have to say that after carrying out some research the Evergreen Metal Siding was the best match for what I wanted. Hopefully it will look good once covered. I am still undecided as to what colour to paint the doors and trimmings and as yet have not found any photos clearly showing the buildings at the rear of the shed. What I did find though was a photo of a 150/1 parked outside the lathe road back in 1987. I have been contemplating purchasing one for a while but now will add that to my list. I also found a photo of one of my favourite 47s, 47461 passing Toton on a ballast working. This is great as I have been toying with the idea of getting one since seeing the Bachmann release and now I know it did visit the area that gives me the green light to get one!
  14. Hi Peter, I agree once the pits are in place and the floor is built up it should start to resemble a depot. Problem is there is so much to do and I keep changing my mind as to what order to do them in! Not sure what the cover is for, I am sure someone on here must be able to enlighten us! They certainly didn’t have them fitted when first released from Brush works. Well despite planning to relax and not do any modelling last night, I decided to get the brickwork glued on to the buildings ready to hopefully spray them at the weekend. The windows, doors and roof are just in for a dry fit but it gives you an idea of how they should look. Earlier today I ordered some Evergreen metal siding to go on the upper part of the main wall. Hopefully these sheets will arrive before the weekend so that they can be glued in place allowing the whole wall to be sprayed white along with the other brickwork.
  15. Thanks Arny. Yesterday afternoon I filled in the gaps on the inspection pits using plasticard and plastic square rod. They still need a bit of filler to blend in which hopefully I can do later this week and then if the weather allows at the weekend a coat of white primer. Then I can make a start on weathering the pits ready for permanent installation. A photo to show progress: I am also hoping to make a start on the brickwork for the rear of the shed this week/next weekend.
  16. Thanks Arny. Yesterday afternoon I filled in the gaps on the inspection pits using plasticard and plastic square rod. They still need a bit of filler to blend in which hopefully I can do later this week and then if the weather allows at the weekend a coat of white primer. Then I can make a start on weathering the pits ready for permanent installation. A photo to show progress: I am also hoping to make a start on the brickwork for the rear of the shed this week/next weekend.
  17. Thanks for sharing the story Mark, could there be a better way of conducting a depot visit than the story mentioned? Not sure there is! What a way to see 56s and 58s eh?!! Yesterday I decided to see what the main inside wall for the rear of the shed would look like in place. Although it will be painted white and the upper section covered in lined plastic sheets it gives you an idea of how it should look. Here are some photos: First up an 80s shot: Unfortunately the camera was playing up so this is the only one! For those interested in recent times: A view from a bit higher up:
  18. Thanks Lewis, I thought it would make a bit of a change to have some EE traction. Excellent videos Ian, thanks for posting the links. I really enjoyed watching them, especially the first one. 20s, 45s, 56s, 58s and a coal 60…right up my street! Seeing Toton makes me want to go and do some more work but as it is Mrs. Grimley’s Birthday today I think I had better not! Thanks Grunfos, I remember watching the crash on a very large tape video many years ago not long after it happened. I like the 45 and 47 up on jacks. Well I have managed to add the T section brackets to all of the inspection platforms and despite the tedious job I am very pleased that I made the effort. Tomorrow I plan to fill in the small gaps on the inspection pits (at the end nearest the front of the shed) and then using filler get them ready for white spraying white primer. Once that job is completed I plan to start on the brickwork at the rear of the inside of the shed and also get the buildings covered.
  19. Lovely! That Crompton looks the business Mr. PCM, great photo. Can just imagine seeing all those BR blue locos stabled and waiting for their next duty. Think we all lose interest or motivation at times, why not just go and have a play. That should help! You could always come and help me with my layout!!
  20. This really is an incredible project with absolutely stunning levels of detail. I have really enjoyed reading through your thread and find it truly amazing what you have achieved. First of all the station canopy, then the buildings and structures and now the bridges, I just find that I cannot stop looking! Many thanks for sharing this with us, truly inspirational.
  21. Nice collection of Peaks Ian, love the control tower great modelling!
  22. Thanks MM, I am very pleased with how they have turned out. As you say once the brickwork is painted white and the doors grey with other bits and bobs added should make a big difference to the rear of the shed. I have been looking at some photos of that area of the real shed and there is a lot of clutter there!! I agree with David, Nice Peaks Ian!! Still need to locate my model of 106. How many do you have in your fleet Ian? Thanks David, it is coming on albeit slowly! It seems that although I have been working on it there is not too much to show from it! The last couple of days have been spent adding the T section brackets to some of the inspection platforms. The five long platforms are now complete, these ones requiring the most brackets hence me choosing them first! Now I can get brackets added to the other six. This has been one of those tedious time consuming jobs which can be frustrating and a times really try your patience but in the end prove worth while. The final results definitely prove it has been worth all the time and effort. Here is a photo showing one of the long inspection platforms with the T section brackets added. You can see the white plastic either side of the H section support girders. Hopefully I can get brackets added to the rest of the platforms this weekend.
  23. Love the latest photo, really shows off the inside of the shed and the light bleeding through the sky lights adds to the atmosphere. Can just imagine the depot waiting for an engine to arrive for servicing. Great work on the pallet trucks!
  24. Nice TMD, and a really looking layout. The photos looking inside the shed showing the walkways look really good. The 40 and peak look right at home on the fuelling point!
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