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Everything posted by cairnsroadworks

  1. I'm putting my entire collection of Colas locos that these will be those nice looking Colas barriers!!
  2. I think it's also fair to mention those who have gone to great lengths to create masterpieces with the Hornby 2D or Lima 2Fs are probably never going to see their models overtaken by new RTR stock, railroad or otherwise, due to the time and effort gone in to get every detail right. Unless of course they start again with the new models as a base, and start correcting all the errors (minor or major) in the same way as they did to the older stock. I think what modellers have achieved with 80s tooled models is stunning, from Mick's yellow stuff to those who have modelled blue-grey or intercity era. To my untrained eye the shape of the new ones look great, but then again I'd be looking at them from a respraying perspective.
  3. I've done a few 37s with the new decals, initially I used microsol but had crinkle issues. Subsequently I just used a layer of Klear underneath and on top and that worked out much better, using a bit of sponge to remove the excess. You just need to keep your eye on them as they dry - they are nice and thin so sit down over the grilles nicely. Pete - I agree with you about the possibility of spraying on the turquoise and adding the white elements as transfers only - I have a test set of the white elements only although I haven't tried that yet, as my experimentation with painting the turquoise isn't quite to my satisfaction as yet. Will look forward to seeing how you get on Mick.
  4. I hate orange stripes. I don't know how you do it with transfers. Altho I have to confess I think they look better than a lining pen.
  5. It's old name yes, I see since it's gone over GBRf it's now nameless after it's short spell with its old Redhill name too. Looking forward to seeing it.
  6. Hi Alex, 70801 looks stunning! Did you scratchbuild the extra grille or is it a shawplan special? Cheers, Andi.
  7. Quick phone pic of mine. Have seen a shot of Alex Carpenter's finished model - looks ace! Come on Mick get finishing ;-) A
  8. Is there any modeller out there who didn't have a Colas 70 ready painted? ;-) I've been getting bored waiting for the real thing to appear to see how close I got to it. As it turns out, bang on! A
  9. I think from memory 60059 was the last to keep the roof pods, 60040 certainly doesn't have them but I can't remember if that was the next out after 059. Good work anyways as always Mick!
  10. I soooooo feel your pain. I drove to Settle today to deliver some models. I'd left 50% of them at home.... 60 odd miles away. But I regularly find myself scrambling around on the floor looking for that light that has pinged off... It's part of the "fun" of modelling!
  11. Indeed - the 6 car rake that ran on Sunday just fitted in the fiddle yard without a loco on the back!
  12. 3 coaches still to come... The Observation Car, Dining Car No2 (the new one) and State Car No3!
  13. Ooooh I love those Royal Scotsman coaches ;-)
  14. I thoroughly enjoyed DEMU on Sunday and the undoubted highlight was being unleashed on Rannoch Moor for the first time. I can only apologise to those who witnessed my poor operating skills!!! I did however get time to take a few photos of the layout, as seen below. Its a wonderful layout with superb attention to detail. Can highlight recommend it! Cheers, Andi.
  15. Looking good Mick! I will look forward to seeing how you did the RSH grills on 37516 so I can copy your methodology! Cheers, Andi.
  16. Oh and Mick I'm blaming you entirely for my random purchase of a couple of airfix mk2s the other day!! £4 each!! Bargain! A
  17. Looks good. I agree a LE can't be far away, not with that grille mind! Now get working on the grille ;-) Cheers, Andi.
  18. True, but one day when i have my own layout that will all change! I found a good shade in the Tamiya range. Its X-10, Sky Blue. Added a dab of white to it and was pretty pleased with the effect. Good work on getting the Pantone number! Cheers, Andi.
  19. It did - cheers! I will look forward to seeing them in due course. I think 074 looks good with blue windows, are you starting from scratch or using a ltd ed model? i know what you mean about not enough time.... i have counted up this evening that i have 58 locos on my workbench at the moment! A
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