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Everything posted by Mikkel

  1. Hi Ray, some very nice scenes there and good photos too, I think. I especially like the one with the Super D hauled goods train.
  2. Mikkel

    Hornby Star Class

    Either that or they have been moulded onto the backplate.
  3. Hi Job, thanks for this. Pritt and PVA are easy enough to obtain so that sounds easy. I might try this out on an alternative backscene I have in mind for my goods depot. Thanks!
  4. Ah I see, it must be this one then. I think it is relatively new in the range (?), looks pretty good. http://www.dartcastings.co.uk/dart/L45.php
  5. Hello John, what a "clean" and neat build. And very nice to see one of these in 2mm. In my opinion, if it's outside framed it's good :-)
  6. Hi Jules, enjoying your updates as always. Can I ask where you got Thor and the dray he's pulling? It looks like good quality.
  7. Hi Job. Aha, so Inspector Wexford now enters the scene! Will he run into Morse I wonder? Those doors are excellent! I don't think I have asked before what glue you use for joining card and paper? I am tempted to try out some of your methods and although I am not allergic (yet!) I like to keep the toxic stuff to a minimum.
  8. Hi Londontram, am enjoying this thread. In this day of hi-tech computer-aided modelling it's nice to see some good old fashioned scratch-building and kit-bashing with available means. And the 1900s too, couldn't be better. Those long single-shoe brake levers were very characteristic of the period, I think. Sorry to hear about your accident and all that followed, sounds like quite an ordeal.
  9. You might want to have a look at this thread, especially post 9. Seems Rob has identified Caradoc Grange as running in black - apparently off-thread, but you could ask him about the reference: http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/32078-gw-unlined-wartime-black-grange-class/
  10. Mikkel

    Hornby Star Class

    I'll second that. I like the subtle indication of the fireman.
  11. Hi Job, I agree, the texture is really good. I hadn't even noticed the bond.
  12. Here's a link to my 1900s GWR layouts: http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/blog/75-the-farthing-layouts/
  13. Hi Job. I got confused there, I thought "No Entry" meant no blog entry! :-) I really like that sign, this combination of small details is what makes it all so good. This building must be one of your best yet, or what do you think?
  14. Hi Rob, yes the figures are really nice, bit of a breakthrough for Edwardian 4mm, I think. Running an Edwardian train on Brent would involve a lot of compromises, so it was a just a thought if you needed a bit of change/fun. Or maybe a future layout... :-) Those scenes from the yard are very nice, good to see some shots from that part of the layout.
  15. Not at all, Rob, I agree it's good to have a particular timeframe. And your 1947 period is one of the reasons I'd like to set "the sidings" in 1947. I was really only wondering if you happened to have some clerestories or similar lying around, so we could pretend CoT was in 1904 condition and see it on Brent with an "Edwardian" train. But easy for me to say :-)
  16. Nothing wrong with RTR I think, it's how we fit it all together that matters? And it comes together very nicely in your photos. I did get inspiration from that curving track, I'm getting a bit tired of the straight track and would like to capture an effect like yours. Problem is it requires space, and I don't have too much of that.
  17. Thanks Jeff, much appeciated. I was especially wondering about those that use the Dapol chassis. But in any case they do look good, and the mouldings seem nice and crisp in your photos.
  18. I'll send my coaches tomorrow then, no need to return them Seriously though, it would be fun to do some day, Rob! Meanwhile, my real plan was to lure you to set the layout back in time Thanks, I'm busy taking notes!
  19. Hi Rob, yes, according to Andrew's website the masters are made of pewter. As for the Finching sisters, the bay platform is set in 1907, so that would make them 20. Maybe the young ladies 4th from left and third from right?
  20. Hi Robin, just been catching up on the last 4-5 pages. Thanks a lot for the links above, those photos really are great studies of the period. Nice to see the latest CoT photos too, she does look good on Brent! Can't we tempt you to have an Edwardian session maybe? On that note, I was wondering what we know about the ancestors of the Finching sisters? I ask because I'm looking forward to populating Farthing with Andrew Stadden's new Edwardian figures when they hit the market. Does one of these look like Mother Finching? And is it at all conceivable that they had parents?! EDIT: Oh wait, I got the timing mixed up. Could two of these be the Finching sisters when they were young?
  21. Thanks for positing this, I've been eyeing some of the Smallbrook kits for a while. Especially the LSWR ones as visitors on my GWR layouts. But I have no idea how accurate they are, as I don't have the relevant books. Do you have anyh thoughts on that, I wonder?
  22. Hi Pete, Well, Gronks are out of my period but I can appreciate superb modelling when I see it. The photos had me worried though, I hope you haven't started modelling on the ledge! But then I assume you've moved off the balcony into your workshop by now?
  23. I agree there's never enough time, but what a great layout. I *really* like the curving track and platform, it's amazing what a difference it makes to a layout. Thanks for the insipiration.
  24. I agree with Paul. Those kerb stones in particular! It is amazing what you can do with a bit of paper and colour, Job. But then I know it is not just "a bit of paper and colour", but careful research and testing.
  25. Hi Job, ah Ok I understand about fixing the fabric. Good idea about the fabric color. That will also keep you from cutting up all the sheets :-)
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