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Everything posted by edcayton

  1. edcayton

    Top Gear?

    err...see my post #63. Ed
  2. edcayton

    Top Gear?

    I've just watched the "Extra Gear" programme on the iPlayer. I thought it much better than the broadcast programme because it wasn't trying so hard. Ed
  3. It's a bit like Stevenage on holiday now. Ed
  4. Oi! That's my home town you're talking about. Ed
  5. Surely if they are OK for the NMT then they are OK for the sleeper? I'll accept they are more expensive, but the 57's seem unreliable and must be towards the end of their lives. Ed
  6. I have to say that it never occurred to me that driverless cars would be public transport. Where do I keep all my carp? You'll be telling me next that I have to travel in the things along with (shock and awe) other people. Not for me I'm afraid. Ed
  7. Call it bragging rights if you want, but to me the only real reason for this railway is as the first stage in a high speed national spine from London to Scotland (as the Scots were promised), and s8d the economics. Are you seriously suggesting (not you David) that we build a new railway so we can mend the old one? If we are going to build the thing (and I am not at all sure we should) then please can we take a bit of national pride back and make it state of the art in terms of speed and connections, or not bother at all. We know that it's going way over whatever budget is set, and changing the spec at this stage means that a whole load of dosh has already been wasted. Ed
  8. I don't give a stuff about newts, but I wouldn't want this bl66dy railway anywhere near me. We were lied to once again by the politicians-High SPEED 2-the clue is in the name. Whilst we are at it we can invent a Northern Powerhouse with some s6dding big mountains in the middle. Rant over Ed
  9. I think the Beattie is too niche for 0 Gauge at the moment when there are so few rtr loco's. In any case, in my personal 1960 Cornwall some Terriers had been transferred there! They worked the line linking the Southern line to Padstow with the Newquay branch. Ed
  10. Don't think so Peter. They are too expensive and, dare I say, too"good" for the mass market. Dapol have shown that you can get a good, realistic and well painted rtr model to the market for £200 or less. I don't think the market wants more industrials, but small main line loco's that can work passenger trains as well as goods, but still fit on small layouts. I'm thinking 14xx, 57xx pannier, Jinty, J67/8/9 as 6 wheel loco's, possibly small 0-4-4 tanks but probably 2-4-2's would be easier to engineer. I will of course repeat my suggestion of a class 22 diesel (come on Dapol, you do them in N and00, how hard can it be?), although a class 24/25 would have operated pretty much everywhere for a long period. I think there is a huge market, but it isn't my money at risk! I do wish the manufacturers the best of luck. Ed
  11. Morning all. Enjoyed listening to a spat between two "dietary experts" on the Today programme. As Billy Connolly said "eat less and move about more". Advice I am trying to take. Best wishes Ed
  12. Good morning all. If I say that I support any team that plays Manchester United does that count as politics or religion under RMweb rules? Best wishes Ed
  13. Is that because you can only get double-barrelled plumbers in posh Henley-on-Thames Mike? Ed
  14. Afternoon all. Pensions-I got a forecast and, if I read it correctly, I am one of the last to get my State pension on my 65th birthday. Teacher's pension is brilliant. Should have started at 60, but we "did a deal" and it started a lot earlier. Best thing I ever did was to buy extra years in that scheme. On the other hand, one of the worst things I did was to buy AVC's with the Pru. Thank goodness not too much. To think that at the time "financial advisors" were trying to persuade us to leave the Teacher's scheme altogether! Pah! Ed
  15. I can eat three, mainly because there is always milk left over from two. I tend to get the "bite-sized" ones now. Talking about breakfast, there was a thread about it recently, anyway I very much enjoyed two boiled eggs with toast soldiers not long ago. Yum. Off to cardiac rehab (physical jerks) in a moment. Laters... Ed
  16. Thanks Dave. I've had that ruddy thing as an ear-worm for the last few days and it had gone this morning until.... Good morning all. Best wishes Ed
  17. No, store-bought puff pastry cases filled with store-bought frozen prawns and store-bought Rose-Marie Sauce. Food of the Gods! Good morning all. Ed
  18. A party without volly-vongs? Ed
  19. Take Robbie's pee to the hospital with you when you go for your test. Ed
  20. Hello all. 1971, Hertford in my Dad's 1967 Austin Cambridge Estate. I only had 6 lessons, after my first in the instructor's Viva he was happy for me to use Dad's car. Not ideal because the handbrake was on the right, but it didn't do much anyway. At the Test Centre I couldn't make the key unlock the car so I climbed in through the tailgate, much to the Examiner's amusement. As for that ship, I wonder what would happen when it passes something interesting and everybody rushes to the same side. It may be no problem as the customers will probably be in the bars, restaurants, swimming pools etc, and too busy to look at the view. Best wishes Ed
  21. Good morning. I can not believe that there has been talk of "Crossroads" without mention of Amy Turtle. I remember my Mum trying to say that in a Brummy accent. I love Tony's idea of alternative story lines. So, last night there was a frog in my kitchen. I am scared of frogs. I wish them no harm, and this one was certainly a beautiful creature, I did not wish my Alsatian to consume the frog as I felt it would do neither of them any good. I shut the disgruntled dog in the garden (in the rain), but in my attempts to catch the frog I only managed to chase it into the lounge. It was after 10 pm, but my thoughts were "Janet likes frogs, I'll phone her". Janet is my friends' daughter, is 31 and the daughter I never had. She and boyfriend (you may remember him as the one who had a serious crash on his bicycle a while ago) duly arrived, caught the frog in short order and released it into the front garden. She told me that the frog was of the slimy, as opposed to dry, variety. I rewarded them with tea. Have a good day all Best wishes Ed
  22. .....and another thing. I was taught that when the definite article is followed by a word beginning with a vowel ( the ocean, the underground etc) it is pronounced "thee". It appears that many of our young now insist on saying "thu" aroma, thu elephant etc. It sounds ugly and should , in my opinion, be resisted. Join me brothers and sisters! Ed
  23. Electric cars: 1) The people who will most want them (city dwellers) are the least likely to have somewhere to charge them. 2) If they are the size of that Tesla they will do nothing to reduce congestion, if they are the size of the Twizy or the G-Whiz nobody will want one. 3) I can't answer this, but will they genuinely need less energy for the complete life cycle? Unless of course you condemn the poor working (or non-working) man to the misery of public transport as reported daily on here, and allow the well-off unfettered access to the things. FWIW I've always thought that hybrid with a decent zero-emissions range was the way to go. But hey, what do I know? Ed
  24. Morning all. Too much death and bad news. After Jock my friend's Dad succumbed to Vascular Dementia. In the end his was a release as he had ceased to be "him" some time ago. It turns out that her Mum has been sitting on a letter from a consultant in which he suspects the onset of Alzheimer's. Life really isn't fair is it? Ed
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