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Everything posted by edcayton

  1. So I've looked that up on Wiki and now, apart from not knowing what it was, I don't understand Wiki's explanation. Boy do I feel stupid. Ed
  2. I thought it was funny, but my kids tell me I'm sad. Richard, if you only have laser treatment to one eye you don't need to tell DVLA, but be guided by the doctors. Because I have had laser to both I informed DVLA and had to go for a special visual field test at a specified optician. My licence has been changed to 3 years and I have lost my grandfather rights to drive small lorries, motorhomes above 3 tonnes (mine isn't) and probably steam rollers. Ask the doctors if an eye patch might be a solution. Don't end it all, we enjoy your posts on here. Ed
  3. Just got back from the hospital (again!), for an echo-cardiogram this time. Very nice guy doing it was a cut above the average technician. On talking to him he was from Iran, and was a cardiologist there but his qualification wasn't accepted in the UK. He is working to fix that, and I wished him well. Ed
  4. My Dad broke his wrist using his. His rationale was that, living on a hill, he could easily bump start it, and there was always the handle....I got and fitted the necessary starter motor. Ed
  5. If it didn't respond to a charge or a jump start then I'd suggest it's unlikely to be the battery. We need more symptoms. Ed
  6. Tony and Ian-thanks for your prompt replies. Dd-because of your wit and wisdom. Ed
  7. Ian (RH) I gotta ask; what does JMRI stand for? I'm guessing something model railway interface to allow you to control your layouts from computery things as I have seen you doing this at exhibitions. Or possibly one of your helpers as I don't know what you look like! Ed
  8. Love the idea of a rat sandwich! Is it possible to take a photo of the two cabs together so the difference is more obvious to the non-rat-fanciers among us please? You are doing a remarkably neat job. Ed
  9. Not like that other stuff then. Ed
  10. Surely you carried coal in a pram? Ed
  11. I like pink. I wanted to get our old (T 2) VW camper repainted pink, but it broke and she made me get rid of it. My dream car is a '59 Cadillac Coupe-de-Ville in pink with a white roof. Don't know where i'd park it though. Ed
  12. Good morning everybody. Plagiarism, moi? I soon learnt not to buy the recommended text books, but to borrow the tattiest copy from the library. This was bound to have useful quotes marked in pencil in the margins. Saved the trouble of reading the blessed thing. Listening to "Saturday Live" on Radio 4 as I trype. They have just read a message from a chap who was buying rolling stock and track for his "secret model railway". Visions of false walls in attics as in the Colditz glider project come to mind. Have a good day, and good luck to C.......s shoppers. Ed
  13. Fairy (for ferry), Cadana (Canada), gabloon (balloon) all from No.1 son. My favourite is dekkit (breakfast), modified to McDekkit if a certain "restaurant" is used. Loads of others, I'll try to remember some. Ed
  14. Snozzle and, closer to home, Snotballs. (clue-forthcoming model railway show) Ed
  15. I reckon that £20 is a bit much for the "average" tourist to pay, but they look cracking little models and I wonder who will be first to motorise one. Ed
  16. Many moons ago I bought a CD recorder at great expense, with the intention of converting my LP's to CD. The problem was that it couldn't recognise individual tracks because of the noise in the gaps. It meant that I had to sit by it and stop/start it between tracks. Then of course technology overtook me, but I wonder if this is still a problem when using USB connections to computers? Ed
  17. Possibly teaching Granny to suck eggs, but my (non-i) phone has something called "aeroplane mode" which turns off phone, text, internet etc, but allows alarms and other things to work. Even I can turn it on and off, having been told about it by my son. Towards the end of the marriage my ex started to go to Tony and Guy for £100 haircuts. Apparently she still does, and complains of a shortage of money. Ed
  18. Good morning all. Did anybody else watch "Fifth Gear" yesterday? I actually felt embarrassed watching it. I know "Top Gear" lost its way towards the end, but at its worst it was sooo much better than this. Ed
  19. Morning all. Not posted for a while, but have managed to keep up. So, yesterday had two hospital appointments. Saw the nice leg man at 2.00 and they were aware I had another appointment later on so I was seen first. All OK, but another MRI scan required. "I may not fit your machine any more" says I, having put on weight. "No problem" says the Consultant, "we have an arrangement with London Zoo". He assured me this was true. Anyway, went and did shopping and arrived for the eye clinic at 4.30 for my 4.40 appointment. The place was heaving and I was still queuing to register when I was called in. A Sister came in and informed me that my appointment was cancelled. "Why?" says I. "Can't find your notes, and the doctor won't see you without the notes" said the Sister in an admonishing tone and without any form of apology. "I'm guessing they are still at the leg clinic" says I "I can go and get them if you like" "Too late, the doctor has left, you can wait for the urgent eye clinic, but it's a 4-5 hour wait" The helpful receptionist found me an appointment for next Friday. Is it me? Ed Have as good a day as you can, thinking especially of Is and Dave.
  20. Is it only me that can't see the picture of the Gordini? It says "click for normal view" but nuffink happens. Ed
  21. If you still have a local HMRC office then go there and speak to a real person. I always found ours extremely helpful. Obviously take relevant documents, not sure how you prove a negative though! It's probably quicker to go there than to phone the helpline thingy. Ed
  22. edcayton

    Ask Dave

    Thanks for the prompt reply Dave. I am very impressed by all three. Are you still planning the J94/Austerity and baby Deltic for 0 gauge? Ed
  23. edcayton

    Ask Dave

    Hi Dave. I have a Dapol 00 gauge class 22, a Kernow 00 gauge Beattie well tank and now a Dapol 0 gauge Terrier and was just curious as to how much input you have had to these models? BTW, I tried to start a new topic but was told I could not do so. Any ideas as to why? Best wishes Ed
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