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Everything posted by carlw

  1. I also can't see any. Could you patch it as if a repair has been done to the section?
  2. Hi All, It been a few weeks again since I have posted, but I have been working on various things for the layout. First off I have been waiting for a delivery of code 40 rail to finish off the last of the 3rd rail. This is done now and just needs painting. All of the cable troughs and the breeze blocks for the jubilee sidings have been painted. I have been painting 7 wagons into Satlink yellow and red. These just need the last coat of red and then the internal colours and under frames. I recieved a etch walkway from peebles models that I'm going to cut up and use as the walkway around the signal box control room. It's not the correct type but it is close enough that I'm not going to be picky. Update on the C&W building. This has taken a while to work on all of the window frames, I'm no where near as good at buildings as others but as this is going to be a good 3ft away from any operators any shortcomings won't be that noticeable. I just need to print out a few signs that are stuck to the side of the buildings (hope Google will have images as they are generic HS signs). I also need to work out how I'm going to do the gas heater vents that are positioned on the fron wall. I might even leave them off as the are quite small. Here is a small quick project I knocked up at the weekend while waiting for some of the paint to dry. It's the back of the bike rack. I have used a plasticard structure and coated it with home made corrugated panels made from tin foil that has been pressed into the lid of a coffee pot! Cheers Carl
  3. I have had a very productive morning up morning up in the loft. I had a couple of packages arrive this week, first up was a Ratio concrete huts. These huts are to be placed near the hand crane at the back of the yard. They just need painting and weathering now. Second package contained the latest addition to the fleet of shoeboxes. The model of 73128 in EWS will be repainted at some point what into I'm not sure, but at £35 it was a bargain. The 3rd package contained plastic strip, this morning I have used this to add in all the window frames to the signal box. I have also added the down pipes. Last but not least I decided to take a different tack with the courigated sheets for the roof of the pump house. Instead I have used tin foil then added the courigated feel with the lid of a bottle. The photo doesn't really show this up, but in real in front of you it can be seen. The roof colour I have used weathering powders mixed with a little water to give it a nice dirty look.
  4. A rare Sunday off has allowed me time to get up in the loft and progress a few jobs nicely along. Firstly more work was done on the C&W building, all the roof supports were added and framing around the top. I have also added what I think is a water tank on the roof. This is the main structure complete so I have done the first coat of light grey paint. The next two jobs I have been working on can both be seen in the next picture. All the supports for the Jubilee sidings walkways are now filed and glued in place, just need to construct the steps for each end and paint them all next. The other thing to be seen in the picture is that the S&T department have been in laying cable trunking, much time has been spent looking at the photos that Paul supplied to try and get them all in the correct place, a lot of them got covered in overgrown weeds and plants at various dates so some guess work has been employed on full routes for them. I'm really pleased at how things are progressing at the moment, I'm now waiting for a supply of micro strip that has been ordered, along with some courigated plastic for various roofing jobs and the bike racks. Carl
  5. Hi, Work has progressed slowly over the Christmas period. The pump house is now painted a nice sandy brown colour with red doors. I need to get hold of some corrugated plastic for the roof. Running out of plastic is a bit of a common theme at the moment, im hoping to get to the Erith show later in the month and stock up supplies. I am still working on the supports for the Jubilee sidings. I made the supports a little too wide and a having to file the all down before placing them on the boards. In the mean time I have started working on the large C&W depot building that will run along the back of the yard. I have cheated a little on this, as the rear wall will never been seen I have just made it blank. Carl
  6. With no work this morning and spare time till the family commitments this afternoon, I've been back up in the loft making that nice talc smell change in to a horrible plastic cement smell. First up has been cutting glueing and filing microstrip so that I can start the upright supports for the jubilee walkways. While waiting for the glue on the supports to dry I set about the pump house next to jubilee sidings, I thought this would be a simple build but I now remember why I hate plasticard. Cutting the windows and doors out have been a pain and in the end I had 4 seperate parts for the front wall with the window and door on.
  7. I had a spare hour this afternoon between driving lessons so I have copied something that I have noticed in the photos Paul sent me, painted the end of rails on the points white. I'm not sure why this was done but I would guess it's something to do with thermal expansion, am I right?
  8. The whole loft smelt nice for a couple of days when I used the talc. Thanks for suggesting it as it has given a great texture for the felt used on the roof.
  9. I used Brasso as that's what I had in the house. I'm going to try some nail polish remover like Steve suggested with the next load I have to clean.
  10. Progress has been slow on things that was worth showing over the last few months but I have still been working on this project. The track work has all been painted and tested and I'm happy with how this has turned out. After getting to Warley on the Sunday I was able to stock up on several things. I bought a mountain of microstrip and plasticard, some components from MSE for the semi-signal at the Redhill exit, code 40 rails for the 3rd rail ( you can see some of it in the photos below). Following a conversation with Steve farmer I have completed the roof on the signal box (talc does give a nice texture)
  11. Hi, New videos of Euston has just been uploaded onto YouTube Carl
  12. I looked for an AA 3 aspect with 4 sets of feathers for my layout. Think I have decided on non working ones instead. Can't justify spending that much.
  13. Thanks for pointing me at the thread. Carl
  14. This weekend I have been working out the paths for the cable troughing and it looks like I'm going to need about 15ft worth for the two routes either side of the mainline. Initial plans was to use the Ratio packs but looking at how much I need and the cost, I feel it would be a better option to go for micro strip and score the surface to represent it. I'm thinking of using 2mm box section and I found reference of a website to it being just short of 300mm square. I can't however find reference to how long each section would be. Can anyone confirm there lengths so that I score them correctly? The second thing I have been looking at is the 3rd rail, I am going to electrify the mains the same as Post 93 so that I can have tunnel traffic and the odd EMU heading from/towards Redhill. The plan for this is to use code 40 and chairs from Finetrax. Again this is the expensive option but I think it will look better than peco code 80.
  15. Simon, I hadn't thought of using wet and dry paper. But that sounds like a good option, will have to do a trial. Thanks Carl
  16. Having spent 2 hours in the loft this afternoon I have finally managed to complete the painting of the rail sides. It's only took about 5 weeks and almost 2 tins of humbrol 29 paint. Going to have to start planning line side details now. Getting all cable troughs, relay boxes, hard standings, jubilee sidings walkway supports and anything else that will need placing before the ballast comes out. Carl
  17. It's been almost 2 months since I have made any progress reports so i thought it best to give an update on what has happened. Progress is still being made, I have been running trains to test the wiring which showed up a couple of dead spots which have been rectified. I'm happy that at the moment all is working as expected so I have moved onto painting the rails. This has been a slow and labourios task but I would say I'm about halve way through it. Work on the signal box has halted for the time being while I work out what I'm going to go to represent the felt roofing, I don't think this is going to be a show stopper as I think I'm going to have to just paint the roof to represent it. I have not done any painting of stock for about 10 years so I have been experimenting with an OBA hand repainting it using Humbrol primer and Phoenix enamels. Seems to be taking a lot of coats for the colours to not be translucent. Is this normal?
  18. I'm sure I have seen a pic of one of the Stratford based NSE 47's. 20 were not that rare they were quite often used on stock duties
  19. What about some 37/4's in mainline? I'm also sure that some plain blue versions would have been around in that time frame.
  20. The problem with this is that the rakes with DVT's shouldn't turn as the the DVT is always at the London end
  21. Instead of using metcalf kits have you tried looking at Scalscenes. They do a very simple/cheap kit that looks realistic, you can purchase the ones for the different faces then build as many as you need The stone the you are looking at all over GQS is called Random Ashlar. Carl
  22. Looks like the wagons are loaded with spoil. I would guess they could be Grampus
  23. Not quite sure that was what FNM600 was asking for
  24. All the inaccuracies you mentioned can be worked around. Roof: this would need some work filing off the toilet hatch and adding in the roof vents. I think I have seen someone mentioned using track pins for the vents. Underframe: N train make a 3d print that you could use. Doors. Very little work needed here as they are printed on the vinyls The newer vinyls are fully printed on clear vinyl so that there is no window cutouts, it makes them look so much neater.
  25. Have you thought of using Electra railway graphics?
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