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Everything posted by carlw

  1. Nice variety of stock to be seen there! Carl
  2. So yesterday's plan was to get the legs built. 3.5 hours later and I have 3 sets of legs.
  3. Shame I couldn't be there this weekend. Good luck and I hope it all runs well. Carl
  4. Morning all, Today's update is on the Seahorse wagons. I have made removable ballast loads using the same techniques as previous mentioned, although I have to admit that I do think they look better loaded. I have still been battling on with transfers, Wow it's mind numbing and I wish I had done some earlier rather than having a large amount at the same time. The Tubes have had the under frames all painted sleeper grime and I have made the peco coupling up ready for fitting, these little things hurt your fingers! I have had some bad news yesterday which is going to prevent me attending DEMU. I'm disappointed but unavoidable. Cheers Carl
  5. But Clive we are not all doing loco depots that only need a fiddle yard big enough for a loco :-p
  6. Great plan, Nice little interesting location with plenty of variation. Carl
  7. Andy There was me worrying about breaking the fiddle yard rule and finding my layout in the skip at some point. My infringement makes me look like the goodie two shoes compared to your infringement. Seriously though it's looking great so far. You have a lot of scenery work to do over the next 7 weeks! Cheers Carl
  8. Which days are you two going to be there? I'm going on the Sunday Carl
  9. Looking good Paul. Is it getting renumbered from the thumper to a crompton? Cheers Carl
  10. I do have to concede that the dumper is only a fleetline kit, a staple and a bit of plastic strip. But I do think it has come out nice and I'm happy with it. Credit to Mr F for the knowledge on this. I'm looking to pick up some bits and pieces from BH, more plastic strip and maybe a loco or two(33 or 56 maybe). Also If I can find a cheapish 108 power chassis for the 3D printed Iris. I'm still not sure which livery I want to do for Iris as I really like both the RTC and green version. Cheers Carl
  11. Grahame, Would be very interested in how you plan to do the Bullied EPB's. These units were one of the ones that me and Mr Farmer both had high up on our wish list. Carl
  12. Evening all, I have been working on bits and bobs again this week, the majority of which has been adding transfers to wagons. I would say I have done somewhere in the region of about 100 individual transfers so far, it's very slow progress with the drying time and gloss between doing each one. BWhile waiting for them to dry I got on with a bit more paint on the tubes. Here is a selection of 6 of them, as can be seen they need the under frames painting, buffers and couplings. A little side project has been the construction of a road/rail dumper. On a side note it looks like I will be able to make it up to DEMU showcase on the Sunday, so hoping to get some more goodies. Cheers Carl
  13. Not that I am aware of. That's an interesting idea, Swiss meter gauge anyone?
  14. That would require it to be good enough for Nobby to give me an invite, although I would be open to the idea ;-)
  15. Thank you for you comments. I'm so pleased that people are seeing the real Hither Green in what is only a likeness and not an actual model of the location. It tells me that I have the feel of the place somewhere on target.
  16. Hi all, Sorry for the lack of updates over the last few weeks, I have just got back from my family holiday to Orlando. Over the the last week I have been busy with progressing a few projects. First up I have finished the fiddle yard track work. I know it breaks the rules of the challenge but I'm not spending money/wasting time on a tiny fiddle yard that I would bin afterwards. I know this might have upset a few ;-). The seahorse's have all been built and painted just waiting for the transfers now. Lastly to please Mr Farmer who was taking the Micky last week I have started with all the transfers that I need to get done. (The real reason I have left these so long is that I wanted to get enough stock built so that when I turn up at Paul's there are trains to run). Cheers Carl
  17. Just a quick little update. Old sleepers removed and loaded for disposal. New concrete sleepers ready to replace them. All the loads are removable, with metal weights under them so they can be picked up with magnets. Cheers Carl
  18. In one of your photos above there is a dozer on the back of a low lowder. Can you tell me who makes the dozer please? Carl
  19. Yes it's got to go NSE, Green is too new and BG too old. A link sounds like a plan, we go even make it scenic like we did with Micheal test track last year. We would need to get Paul to put us all in the same place ( no not the bonfire) Carl
  20. Does that mean he actually did something on the layout?
  21. All N gauge Sh*te. Some concrete sleeper loads for the Salmons, Caroline, a Halibut and 2 units to make Iris one for me and one for Steve Cheers Carl
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