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Everything posted by carlw

  1. Hi, Work has been progressing on various bits and bobs for the layout, here is a small update on some of what I have been up to. First up. I have been putting the chopper to good use and started cutting up sleepers, some of which have been glued in place. Also I have built, painted and placed all the point levers. This week a package arrived from Mark howarth containing a pack of yard lamps. In the second photo you can see I have glued several stacks of scrap rail. I have also moved the ballast staths to the other side of the siding (this is now glued in place). One of the other big things I have been working on is the rake of seahorse. They have reached the paint stage with the yellow coat having been applied. There is various of bits and bobs I'm working on but more on these will follow over the next few weeks. Cheers Carl
  2. carlw

    Loch Dour

    Are you also building a 7mm layout? Carl
  3. Wish I could come to Barrow, But I will be taking a ride with a pair of 50's to Glasgow on the 7th. Carl
  4. Wayne, I think they were nationwide. Stafford used to have rakes of wagons in the south sidings. Carl
  5. Ash, They would be Project Mercury wagons. Carl
  6. Hi, It looks like Steve is getting a bit of a reputation for helping people get their modeling mojo going again! That's you, Richard Coleman and me he has kicked into action. In his words "little and often". The builders yard looks good. Carl
  7. Got some nice presents for my birthday this morning from my wife and kids. They will come in handy.
  8. Thanks Richard, Good to hear you have your mojo back. Maybe we should arrange a meeting with Steve if you loose it again. His encouragement seems to work
  9. Cheers guys, Steve, I haven't ordered them but I went on fox transfers and came up with £75 worth. All different types of tops panels and some red alphabets for the cherry picker. I'm sure there is loads more I need. Carl
  10. Last weekend while I helped Mr Farmer with Tanners hill at the Milton Keynes exhibition, Steve and Richard both told me off for not having enough updates on here, so here goes An update on the yard office building can be seen below. I have added an entrance lobby extension and painted the building. Exterior details and glazing are still to be added. I have been working on lots of different detailing elements for the yard (junk) Some new locos have joined the roster: a second Dapol 33 in civils and 37603 in EPS livery. (Me and Steve have a feeling that this is a CJM repaint) On the wagon front I have been working on loads. Quite a few of which are at the point of needing transfers: N gauge society Salmon Parkside pipes and Bachman SR brake 3 Parkside grampus and 2 Parkside tunnys 3 Chivers tubes (7 more still to build) 10 Chivers Seahorses I have also got loads of different detailing parts at various stages of construction or paint, more on these as they get complete. Carl
  11. Hi Andy, Took me a few days to notice this thread, Glad I did. Great looking plan, interesting use of the fiddle yard rules. I think I would go for a 1980's time frame, as there is proper trains. Possibly pairs of 20's, 56 and 58's. Good luck. Carl #Ngaugesh*tewhitewash
  12. Paul, Thinking about it I remember that Kev built some that run on Boldon Jct. maybe a 304/310/320. We also used your 508 for a while. Carl
  13. Did anyone else actually own and build any MTK units . :-)
  14. Happy new year everyone. Work over the last few weeks has been concentrated on painting wagons. This evening I felt like a break from the wagons so I have made a start on the yard office, it is only a representation of the actual building as I can only find a couple of photos that both show the same side. Like most of my buildings the basic construction is card. From photos I can find of the actual build it seems to be made of some kind of stucko material so I think I will just paint the building rather than use any paper overlay. Cheers Carl
  15. carlw

    Loch Dour

    Happy new year Kev, Did laying track at work get you some mojo to post on here? Carl
  16. Grahame, Happy birthday, Following your project with interest. it's great to see how you build your buildings, it's a real source of knowledge. Carl
  17. Just goes to show that everyone can take more than attempt to get things how they want it, and not to worry about restarting if your not happy. Carl
  18. Steve, They look good. Do you dry brush or use powders? Cheers Carl
  19. Hi Clive, Nice looking layout. I like the way you have also thought out how the operations will work. Carl
  20. Coming along nicely. Is the N gauge S***e going to clear up with the awards at Lydd rail? :-) Carl
  21. It's been ages since I posted an update for Hither Green, but work has been progressing. Most work has been on making and painting small detailing parts. I have also been working on wagon kits from various sources. Parkside Grampus, Tunnys and Pipes. N Gauge society Salmons John grey Trestrol fitted with a cherry picker Loads of RTR wagons are also in the paint shop at various stages. Carl
  22. Hi, Here is some of this weekend developments. The fence is from BH enterprise. The sandbags have been made with Bluetac that's molded and painted to give it the appearance, they are only placed there at the moment and could end up being moved. As can also be see from the photo I have painted and added the buffers, these do still need a bit more work to make them appear used. I have also been building more Parkside kits of a "Clam" & "Pipe" Cheers Carl
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