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sixteen 12by 10s

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Everything posted by sixteen 12by 10s

  1. Hi Chris Do it.... Thanks for the chat, and thanks to all who stopped by for a natter. I really enjoy operating from the front, it gives me an opportunity to talk, and get distracted from what I am supposed to be doing. Busy little show, at one time, the spectators were three deep, to watch me make a total mess of shunting the PW train!. I have a list of issues to sort out before the next outing, the majority being Sprat and winkle coupling problems. I check every one, before a show with a set-up jig, but still have one or two that get bent, I think I should look at my stock box. Late on in the day, the point motor to the dock siding de funked, so I wound it across to the loop by hand, to keep the run round loop in action. I will be having a go at getting the cl 37's sound a bit better, you can hardly hear it, and that’s not right. A big thanks to Wilf (baldrick25) who not only managed to master the DCC controller, but excelled in his catering skills. Back to work now, to earn some more trainset tokens for the next project. Gary
  2. A day at the exhibition, “did you make the layout yourself” “no it its straight out the box Hornby, cat number R345621” “really”

    1. Stubby47


      You might have bought the layout, or had it made for you...

  3. Hi All Wilf, (baldrick25) myself, and Glenuig, will making an exhibition of ourself tomorrow (05/11/11) at Solihull Model Railway Circle's Annual Exhibition, please feel free to introduce yourself http://www.solihullmrc.org/exhibition11.html Gary
  4. Hi Russ Glad to see you back modeling. What about locating your model, on the Kyles of Durness, for the ferry across to Cape Wrath, just a thought. Gary
  5. Can't find the Andy Y smoke effect tool anywhere in Photoshop, he must of used Gimp

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Andy Y

      Andy Y

      I've not mastered true clag yet, best look at additives. :)

    3. beast66606


      Wire the orange/grey leads of your decoder to the pickups and your trains will soon have the same smoke effects.




      PS - DONT

    4. sixteen 12by 10s

      sixteen 12by 10s

      Are you saying Stafford railway circle don't know there AC for DC?

  6. once upon a time we used to play with our train sets, then the wicked paper witch caught up with us

  7. Mr Gary has just said “pass me my cauldron please” there’s no hope

    1. DonB


      No self-respecting cauldron-owner would EVER say "Please"!

    2. halfwit


      Rather have a chauldron...

  8. I would like to thank the thieves who have put the hacksaw through the jumper cables on 40012, I hope they spend the couple of quid they make out the scrap wisely

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. sixteen 12by 10s
    3. english electric

      english electric

      hope they aint caused to much damage n hope someone catches them n gives them a good beating since they also targeted 37190 n 33046

    4. sixteen 12by 10s

      sixteen 12by 10s

      Yes, any thing at Swanwick is a sitting duck, the damage to 37190 is in fact the worse part of it , the jumpers on D212 were dummy’s but the tractors actually worked, and guess who gets to sort the damage out?

  9. Playing a game today, where has Mr gary, left her mobile, all the normal places have been checked, the fridge, bred bin.......and the battery’s flat

    1. Trebor


      excuse to buy a nice new shiny one then....

    2. Ed-farms


      Trebor's comment is the certain way of finding it.

  10. Just held in my hand the holy grail of diesel photos, 10000 being cut up at Cashmore's Great Bridge.

    1. beast66606


      Surely that's the Holy Grail of steam enthusiasts ! ;>)

  11. we can spend some time together and go out, she said. Me thinks, SVR diesel gala, she says, take the rubbish to the council tip!

  12. Been back of my hols for a week now, and still can't find an interest in anything

  13. Saw a white tailed eagle today, first one for the year

  14. Just seen the first xmas advert on the telly, fortunately, TV's are fitted with an off switch

    1. Trainshed Terry
    2. BlackRat


      Almost time to see the first house wiith decs up then!

  15. Quite amused, in Wheeltappers, the topic on gas boilers is flagged “hot”

  16. I know I have already posted one entry in this thread, on the goings on at the place I work, but here's another one, it's good. The great milk float robbery. The tooling we use, is mounted on aluminium plates, about 50mm think and 600 by 500mm in dimension, and they are a desirable “loot” for metal thieves. Last year, two bright opportunist noticed that the store door had been left open, so decided to help themselves, the problem is that although the items are made from light material, they are quite large and heavy, so they looked around for suitable transport. The works electric milk float was near by and the driver had left the keys in it, so the robbers drove it down to the stores, and loaded it up with plates. The escape route was up a sloping drive, and test have shown that the milk float can reach speeds of 4MPH empty, with a trailing wind. One of our work force, who was driving a fork lift, spotted the milk float trying to make it out the gates so overtook it and blocked its path. The two thieves then jumped off, and ran away, leaving the hand brake off, the milk float rolled backwards at speed all the way down the drive, finally crashing through a roller shutter door. I had to go and report on the event to the powers that be, without bursting out in to laughter. Gary
  17. In my full time job, I have had experience of these so called “metal” thieves, follow the link to find the story of one of who got more than he was expecting. http://www.expressandstar.com/latest/2009/02/24/20ft-roof-fall-in-suspected-factory-raid/ Gary
  18. Hi mark Just to repeat what pete has said, good luck with the move, and perhaps on the way, you will be caught up in a time vortex and sent back to the 1980's, bring on the large logo tractors. Gary
  19. Us and the Wor, are making our final preparations to travel to RailexNE, but I am trying to obtain a black Country to Geordie dictionary.

    1. Jamie


      tempted to venture down, promise not to hijack the layout this time if I do

    2. sixteen 12by 10s

      sixteen 12by 10s

      It would be nice to see you again, oh, read up on NCE powercabs, your sure to end up with the controls

  20. Zywiec... no not a naughty word polish beer, quite nice,

    1. Worsdell forever

      Worsdell forever

      Naughty polish beer.

    2. sixteen 12by 10s
    3. Allegheny1600


      Polish beer is fine but don't drink the French Polish!

  21. Off, to carve a P4 Beyer garratt, out of an old fence post

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. sixteen 12by 10s

      sixteen 12by 10s

      Moderated,..... oh yes, I mentioned Beyer garratt, too much throthing

    3. ozzyo


      I was thinking about 442s!!!!!!!!!!

    4. Worsdell forever

      Worsdell forever

      were there any 4-4-2+2-4-4 Garratt's?

  22. Just sorting the layout ready for Midland Railex, couldn’t resist getting the camera out. A bit of Photoshopery, only multi layer focal shots to get a better depth of field Gary
  23. My day, get up, go to work,come home, go and see Tornado, fix car, go for beer, have curry, go home ….. the days still young.

  24. Mike Just picked up on your post, visited Glenuig in may but on a damp day, I could not be bothered to get the camera out just for a 156 sprinter. Perhaps when the layout has been on the circuit for a few years, I may consider bringing the snapshot time forward to the present day, but for now we will be firmly stuck in the blue era. Well, the photo of the boat, in the “how realistic†section seamed to be well received, so I thought I would give a brief explanation. Model is built from a Artitec kit, available from Langley models. The kit is made to represent a shrimp fisher, but this was not suitable for north west Scotland, so I rigged it as a local day boat trawler. I keep meaning to do a few blogs, so I shall add this little project to the list. Only a week to go until Midland railex, and then a shot brake, and of to the north east, this time, I am not in panic mode, just a few maintenance jobs to do, oh yes, and I have had another go at the signals.
  25. Now, to go and play with a big motor, and where not talking Mashima, lets hope we don't drop it!

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