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sixteen 12by 10s

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Everything posted by sixteen 12by 10s

  1. I have used many “unhealth” and safety methods to get under cars in the past, but never beer barrels, I suppose you need to empty them first. Gary
  2. Hi BcnPete Sorry I missed your last post and did not reply. I put a lot of work into lighting and presentation, but i have a bit more to do, I must paint that end board. The next project, after I have found the work bench and floor, is to build a PW train, and I think there should be a boat moored up. Will keep you informed. Gary
  3. Funny you should say that, not that I am name dropping, but, I have been known to have one or two drinks too many with the editor of the Beano, honest. There is also a sequel to the days events, that I will write up another time, I is funny though. Gary
  4. Hi Paul, thanks for the chat, I am certain that you were not the only Rmwebber, at the exhibition, but you were the only one to make your self known. Please feel free to post any photos on this thread, its good to see a different angle on the layout. Rest assured, it will not be the last time Glenuig puts up an appearance in the West Midlands, and I have a few bookings further a field. I will be back at the Bonded Warehouse next year, with “Welsh Slate†operating that for two days will send me mad. Back to the Glen. A few lessons learnt and a few problems to solve. My biggest fear was that in the unusual hot weather for this time of year, I would have expansion problems, in the end one did rear its head, producing a short on the crossing of a point, the razor saw sorted that one. Signals, isn’t it always the case, for the to do list “get the signals operational†well I made sure that mine worked from the start, but on Friday night, the home signal decided to have a mind of its own, and the arm eventual did a loop the loop, the system was unceremoniously disconnected with the wire cutters. Coupling issues. A few wagons were becoming uncoupled when been shunted, these were withdrawn for checking, but when all the dimensions were checked it was found that the wagons were not at fault and the problem occurred at the base board joints. I need to fit level adjusters to the legs, and pay more attention, to getting the layout level. Operators, well my usual partner in crime made some petty excuses that he had got to work and drive real trains for DBS, but at the last minute Dan stepped in and covered Saturday, and did an smashing job. On Sunday, it was down to me and the missus, it cost me a slap up meal for two after the show, we are now just about on speaking terms! I was unsure whether I would operate from the front or the back, on Saturday we chose the back, but Sunday I stood out at the front. I found this arrangement a lot more sociable, and allowed me to talk a lot more, the problem was that at times this was a distraction. Both methods have there problems, so I think I shall play it by ear in the future. Lots of folks were asking me technical questions about DCC, the truth was that Saturday was the first time I had worked a layout in anger using DCC. Great fun.. Just one other thing, the size of the layout was governed by what would fit in the car, this weekend was the first show, an we have just had a new car, the thing could have been 12†longer. To sum up the whole weekend, I am very pleased with the performance of Glenuig, and its good to be back on the exhibition circuit after 17 years, and a big thanks to all the Rmwebbers who have supported me during this build. Now to the big one, tidy out the cellar. Gary
  5. Glenuig back the ¾ mile home from the first gig, all in all, very successful, Paul I give you a better reply tomorrow, Gary

  6. Stourbridge show day one So. the first day of the first show is over, and its time to go to the pub. Overall I am very pleased with how its gone. My co operator who had never made an exhibition of himself,excelled in the job, thanks Dan. We were both new to DCC control, and only one almighty prang must be awarded to me, I addressed the wrong loco then wondered why it wasn’t moving, only to see the stock been propelled against the stops at an alarming rate, so the error count for the day looks like this. Uncountable derailments 2 derailments S&W hooks caught in the buffer detail 3 operator error lost count And still the bl**dy seagulls fly the wrong way tomorrow, my co operator is the missus, I will report if I survive. Gary
  7. Just noticed my reputation is 212, shame its not got a “D” in front of, that would be HELLFIRE

    1. sixteen 12by 10s

      sixteen 12by 10s

      Oh yes, of to Stourbridge to set up Glenuig

  8. Is it me, or has a 2011 challenge icon just appeared?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. DonB


      Found a reference in post for Model Rail 157 as a possible joint venture.

    3. Jon020


      OK.. I give up. Where did it appear - can't find it anywhere

    4. sixteen 12by 10s
  9. Yes but its got the wrong name on it! Bob, Murry, and Mary. Gary
  10. Hi A chink of evening light, as the driver waits for the road back home, this is a naturallit shot, I think it should be referred to as “doing a Daveâ€Waverly west! Another test session on Sunday, this time the coupling issue was OK, and I can now announce that the slip coach service is now withdrawn. The layout can now be operated from both sides, and it is at this point when I will say,that I wish I had took the bull by the horns and gone for DCC accessory operation. See the piccy bellow, and then check my profile to find out my profession, yes you have got it spaghetti chef. Now to pack for the Stourbridge gig this weekend, see ya Gary
  11. Yes, a larg logo one with a scotty on the side Stop it please stop it, I am now sketching Bridge of Orchy out in 2mm. I agree with Carl, you have got the model, spot on Mark Gary
  12. Umm, there seams to be a lot of 2MM track building going on at the moment

    1. Kris


      Shame isn't it :-P

    2. nick_bastable


      I blame the Essex Elf's

    3. bcnPete


      All the rage at present 2FS - Get in Gary!

  13. Played all day with Glenuig. Now I,m going down the dongs

  14. Spent the evening getting my 4mm seagulls to fly in the right direction

    1. Pennine MC

      Pennine MC

      Don't they follow trawlers, according to Cantona ;-0

    2. multiprinter


      Now you need to make them s**t realistically.

    3. Worsdell forever

      Worsdell forever

      around here they fly towards anyone eating fish & chips.

  15. Just taken delivery of my special addition 70012, unfortunately the postman had dropped it!!

    1. darren01


      Hope she is alright?

    2. Horsetan


      It may need a few special "additions" if it's damaged!

  16. I set Glenuig up for a trial exhibition, (play), on Sunday the 20/03/2011, to check for any bugs and problems ahead of Stourbridge show. 90%+ of problems were found too be Sprat and winkle coupling related, due to miss adjustment and irritating uncoupling when you did not want it to happen, causing slip wagon and coach operation!!. Derailments! These were caused mainly when a long wheel based wagon was coupled to a short wheel based wagon and propelled through a crossover, the hook of one wagon would fowl on the other causing the rear of the wagon to derail. This was cured by adjusting the offset angle. Another problem, that I was aware of anyway, is hooks fowling in the buffer beam detail on the locos, they have now been fitted with longer loops to avoid this. So we have our train ready to depart, a blow of the horn and were away, well until we reach the firsts magnet, just a little jerk here and we have left the stock behind. To overcome this one, two magnets on the platform road have been replaced with electromagnets. Operating general. It has been my intentions to operate from the front, but after a good running session, I have had other thoughts. I have now repeated the point and signal controls at the rear, so I can operate from both positions. Other news, I have made the two signals operational using the Heathcoat servo system, (I know that servos are been discussed elsewhere on this forum) overall it works well, but one problem is they are prone to electrical noise, and I have had to fit all the point motors with suppression. And now for the big one, Mrs Gary, has elected herself as co-operator, training is ongoing.....and I have only been hit over the head with the Powercab twice so far, watch this space. Gary
  17. Hi Russ, Wow, Your winding me up posting photos like that, its been 7 months since my last Scottish fix , but only 5 weeks to my next. Where of too a place called Kylesku, where ever that is, but I’m sure Ben Alder knows , via ?. AS for the layout, think that’s the best thing to do when you get frustrated, go for a walk and think things over. I'm watching this very closely, I still haven’t ruled 2mm out for my next adventure! Gary
  18. Playing with Glenuig, Sprat and Winkle couplings.......Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

  19. Hi Don't forget that hiding in the bricked up tunnel at the rear of the shed, should be all those uncounted for, Kings, Castles, County s........... Gary
  20. Hi Paul the bonded warehouse show at Stourbridge is a small but very friendly exhibition. Look forward to meeting you and any other Rmwebbers that give the show a visit. It looks a good line up this year with my old mate, Phill Stevens, bringing his big roundy roundy “snow hillâ€. Big day this Sunday, I am housebound on work standby, so I intend to set up Glenuig and play trains all day, the camera will be around. Gary
  21. Another bostin day out there, and I’m stuck at work, but the weekend is upon us, oh typical just seen the weather forecast.

  22. A Belgium blond or an old one from Burton?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. 0O00


      Both, at the same time, rock n roll!

    3. halfwit


      Does anything good come out of Burton these days?

    4. sixteen 12by 10s

      sixteen 12by 10s

      Other than the A38 south bound, just joking, there are a few brews worth a taste, a good pint of Bass takes a beating, Burton bridge?

  23. The “I pencil” sounds good to me, the “I scribe” sounds even better, E mailing the “Intellectual property office”right now. Gary
  24. Thanks again all I really should get on and blog – post on the making of those lights, they have been a big hit. Spot on with the platform length, with the ramps its 3'6†in fact half the length of the scenic area. Not much exciting news from the glen at the moment, a lot of time has been spent fiddling with thing such as the Sprat and Winkle couplers, to get them all uniform I have a few more details to build and add, including a boat, so lets hope I can get these finished before the first gig. Gary
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