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sixteen 12by 10s

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Everything posted by sixteen 12by 10s

  1. Had a frustrating day in the name of diesel preservation and just got back home after a 160mile round trip

  2. Driving in my classic car, rumble crunch from the rear axle, skid, stop,, AA, tow home, oil all over me, differential mashed, £££, no trainset tokens

    1. P.C.M


      Sorry to hear about that, hope the old car is up and running soon.


      Cheers Peter.

    2. DonB


      Which make/model of Classic is it?

    3. sixteen 12by 10s

      sixteen 12by 10s

      AH sprite Mk4, got a recon unit on the way, although it will knock me for about £400 by the time the jobs done, it will be piece of mind now.

  3. Two sunsets at Connal, just north of Oban North west Scotland, the first over the railway bridge that carried the Ballachulish branch.
  4. Just read my last post witch makes no sense at all, this is what happens when you get distracted. The computer acquired a rather nasty virus, an I have only just got it up and running again. As Pete says, it would be interesting running trains from your layout to my proposed one, “honey I shrunk 37188†comes to mind. Gary
  5. Hi Mark I noticed that your layout had started to get some more rateable traction, a bit more 1980's, but sadly this was only a temporary measure. Give me a few days to get my computer up and running, some kind person, in Nigeria, or the eastern block, and whant's me to pay 49 quid to shift it, I will retrieve the photos and get them over to you. By the way, I am looking very closely to the next station down from Ranoch, watch this space. Gary
  6. Wonder if Michael Sheen is studying the Andy Y footage, I view to making a Hollywood follow up to the frost and Nixon interview.

    1. Andy Y

      Andy Y

      They'd have to do a fugly make up job on him for that!

    2. sixteen 12by 10s

      sixteen 12by 10s

      Yes, but we know what you can do with Das, and emulsion match pots

    3. Horsetan


      Das goes all crumbly.


  7. Hi Marc Enjoyed our chat on Saturday. Although I have never commented on this thread before, I have followed it , and it was a pleasure to see the work in the flesh. Brilliant modelling combined with clever lighting, mirrors and sound effects, I came away from the layout feeling damp and cold, even though it was in the mid 20s in the room. Hope we have the pleasure of seeing it again out in the public domain, any news on exhibitions. Gary
  8. Arr, the camera, your photos are probably better than the good lady's or mine come to think of it, the new weapon has got lots of twigly knobs and buttons that go peep when you press them, and I have only just managed to find out how to take a photo with it, so she would not have a clue. As for a Kettle on Glenuig, now where’s that Hornby Black 5. And Pete, I am related to the Macgregors in my distance past, as well as being a bit of a Viking, a cross between Rob Roy and Hagar the Horrible. My good lady managing to stop a train in the right place, she must be getting better, I was going to apologise for her “operating limitations†So now on to Midland Railex, hope to see some of you there. Gary
  9. Hi Hope the M6 and M74 was kind to you. I must admit, the Black 5 dose look good on Glenuig. Perhaps one day I shall go back in time its very tempting. By the way, I consider the Black 5 to be the finest steam loco built, so I have no objections to one appearing. the return favour will follow shortly its blue and diesel powered. Gary
  10. Janice, my missus, has just found her missing mobile phone in handbag no13 of the 12 that she admits to owning.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. sixteen 12by 10s

      sixteen 12by 10s

      thats back in the tool box

    3. Coombe Barton

      Coombe Barton

      Is that 13 phones or 13 handbags?

    4. bcnPete


      I have a similar problem in our house with the quantity of bags/shoes that my wife owns...hope she doesn't count my stock boxes though :-0

  11. Andy y, special chilli for lunch, the back home and down the pub for some fizzy beer and a Megadeath tribute band, followed by a jalfrazi with extra chilli's, high winds expected over Stourbridge

    1. BlackRat


      Light blue touchpaper and stand well back.

      Display use only.

      Only to be used with adult supervision.

  12. Think we can talk about the gaffa while he is entertaining down the pub?

    1. CovDriver


      Ok who's first !!

  13. Good try I have gone somewhere different than the bonny land for a change, its actually, Oxwich bay on the Gower, south Wales. Stopped in the hotel there (and got a very good deal), the second view is out of the bedroom window. The place is more or less on the beach, and for a change Mrs Gary and myself had good weather. Don't worry, back at home and packed for tomorrow. Gary
  14. Hi A sunset taken on Monday 27/06/11 and a sunrise on the next morning, but where? Gary
  15. Yippy, a day off, time to celebrate with a trip to the council tip........she says

  16. Oh.... that's nice, natural light? And you have to ask the question, how dark is black Gary
  17. Welcome to the end of summer, Wimbledon starts on Monday

    1. halfwit


      We've had a summer? When?

    2. Worsdell forever

      Worsdell forever

      april wasn't it?

    3. sixteen 12by 10s

      sixteen 12by 10s

      You missed it, it was on Tuesday between 06.00 and 16.00

  18. Gary's got a new camera, so the best way to test it out was to get in the time machine and go to Glenuig in 1983. it was worth the time (travel) I found a class 26 on a ballast Gary
  19. The photographer not in a very good position, still its worth capturing the event of a class 26 leaving Glenuig, the signalman's cat is impressed that his master has replaced the signal so quickly
  20. Thats strange, you stop browsing Rmweb, to do some work for 10 mins and the world changes

    1. sixteen 12by 10s

      sixteen 12by 10s

      and its just changed again

  21. Pete Glenuig is booked for a few shows over the summer, and them I will think about the 2mm thing, but it will happen and I will soon be posting some plans. My mates (0 gauge modellers) think I’m mad, there right . Watch this space Gary
  22. Yesterdays weather forecast should be entered for an award for fiction

  23. Hi all Its been some time since I reported on from Glenuig, the truth is the layout has been packed away since the Stourbridge gig. Meanwhile, I have been kept busy building some wagons for a PW train,, the Dogfish, Catfish, mermaid, and shark are all Cambrian kits. The kits were quite straight, except for two problems. The first with the two hopper wagons, these were very difficult to assemble the chassis square and with the open design it was not easy to fit compensation or springing. The Shark, it was fiddly to fit and get the Sprat and winkle couplings to fit under the ploughs. And just a photo of the 37 for a change! Gary
  24. Hi Claggy good to see you back. I was up on the West coast a month ago, we had “interestingâ€weather. Didn't get to Glenuig this time, but scored another ferry. http://www.rmweb.co....ee-to-add-more/ Spent a lot of time at Bridge of Orchy taking snaps for a future project. http://www.rmweb.co....orchy-1985-ish/ And it looks like a change of scale. http://www.rmweb.co....other-newcomer/ Looking forward to an update soon Gary
  25. Hi Jerry If this is the same loco, I can remember seeing it displayed at an exhibition at Cardiff around 1980? It was standing unpainted, on a length of track with a mirror beneath to show off the stunning working inside motion. I was a young 17 year old away at an “away gig†with my local club for the first time, and out of all the exhibits there, its that one I remember. PS, I was the large bloke with the missus, that you and Pixie persuaded to sign up and part with 20 quid, at Railex, what have I let myself into. Gary
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