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sixteen 12by 10s

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Everything posted by sixteen 12by 10s

  1. Stuck at work, half my b**dy staff have not turned up, probably due to WBA playing at home

    1. steam-driven boy

      steam-driven boy

      here's a spare *, you seem to have run out. It's a poorer excuse as there's not a match on their fixture list http://www.wba.co.uk/page/Fixtures/0,,10366,00.html

    2. sixteen 12by 10s

      sixteen 12by 10s

      I stand correcting, they got knocked out!!!

    3. 0O00


      Yes, bloomin Reading again! At least we can focus on the league!

  2. Hi So as far as I know the publishers have sold 7 copies of Model Rail 153! and my mum brought 4 of them!. At last I have got a look at it, and if I say it myself it don't half look good. Chris has made a fantastic job of the photos and this has really shown the model of. Glenuig has not seen the light of day since the photo hoot, Diy activity has made it a pain to set-up in the house, so Ihave been knee deep in mud in the quarry. http://www.rmweb.co....20-welsh-slate/ So to answer the exhibition question, the Glen is booked for the following dates. 9-10/04/2011Stourbridge, navigation trust, model railway exhibition, at thebonded warehouse. Glenuig,s first show,and my home town gig. 2/07/2011 something to do with Rmweb! (provisional) 27-28/08/2011 Railex NE http://www.btmrs.co....ition-2011.html I hope to get it set up in the next few weeks, and start working out some sequence moves, in preparation for the shows, and I look forward to using some new found photographic skills. Thanks go to all of you who have offered encouragement, and advise, it has made the the layout build enjoyable to say the least. Gary
  3. Hi all I am getting fan mail, I will answer you all when I get out of this place (work) latter, thanks Gary

  4. Hi Chris Since your visit to photograph Glenuig, I have now changed the layouts lighting, and have fitted it with 3 *6400K colour lamps. I have also constructed (I am a tight, and practical sort of bloke) a couple of photo floods, and have used these to photograph Over Haddon and the slate quarry, with superb results. There is a florescent tube and energy saving lamps, available, with 6400K colour, which is classed as Daylight. Gary
  5. Hi Mark Tell you the truth, I have yet to see the finished piece in the mag yet. Glad you liked the article. I was pleased with my attempts at photographing the layout, but I think Mr Media's photos are something else. Chris, spent a few hours getting the shots, and while he was, I leant so much about photographing models (of the railway kind, missus take note), that my photography has come on leaps and bounds, have a look at “Welsh slate†for my latest attempts. Thanks Gary
  6. Fair fa' your honest, sonsie face, Great chieftain o' the puddin-race! Aboon them a' ye tak your place, Painch, tripe, or thairm: Weel are ye wordy o' a grace As lang's my arm.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Horsetan


      No, Irn-Bru. Brewed in Scotland...by Girrrrders.


    3. 46444


      Bottle of Buckfast? Now we're talking!

    4. Horsetan


      Q: Whaddye get when ye connect with a boatle a' Buckfast?


      A: A Buckie coupling.

  7. Having a fed up few days, long hours at work, and dark nights, but I am sure you lot will cheer me up

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Barry Ten

      Barry Ten

      I've been feeling a bit run down the last few days as well - occurred to me I hadn't been outdoors much, so I made a point of walking to town and back today. Still feel miserable though, so that obviously wasn't it.

    3. sixteen 12by 10s

      sixteen 12by 10s

      Barry, think you have hit the nail on the head. I like to get out walking, but the weathers been fowl every weekend since Xmass

    4. skipepsi


      Just wrap up well and walk anyway it suprising how many things you can sort out in your head while walking

  8. Hi I suppose the Highlands has been devoid of earthquakes after the demise of class 37s and Eastfield nutcases, sorry drivers. PS, hope its not cracked the A87 Gary 
  9. well, all of the urban poetry, and lyrics posted on this forum, and the biggest response (22 comments) came from the works of the Macc Lads, I think we have found our cultural level.

    1. Barry Ten

      Barry Ten

      Not mine. At least when I was at uni they were considered non-pc in all the worst ways.

    2. halfwit


      Weren't they actually quite posh boys who went to a private school in Macclesfield? Saw them once playing on the back of a lorry being driven down Bedford High Street. A non-event from a bunch of chancers IIRC.

  10. Hi Russ As fer as I know, the tremor did not reach the model in Stoubridge, but I will check tomorrow. Cracks in the car park of the Glenuig inn, big news in the highlands, just hope it has not interrupted the production of the Moidart, single malt. (he says as he downs a glass of Laphroaig!) Gary
  11. She wore big knickers and she worked on't sewage farm.

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. RedgateModels


      Here we come, Mutley, Nobby, Stez Sticks, we drink boddingtons' bitter ands we smoke #6 .........

      Ay up we're the Macc Lads!


    3. RedgateModels


      Aye up my love, I've got a suggestion .......

    4. Horsetan


      I think we've all got suggestions...

  12. I used a home made RSU quite a lot when I used to build 7 mm locos. Get yourself some solder paint, expensive, but you don't need to use much of it. Have you got a foot switch with your unit, these can be very useful, when attaching thing like lamp brackets. The part can be held in position with the electrode and the “spare hand” while you control the power with you foot. Gary
  13. Its national “fat day” and the most depressing day of the year, according to the news, better have a bacon sausage and egg butty to cheer myself up

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. sixteen 12by 10s

      sixteen 12by 10s

      Cheesy chips, now were in a completely different league of food here, doner kebab with chilly sauce?

    3. KevinWalsh


      and extra jalepenos

    4. sixteen 12by 10s

      sixteen 12by 10s

      Forget the lot now, you have mentioned a form of chilli, its going to be Jalfrazi rice and a nan, and a few pints to wash it down with

  14. Tip. Holding the earth wire, while holding the mesh on your home made static grass applicator, makes you hair stand on end and not the grass

    1. Horsetan


      You're going for the Albert Einstein look, then?

  15. I can confirm that there was a problem of vibration damage to the class 50 electronics. Most of the electronic circuits, are built up on paxoline boards with components soldered to studs, the whole assembly is then coated in an anti vibration, silicon rubber compound, in an attempt to stop the thing shaking to bits. The silicon rubber makes fault finding fun. If you ask me, I think the 50's were overcomplicated for there time, and reliability would have been much improved if they had stuck to the proven design of DP2's control system Gary
  16. Just had a thought, if they had used Hornby's new packaging system to deliver it in, it would have survived a re-entry from obit and still been OK. Entering service would of been delayed for several weeks, while they worked out how to get it out of the box! Gary
  17. Which manufacturer will be first to laser scan it for a limited addition Gary
  18. Thanks for all the info, and taking advantage of my typo. (I make enough of them!!) No problem with posting anything like that on one of my threads, anything with an EE power unit in is acceptable. The propelling move with the Queen Mary makes sense, for a while I thought one would put in an appearance at Glenuig on an engineers train. Thanks all Tarts are done Gary
  19. The power of rmweb strikes again. Thanks Flood, that's just what I was looking for. I knew of the micro buffet, and believe the only survivor is at Swanage. I shall now number my stock accordingly. Now for the queen Mary. Gary
  20. Thanks for your help so far. If I can remember, Mk1 compartment stock was still in use in the late 1980's and it was prime “dossing†out accommodation, but I can't remember which bit of the Scottish system this would have been. As for the Queen Mary bakevan, that I did not expect. Thanks Gary
  21. Dose falling from a crane, and then ending up in that shape, mean that it can now be called a “flying banana†Gary
  22. High up on a north Wales hillside, Jones the steam, drives his little engine during the daily routine of moving slate. Gary
  23. Hi thanks No, I am not looking for the excursion stock, just the normal service train stock, from what I can remember the best you could expect was that it had wheels under it!, even in the last days of loco hauled trains to get a coach that the heat worked was a bonus!. Gary
  24. Wanted for my train set “Glenuig†Its one of those things, countless times I sat in trains, on the West Highland, but never noticed what type or the number of the coach I was sitting in or hanging out of the window of. I am not that interested in train formations, there's not a lot you can do with a two coach train, more the types used, Ie, TSO....Mk1, and numbers. I would imagine that Mk1s were normal in the early 1980's and then getting replaced with cascaded Mk2's as they became available, and then the eventual demise of the steam heat stock with the introduction of the 37 4's. Looking forward to the good help I get from forum members Gary
  25. Good day. After three hours of searching (tidying), I found the workbench. Following that three pints of good ale followed by a Jalfrazi, all of witch is now the responsibility of Severn Trent water

    1. DonB


      Notice seen in pub Gents,"you only rent our beer"

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