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Huw Griffiths

RMweb Gold
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Status Replies posted by Huw Griffiths

  1. This site has been very slow and cranky today anyone else having problems viewing stuff?

  2. Respect, tolerance and offence do go both ways, or at least should go both ways.

  3. Just watched last nights "Panormarar" aboiut HS2. It is goingo to be an over priced and this country dose not require such a high speed line. As I feel that this country is lossing it geern spaces.

  4. Wise Men came from the East, saying “where is this loco? that we may copy it”

  5. Time for RMWexit....need to get some real work done

  6. You can sign out any time you like, But you can never leave!

  7. A bizarre form of unsolicited emails today - embargoed DfT press releases and invitation to a DfT event - more suspicious than a Nigerian 419!

  8. A bizarre form of unsolicited emails today - embargoed DfT press releases and invitation to a DfT event - more suspicious than a Nigerian 419!

  9. Onion and Brussel Sprout hash. Wonder if I will be doing a Boris later.

  10. Is rather looking forward to Warley tomorrow as first show I’ve been to in a long time.

  11. Given up railway modelling!!!

  12. First visit to Janes Trains, and I think my wallet is mad at me.

  13. Seeing Berlin for the first time in over 46 years. Things have changed!

  14. What goes round comes around. Daily Telegraph reports a “New Idea”. Trains to blow sand on the line to overcome leaf mould adhesion problems.

  15. Just awoke after my overnight adventure, I’ve got a whirrring sound of AC electrics in my head

  16. 3 days away with work, and on my return home the EvilBay Jubilee is waiting for me, should I dare to open it?

  17. I'm sure RMweb is moving away from modelling that makes your hands dirty.

  18. Remind me never to buy lead-free solder again.

  19. A couple of nights at Skipwith station in a ex Virgin Mk2 carriage

  20. Mainline Stations are wild below the Diagonal.... My move is Euston

  21. dropping a new loco isnt good.....

  22. Model shop proprietor told me he hates computers and he hates the internet. Oh dear...

  23. Mainline Stations are wild below the Diagonal.... My move is Euston

  24. Tea and a cream doughnut. Oh yes!

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