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Huw Griffiths

RMweb Gold
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Status Replies posted by Huw Griffiths

  1. Your call is important to us, thanks for holding..........

  2. My modelling mojo appears to be on extended annual leave again!

  3. Why do TV journalists ask politicians multiple part questions when they know they will avoid answering the first part and ignore all subsequent parts?

  4. Plastic sleepers on the Blaenau Ffestiniog - Life imitating Art?

  5. Giving the Cake Box Challenge a go.

  6. Your call is important to us ........

  7. Didn't know they were cut but goodbye 141103 and 141110

  8. Ally Pally time...

  9. Who's idea was it to get the new UK passport made in France.

  10. Nice to see Hale and Pace back on the tv, in Benidorm.

  11. I am not able to get on thissite using my router. I can on the phone. Very odd.

  12. Our local Tesco currently has various Gorilla glues on special offer. I stocked up on the two types of superglue.

  13. Happy Birthday to you; Happy Birthday to you; Happy Birthday to you dear RMweb; Happy Birthday to you. 13 years old today.

  14. Happy Birthday to you; Happy Birthday to you; Happy Birthday to you dear RMweb; Happy Birthday to you. 13 years old today.

  15. Happy Birthday to you; Happy Birthday to you; Happy Birthday to you dear RMweb; Happy Birthday to you. 13 years old today.

  16. The dog is having left-over Korma for dinner again...... GAS GAS GAS!!!

  17. The dog is having left-over Korma for dinner again...... GAS GAS GAS!!!

  18. Math. It’s all fun and games until someone divides by zero.

  19. Math. It’s all fun and games until someone divides by zero.

  20. has received a scam "suspicious activity" text from Santander

  21. has received a scam "suspicious activity" text from Santander

  22. has received a scam "suspicious activity" text from Santander

  23. Is it just me or has RMWeb gone a bit, well, ‘nuts’ over the last week?

  24. Seems most trains in Scotland are not running, funny they usually managed when steam engines pulled them............................bit of snow,pah.

  25. Best year for new models ever!

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