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Huw Griffiths

RMweb Gold
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Status Replies posted by Huw Griffiths

  1. Help! I'm being held captive and forced to watch football!

  2. is pleased to read that it's going to be a long hot summer...a nice tan beckons ....goodee!

  3. Orange and black, blue and orange or green?

  4. New strimmer works perfectly! Long Live Makita!

  5. is pleased to read that it's going to be a long hot summer...a nice tan beckons ....goodee!

  6. has found a surprising number of locomotive GAs...on Pinterest, of all places.

  7. No. 1 son is 24 today, so we're on the SDR :)

  8. Yodel are due to deliver the replacement track that they bent in two at the first attempt. I await with dread....

  9. Fork 'Andles...

  10. Storm drains checked, hatches battened down ...

  11. Yesterday I received the Accurascale HUOs, arguably the finest 4mm RTR wagon we have ever seen and today I have what I believe is the finest, by a substantial margin, RTR 4mm loco the UK market has seen - an interesting week!

  12. Long long time ago...

  13. Why do I have to spend my time disabling things when Microsoft force-install a Win10 update?

  14. Don't believe any of the rumours you might hear.

  15. Could be a classic snooker final. Late night ahead?

  16. Thinking that peopl who adopt that 'power pose' look complete prats.

  17. Has just received the 'save the date' email for the office Christmas party.

  18. think I've lost my bearings

  19. Why can't people stick with posts about the thread titles?

  20. I'm going to have to discipline myself; drinking at the desk! At least I can walk home.

  21. has started the week with his senior colleague ranting about the departure of Arsene Wenger. #arsenal #rabid #fan

  22. has started the week with his senior colleague ranting about the departure of Arsene Wenger. #arsenal #rabid #fan

  23. The Well-Tempered Clavier

  24. It's going to be great to see Clarkson's take on Millionaire next month.

  25. Put On Your Cement Shoes...

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