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Everything posted by south_tyne

  1. That's key. Those of us who suffer from depression/anxiety/the black dog, call it what you will, can often be irrationally impacted and affected by a throw away comment, something that can instantly crush confidence. I understand that much of what I feel is illogical but it doesn't stop me feeling like that at times. This is a forum and a thread for everyone! Whether a 'sufferer' in some ways or not. Anyone should be able to post and comment here and be welcome. I view it as an opportunity to share and also hopeful as a chance to be a 'pick me up' for those in need. Hopefully it can continue in such a way.
  2. Fantastic modelling Graeme! A very attractive prototype - it is good to see milk traffic modelled, something a little different to the norm. I love the dairy buildings in particular. I can assure you that what you have done is way more than 'good enough' so please don't doubt yourself! It is inspirational stuff Thanks for sharing. David
  3. I agree with nearly all of that... Let's try and keep this thread positive though and a "pick me up' for those of us who need it...... I was disappointed not to get to Telford over the weekend but hope, for those 7mm scale modellers who did, it provided a boost to the old mojo!
  4. Cheers Neil. It's amazing what you can fit into a relatively small space. A length of 7' sounds tight but that's a cracking trackplan which should offer plenty of operational scope. Love the sketches too, starts to bring things to life. Thanks again for taking the time to respond. David
  5. Plug alert..... If anyone is a fan of football writing I can thoroughly recommend The Blizzard: https://www.theblizzard.co.uk. 'Grown up football writing', with extended articles written by top quality journalists. It's a quarterly publication, and can be a little ecletic at times, but it's a highlight when it drops through my letterbox every three months! I've been on board since the start and we are up to issue 30 now! Love to hear from anyone else who is a reader/subscriber There is no advertising budget for the publication so it's all about spreading the word and gaining exposure through word of mouth, hence a plug here...... Go on, give it a go, you won't regret it!
  6. I know next to nothing about Chinese railways but I find this project fascinating Teamyakima! Stunning in scale and scope. I particularly like the apartment blocks, they are sp atmospheric you feel like you are almost there! Fantastic, unique modelling. David
  7. I was best man for my brother and My only stipulation about the entire weekend was that he avoided the football season! Even managed to steer clear of a date that would clash with any (highly unlikely) threat of Gateshead FC making the National Laeague playoffs of course that never happened..... My modelling interest certainly reduces during the football season... converse to most people who seem to have a lull during the summer!
  8. Ditto. Dava, are you at Telford this weekend? If so, I am sure there would be someone there who could lend some assistance! Just a thought.....
  9. It's funny, I am no technophobe but I can't get away with e-books or e-magazines and still much prefer them in hard copy. I spend almost all my my working day on the computer, using different technical software at times, but still prefer to read a physical copy of a document or report. I am sure it will increasingly become the norm to take digital copies however, especially for subscribers - the cost saving to both publisher and consumer should be huge.
  10. Managed to have a very quick flick through the new issue in the supermarket today and looks like an excellent issue. Particularly liked the look of the building a layout on a £200 budget and I'll definitely come back to this. Given the seemingly increasing costs a d expense of this hobby it is great to see that there is another way and that alternative approaches and ideas are available with a little resourcefulness and lateral thinking. All in all looking forward to getting a copy and having a proper read in due course!
  11. Tim, I've said this before, but I love the way the layout is developing, particularly the buildings. The scale and mass of them is superb, very imposing and makes for a hugely impressive overall scene. It is great to see this industrial kind of setting in 7mm scale. The setting suits the Hudswell Clarke and Peckett perfectly! Keep up the good work! David
  12. Hi Gareth, Love the idea and execution of the sector plate, an excellent space saving idea. Granted it may have been rare but, as has been mentioned, Bembridge can be the example of a similar set up (albeit small turntable). I know you will have mentioned it, so apologies, but what is the length of the sector plate itself? Love the weathered Hudswell Clarke by the way!! Cheers, David
  13. I would echo comments above. I would start with a Parkside kit and take it from there. They are excellent, good instructions and don't take too long to put together. Plenty of choice too so you should find something suitable for your modelling era. David
  14. Hi Neil, Thanks for taking the time to reply, it's much appreciated. So is the plan for the home layout basically an inglenook with a run-round? Does the 6-7 feet include a fiddle yard?
  15. Bizarre football story of the week...... https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-tyne-45342468
  16. That is a wonderful space to work in. Wishing you all the best and look forward to seeing your layout develop!
  17. Love that mock up! So atmospheric even in this most basic of formats. I hope you can incorporate those buildings and that entrance/exit scenario in the layout
  18. Good stuff Dava. The side project looks very rewarding and it is must be nice to be taking steps forward with that. Little victories are often the most rewarding! I do find the potential for modelling 3' gauge stuff very appealing and a highly untapped market. I love the 48ds - hoping to get one of the LLCo standard gauge versions when they are released (if I can justify it!). Like the way the wagon is coming on. Just out of iterest, would it be the intention to offer the underframe on a commercial basis once your designer has finalised it? David
  19. Cheers James! Just dug out the above book and they are wonderful images of both 03s and 08s on local/pick up goods. If such services had survived longer in general nationwide, and the rural branchline had not been obliterated, you wonder whether diesel shunters would have been more widely used in such a manner into the '70s? Particularly when the non-standard plethora of type 1 diesel locos had been phased out and scrapped. Very much alternative history but an 03 trundling along with a few wagons on a rural branch is very appealing to me!
  20. How about a lovely Hudswell Carke in Denmark..... http://www.leedsengine.info/leeds/photo.asp?photo=images/Hudswell%20Clarke/Standard%20Gauge%20Loco/Steam/hc%20499%20helsingor%20denmark%202018%20kw.jpg&phby=Kris%20Ward&loco=Ostre%20Gasvaerk%20No.2%20%20(Hudswell%20Clarke%20499/1899)&exact=on
  21. Look forward to seeing Dutton Bridge develop Neil What will be the overall size of this module? I notice you will be using the Peco setrack points - how have you found running through these? I have read mixed reviews... I love the way you're developing your wago stock too! It's great to see something a bit different to the norm and some alternative prototypes being modelled. Keep sharing your work, David
  22. Excellent stick with that decision and have fun with your modelling!
  23. I would definitely agree with that. Pre-internet this wouldn't have happened.... a handful of friends may have seen our layout. We may have visited a handful of exhibitions s year and then looked at half a dozen layouts in the press each month. Ultimately that would have been our guide and there wouldn't be people commenting/judging through a forum such as this all the time. Even if in 99% of cases any 'criticism' is constructive it is often how we perceive this comment that is the issue. Forums such as this are a wonderful resource, can be inspirational and can also offer a wonderful opportunity for sharing, support and friendship. How they can also have a negative aspect because ultimately there will always be some unobtainable benchmarks apparent, reaching standards that, I for one, will never be able to obtain. As long as we can channel this and any comments positively however, it can be an excellent thing and spur us on. My advice at the moment is just try to enjoy your modelling. Get a little layout up and running and get 'playing'! Please feel free to dismiss me but it's just our current mindset and circumstances sound very similar and I know it is the best approach I could take!
  24. Excellent idea multi-era and/or locations could be your answer! Two or more distinct selections of stock could be utilised depending on your mood or interest for the day. It is something I am considering as mentioned above.
  25. Sorry I should have been clearer. I meant ridiculous in my situation and from my point of view, not the original poster. In fact I am fully in awe of those who can restrict themselves in such a way and slavishly follow the prototype to such a degree, I really admire it. But there are those of us for which I isn't quite so important - especially if it has having an adverse impact, in the extreme where it is making us ill. I fully after with your approach; sitting down and writing a list of your wants and needs is a very good approach and could well work for the OP. Again apologies if my posting was not very clear. David
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