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Everything posted by south_tyne

  1. Utilise rule one... it's your trainset. Just my opinion but sometimes life is too short to get bogged down in slavishly following the prototype, so just do what you want to is my view
  2. That's the one - cheers Adrian! I'll dig it out for a look tomorrow. I knew I had seen something somewhere. If I remember rightly they were lovely atmospheric shots of diesels locos but operating in 'steam-age' infrastructure and setting.
  3. That sounds sensible Jack. I would love to see a mock up or real life prototype. If it can work it will offer such a great space saving opportunity!
  4. Hi Steve, Thank you for taking the time to reply, that is excellent news. It is great to hear that things are moving forward; don't worry about the pace I am in no doubt that this one will be definitely worth the wait!! Also allows time for people ona very strict budget such as myself to get the necessary funds together! I know you've got a lot on with your other projects too so thanks agai for the update. Apologies for pestering you, I didn't want it to seem like I was badgering/chasing at all, as I said, I am in no rush and know the finished product you will deliver will be of the highest quality. Keep up the good work and all the best with all your projects! David
  5. Just spotted this one for the first time too. I have very happy memories of mooching around Ely station during the holidays when staying with relatives in East Anglia during the '90s and '00s so the layout really strikes a chord with me Fantastic modelling and shows just what can be done when the potential of 2mm scale is maximised. That station building is superb too! Inspiring stuff so thanks for sharing, David
  6. Seems like you have been making real progress and making the most of the bank holiday weekend! Developing a nice trackplan in the enlarged format. I think you were right to drop the bay and avoid the scene becoming too cluttered. There is definitely a happy medium to be struck between operational interest and avoiding cramming too much track in..... I think what you have gone for in that latest update seems to get that balance right. Keep the updates coming! David
  7. Thanks for sharing - smashing pictures. I am a little biased but still think the NYMR is the best of the preserved railways at its best. Whether it is riding the whole route or just doing a short hop, it has something to offer for everyone. The link to Whitby has given added flexibility and the last couple of times I have been we have just done a return from Grosmont to Whitby. Always plenty to see down the MPD too Haven't been yet this year but hoping to pop down in September. PS - that LT liveried class 20 looks intriguing!
  8. I am sure I have seen photos of Drewry-type shunters on pick up freight services in the Northallerton/Ripon/Harrogate kind of area in the mid/late '60s. Possible the last throws of the Masham branch? I suspect they may have been what became the 03 class rather than 04 mind? I am sure far more knowledgeable folk can confirm though. Presumably a York or Darlington based loco that was allowed to stretch it's legs out on the mainline! I had a quick look and couldn't immediately find the images I was thinking of but I am sure I am not making it up... for my own sanitt, perhaps someone can confirm that I haven't completely dreamt this up!!
  9. Thanks for sharing this Jack. I think it is an absolutely ingenious idea and something I have never thought of or even seen before! The concept of a 'drawer' arrangement to a fiddle yard is such a space saver.... the challenge would be in ensuring a smooth mechanism, so it could be easily slid in and out for an operating session. Storage would be easy. Definitely gives food for thought when planning a micro layout and I would love to see if the concept works in real life!
  10. Smashing thank you for replying. It looks really good with plenty of operational interest to the trackplan.
  11. Hi Steve, Just wondering whether there has been any further progress with regard to the Ruston? David
  12. Hi Mark - tantalising glimpse there! What is the size of the section you have shown there? Look forward to seeing more in due course! Thanks for sharing, David
  13. Hi Pete, A step backwards to take a few forward is no bad thing at all. It sounds like you have got your mojo back and look forward to seeing progress. Don't forget about the 7mm scale big boys toys though!!
  14. Ha ha yes. Shows clubs can bounce back though. I remember them turning up at Gateshead in the Conference and bringing about 2,000 away fans!! Given the overall crowd was about 2,500 puts things in perspective
  15. It is. Given their recent record the fact the club keeps going at all is admirable. Although they've broken the rules I still feel very sorry for them and wish they would be given a break!
  16. Are we talking Sodor or rural Norfolk!?! Some strange things go on in the countryside.....
  17. Great to see these back and a bargain at that price. You'll get two at the cost of an equivalent RTR hopper type wagon. Excellent news.
  18. Ultimately a layout (as with anything) is worth what someone is willing to pay for it. However I would suggest that in the vast majority of cases it would be very difficult to cover the cost of the materials and, if you manage to do so, then you will have done well. As ever, it is very difficult to put a value on time and skills in a hobby such as this. Maybe model railways should be valued more highly in an artistic sense and in the creative world as a theatrical artform but normally a layout is simply something an individual or group has developed for their own enjoyment (play!!) which is sometimes shared with the public though an exhibition. Waffle over but I think covering the rough cost of materials would be a realistic objective.....
  19. Looking good Neil! The inset track is particularly effective and the buildings are wonderful. Do you have space in your workshop to have this and the new OO layout set up and in situ at the same time? David
  20. It's certainly not boring is it! I have been listening about all the shenanigans on the World Service during breakfast over the last few mornings. May you livein interesting times as they say... At least there is no imminent comeback for Tony Abbott on the cards, something to feel positive about!
  21. Cheers Chris that's fantastic! I've been deliberating (procrastinating!!) a lot about what to do but I think these prototype shots have confirmed where the pennies I have saved for a second 7mm scale loco are going to end up.... it will be a lovely stablemate for the HC
  22. Interesting thoughts. The counter to this is of course Cornwall... in many ways, both economically and socially, it has more in common with the North East than many other areas of the country. Yet they have a far superior choice of RTR models available for their local area. Now much of this has been championed and driven by one business in Kernow Models but this isn't the exclusive reason. So what is the difference? Do Cornish railways have a greater following from ex-pats and 'outsiders' than the NER? I would suggest so. Why is that? Is it the holiday factor? Sunshine? Romance of a far flung location? Probably a combination of the above. But Cornwall is certainly no more affluent than the North East. Indeed the reliance on tourism and low paid seasonal work, combined with high house prices, problems with second/holiday home ownership, poor transport links and lack of a major city/conurbation mean economically it is worse off than up here. Despite that, when it comes to toy trains they have a multitude of choice from the Beattie Well Tank,13xx panniers, the Class 22 and all the diesel hydraulic locos. In some ways just as eclectic and localised as NER prototypes. Can TMC become the North East equivalent of Kernow? Possibly, but the G5 will be a good test of the market, capacity and profitability... There are other more peripheral areas that are equally as poorly served and maybe the remoteness from London,from the market, critical mass and spending power of the South East has something to do with it. I had never thought of that but it is a great hypothesis. Think the GNoS Railway, Highland, some of the South Wales lines(??) as initial examples. As a counter, you can model the railways of the Isle of White using RTR items until your heart is content. Is that influenced by the affluence of the South? Or more by the holiday/sunshine/romance thing again? It certainly cannot be due to the population of the IoW itself! I don't have an answer, just musing...
  23. At a very basic level, if the average lifespan for a loco is around 25-30 years then dream could have him on until the very early '80s. I would imagine the last of the BR Standard locos on heavy freight to serve industrial users (coal/steel traffic etc), focused on a small number of locations such as the North East, Yorkshire, Lancashire and South Wales. Having said that, the miner's strike would have been the ultimate death of it.
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