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Status Updates posted by KevinWalsh

  1. FFS, can't get onto any site now without an expensive approved card/ticket, whatever happened to common sense and allowing people to be responsible for their own actions without legislating for stupidity (and the bl**ding cards/tickets don't stop the stupid having accidents)

    1. MarshLane


      Somebody decided that stupid was the 21st century version of common sense :(

    2. KevinWalsh


      TBH I think it's just a money-spinner for someone in charge, basic bucket-lugger card costs £250 in training fees GRRRR


  2. The Sheik he drove his cadillac, He went a-cruisin' down the ville

    1. beast66606


      Stop Rockin the Casbah

  3. What ever happened to common sense, now I have to have an expensive ticket (that has to be renewed every couple of years) to get onto sites. Looking at some of the 'Richard-Caraniums' on sites it's clear these tickets are just a gov't cash cow, GRRRRRR

  4. Just found out Joost Van Der Westhuizen has died, I was only watching the game that was his final international appearance the other day.

    1. 46444


      A great player. Fitting eulogy here from Matt Dawson:


    2. Bon Accord

      Bon Accord

      Tragic case, doesn't seem so long since the 95 world cup when he really made his mark.

  5. Hate it when work is thin on the ground, going out of my mind with the lack of cashflow

    1. mark374


      know the excat feeling no work since october last year


    2. Trainshed Terry

      Trainshed Terry

      I have been looking for employment since November 2015. And still no lob offers.

    3. Ian J.

      Ian J.

      I've been there until all too recently. Not fun.

  6. Bit of a productive evening at club tonight, time to work out the backstory and start a thread for the club layout

  7. Just found out ColinW of this parish is in hospital on a ventilator and Dialysis, thoughts to his family

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      Yes, best wishes and hopes for improved health.

    3. Andy Y

      Andy Y

      Likewise I'm sorry to hear that news, my best wishes

    4. Mallard60022


      My thoughts are here and let us see a speedy recovery.

  8. A reasonably successful night at club, looks like the planned track formations will fit into the baseboard constraints.

  9. A good night at club tonight, the baseboards for the new "N" guage layout arrived and as CME I had the honour of making the first pencil marks ready for track laying.

    1. muddys-blues


      Does the club honour the CME with a special golden pencil ?

  10. Just been commisioned to complete a Gauge 1 outdoor layout, should be an interesting experience.

    1. steve22


      Have you worked in Gauge One before? I never have. Must look mighty big stuff for 00 folk like me.

    2. KevinWalsh


      I haven't, but I do work in 7&1/4" so the principles should be the same (he hopes)

  11. One of life's great debate, which is the superior sausage - Cumberland or Lincolnshire?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Tim Dubya

      Tim Dubya

      linda mccartney

    3. BoD


      Where' is the good Cap'n when you need him?

    4. Judge Dread

      Judge Dread

      Yellow belly land!

  12. Looks like I will go with a Diesel Brake Tender outline for the driving truck to go with my Class 12.

  13. For those who don't think about chloresteral maybe you should. Just been put on Statins due to my numbers (at medium risk of major heart attack) and I'm not even 50 yet.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Trebor


      Taking statins buggered up my knees, both now have early stage arthritis. Diet changes, cut out the junk and eat healthy ,

    3. Judge Dread

      Judge Dread

      I complained to my GP about muscle cramps and he changed the dosage. That made it a lot better. I'm 71 by the way.

    4. Mallard60022


      If you do have to have Statins make sure you get the right type and dose as they can have all sorts of side affects. Do some med research on t'net.

  14. Fun day today, hiding in the workshop re-wiring the Class 12 and prepping all the components of the chassis for painting.

    1. mcrook62


      hiding from what or whom?

    2. KevinWalsh


      The weather LOL, and the possibility of back-breaking civil engineering/PWay work

  15. is idly wondering at what gauge/scale does it cease to be classed as modelling

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Grafarman


      Tornado is a full size model of an A1...*tin hat, flak jacket*

    3. Huw Griffiths

      Huw Griffiths

      I'd agree with that assessment - a full size, working model - with a couple of mods to allow it to run on the 21st century railway.

    4. Tim Dubya

      Tim Dubya

      with the important bit made by the fr***in' Germans (best scouse accent).

  16. Is it considered unlawful if I take a lump of lead to the scuzz-buckets that keep setting off fireworks and scaring the hell out of my dogs?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Horsetan


      I exercised the racehorse last night. She completely ignored the fireworks....

    3. ginger j

      ginger j

      Our cats were doing good impressions of racehorses due to the noise...

    4. Nelson Jackson

      Nelson Jackson

      Same with our 2 dogs :(

  17. Jenkins be a good chap and fetch my Purdey, there appears to be some vermin on the estate.

    1. petethemole


      Release the hounds.

    2. AndrewC


      Release the Kracken.

  18. Gregor, repeat the ritual

  19. Great (not), some BE11END is setting off fireworks nearby and now both dogs are barking their heads off. Some ankers certainly deserve to be booted in the dagglies.

    1. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      Totally agree - I'd ban 'em except in supervised shows...

    2. 3 link

      3 link

      Ditto, where do these sad gits get their money from, I mean the fireworks aren't cheap.

  20. Apparently Chinese Hairy Crabs have been found in Scotland, I'm pretty sure if I succumb to the potentail joke possibilities on this matter I'd be in deep brown and smelly with the Mods LOL

  21. I clearly have a wife who understands me, for my birthday she bought me an 8F in BR Black and the British Transport Films collection DVD boxset, I'm a happy bunny

    1. Michael Delamar

      Michael Delamar

      thats a great boxset


    2. Andy Y

      Andy Y

      Tell her according to RMweb law she can have several husbands. :)

    3. 69843


      Only up to 9

  22. Ally Pally was successful, managed to get a few items off my stock requirement list. Mind you 1 of them was a Q1 (god almighty that truely is an ugly loco)

    1. Judge Dread

      Judge Dread

      A face that only a mother could love!

  23. Starting to look like a hand-grenade has had the pin pulled and tossed into a series of threads, wonder how long before the mods have to step in????

    1. Mod6


      We can't read everything, use the report button if necessary.

    2. Mallard60022


      Good tip....thanks.

  24. Well, I have returned from a loss of mojo enforced exile, looks like a have a lot of threads to catch-up on reading of

  25. Feeling infused with the Nelson spirit, since my Victory build is continuing after being stalled for 2 years.

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