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Pete the Elaner

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Everything posted by Pete the Elaner

  1. His engine didn't fail. He crashed & had damaged his suspension. Hill saw this so attempted to pass. You can even see Schumacher checking his mirrors & blocking Hill from passing on the outside before changing direction to slam in on him.
  2. Which was very similar to the same move he pulled on Damon Hill a few years earlier, deciding the championship in his favour.
  3. I totally agree with that. What is wrong with the current 91? I have never read any complaints about its dimensions, so it should be possible to bring it up to scratch with some detailing & re-motoring. Robf's photos a few posts earlier in this thread show what can be done. On the other hand, Hornby could have kept the ex-Lima 87 in production but they chose to bring out an entirely new model.
  4. Its strange that it has stopped working. You should see a massive difference with a CDU. You only have to buy one for the whole layout (or if you like electronics, building one is quite an enjoyable project), so it will not be a massive outlay. I helped a friend build a layout with SEEP motors. These wouldn't throw at all without a CDU but have been perfectly reliable since we fitted one.
  5. Aren't the DVDs included when you subscribe to the online edition & choose the option of accessing all previous editions too?
  6. It is not so much a case of people wanting a model, but whether a manufacturer believes they will sell. 91/Mk4s are due to run on the WCML from next autumn, so a change of livery will give you something which can run alongside a Pendolino, Voyager & 350. Will this increase their sales potential or, like most, will their popularity increase once they start to be replaced by something less well-liked. This last point may well even be under consideration by a manufacturer right now.
  7. That looks way better now the red A pillars (are they called that on a loco?) have been painted white.
  8. Oops, is was only the last 5 which carried '46 from new wasn't it...although the last one was never LMS at all. The running plate shape & tenders for the later ones have a story of their own too.
  9. I remember seeing a re-name of City of Nottingham on a traders' stand at Nottingham show a few years ago....In streamlined red! It was back again the following year. For those who don't see the irony, it was never streamlined & carried 1946 black when new.
  10. I found Ferrari's tyre strategy intriguing. Soft before Supersoft may have been the fastest way, but they proved in USA that having a softer tyre at the start allows you to make up a place off the line, then one you get caught in dirty sir, the lack of downforce makes the car slide a little, wearing the tyres out faster. It was interesting to her Hamilton's view on Verstappen's collision, inferring that he would not have got involved. He also suggested that Verstappen should have given Ocon more space because he had more to lose. It is decisions like this; knowing when to fight & when to accept 2nd that has made this season Hamilton's best yet. When Ferrari had the fastest car, he never seemed to panic.
  11. The best place to connect the bus wires is the underside of the rail roughly where you have put the clips. The 2 rails of the V are connected to the switch rails underneath. These can be removed & the 2 V rails connected together then powered from a switch because they will need to change polarity when the point is thrown. The other end of the V rails then need to be isolated from the rest of the layout so the rails beyond would have to be re-fed from the bus wires. Assuming the switch is good, you will then have a point which is much more reliable than an unmodified one regardless of how you power it.
  12. Agreed. The NEC also has Birmingham Airport & Birmingham International rail station within walking distance, so it should be one of the most easily accessible locations in the country. The problem with Britain's roads is that the number of cars is still increasing but the Motorway building programme effectively ceased after 46 years with the M6 toll in 2004. There have been short stretches & upgrades but no new major Motorways. The problem is the opposition to them is too strong. I do not think Britain is alone in this respect. They were talking about Sao Paolo during F1 commentary today, describing its traffic as much worse than London (Interlagos is within Sao Paolo, which is a lot bigger than London). I have seen that traffic in Thailand is worse than Britain too.
  13. All 00 RTR couplings look awful. Lima's 80's HST Mk3 was about the worst of all. Oxford's should be easier to change though.
  14. It is on the purpose-built & otherwise lightly used dual carriageway A43, which is closed to non-GP traffic at GP weekend. The M1 & M40 about 20 miles in either direction. How much more road access do you want?
  15. Why will they not work together with the same sound project? I assume you are actually using DCC. I believe most ESU projects will work with DC but you won't be able to use any of the features. I believe locos which should sound the same will need matching projects, otherwise your 68s will sound like different classes. Assuming your existing decoder is a LokSound v4, You could always try one of Biff's, decide which one you like best then get the other re-blown to match.
  16. For This is slightly misleading. The recommendation to power the from via an external is switch is for reliability, not for DCC. On a smaller layout, you should get away with this for a while. The issues are as follows: Over time, oxidation will build up around the point blade contact area & at the rail joins. The problem will be worsened if the layout is in cold or damp conditions such as a loft or shed. Rail is a relatively poor conductor. On a larger layout, you are likely to observe voltage drop. I have recently become involved with a (DC) club layout which relied on rails & point blades for all conductivity. As a result of this, it runs very badly. I got involved with another (DC) exhibition layout when it was built 6-7 years ago, modifying the points as described as they were laid. It has run flawlessly ever since, requiring only rail cleaning (but not point blade cleaning) before every show. Make your own choice, but using DC is the wrong reason for choosing to use point blades to make electrical contact.
  17. R&D is often a major factor with many low volume items. Computer software is a very good example. They take as much development to get right & bug-fix as a popular program but, because they sell in small quantities, the cost of this has to be shared across far less customers.
  18. I have started using 3' boards instead of 4' boards. They may take a little more work with board joins & wiring but are a lot lighter/easier to work with than 4' boards. Even though a length of track would fit almost exactly to 1 board, I still use at least 2 sections to cope with expansion.
  19. I have to agree with sticking strictly to opening times. Some exhibitors have travelled a long way. They will need time to travel, unload, set up & prepare (both themselves & layout/trade stand). It can be a social event for exhibitors too. On a 2 day show, I have stopped over & enjoyed social time...then enjoy not having to get up early before getting back to the show on time. I am sure I am not the only person who finds exhibiting enjoyable & tiring at the same time?
  20. But the problem seems worse within the manufacturer. The Bachman Mk2F looks fine against the Hornby 2D, but sits much lower than Bachmann's Mk1. It was common for Mk1's to run with Mk2s, particularly Mk1 buffets in a Mk2 rake, but it would look a bit odd with the buffet sticking up a bit more than the others.
  21. Silverstone is much bigger than any other existing UK circuit. Getting in & out may be an issue, but it is difficult to justify much more expansion for a handful of weekends a year. The A43 was upgraded specifically for F1 so you can access it from the M1 or M40. Without an event at the track, it is a fairly quiet, free-flowing dual carriageway. Silverstone does not have a lot of villages around it, so expansion here is probably easier than elsewhere or building a new circuit. It is roughly halfway between London & Birmingham, which are connected by the (previously mentioned) M1 & M40, so I can't think of anywhere better served by the surrounding roads. I agree that I would prefer to see the GP at Brands for the same reasons as you: The hills make it more interesting to drive & for spectators. I can understand that it is way too small now though. F1 has grown considerably since it was last at Brands in the 80s. I was told this on a track day at Silverstone 10 years ago: Silverstone pay a huge amount to host the GP (£20m back then). Many other countries get government support to host their GP & while many teams may be based nearby, they will happily go elsewhere for more money. But would closing off a significant chunk of London's West End for a week be an answer? I can see many drawbacks but no benefits for this. Here is a controversial thought though: HS2 should pass closer to Silverstone than either the WCML or Chiltern lines. Could a part-time station for use only on event days be justified?
  22. Ignore the reference to DCC. That was a bad choice of words on Ray's part. The modification Ray refers to is simply to make the points more reliable & equally valid for DC & DCC. It is explained quite well on Brian Lambert's website, about 2/3 of the way down this page: https://www.brian-lambert.co.uk/Electrical.html
  23. That looks very nice. I hope they sell well. I may as well throw my old Hurst conversion kit away. I'll struggle to beat that. & maybe the InterCity/Anglia ones too?
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