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Everything posted by kevinlms

  1. Apart from the obvious, that they were in the power category of 5 and were painted black, I don't know!
  2. Well as an interested person in the LNWR, that bit about LMS management sabotaging the LNWR fleet, is a load of rubbish! Crewe Works was undergoing a big update of the place in the early 1920s, especially the paint shop. So not surprising that the place didn't keep up. Quite a few locos were painted in the new colour scheme, up to early 1924, so the staff hardly rejected Midlandisation. Fact is the LNWR express passenger fleet, had to work much harder to keep their heavier train service going and so they were pretty well run down after WW1. The 'replacement' Compounds were hardly better tools for the job on the Birmingham '2 hour express', with the problem not being resolved until the initial low superheat on the Stanier 'Jubilee's' had been sorted. As for the 'Stars' being better than 2 Experiments, well hardly! A big improvement over 1, undoubtedly so. Stanier had the last laugh anyway, with the Duchess, something he could never have done, had he stayed at the GWR!
  3. Have I missed something? How does anyone know that the truck is 4.0 metres tall? Perhaps the sign in imperial should read 13 ft 3in, but no more.
  4. The closet to match the signage and keeping under is 4.1 Metres 13 foot 5.4 inches., which is not an 8 inch leeway. Shouldn't matter what they are taught in school or which country they are from, the bridge is marked in BOTH systems. The driver should know the height in BOTH measurements, if driving in the UK. So either the driver has got it wrong OR the height marking of the sign is wrong - the latter is possible, but unless the road has recently been modified in some way, then unlikely.
  5. It would be rare for such locos to be on goods trains, for two reasons. At the period you're modelling, passenger locos were in short supply (until the LMS started building revised Midland Compounds). Secondly many top passenger locos didn't have good brakes, which didn't matter on passenger trains as the train brakes did the stopping. So on unfitted goods trains, they would have been strictly limited on loads, due to the poor braking. However, they would have been fine on NPCS, vehicles used on passenger services, but not carrying passengers. These included luggage vans, 6-wheel vans and many different type. Some may have looked like wagons, but weren't. The give away for such LMS group vehicles, is that they usually wore a passenger livery.
  6. The answer was obvious, the Western Region were putting the wrong sort of water in the boiler.
  7. You need to be a little clearer here Train is Triang Queen Elizabeth, has x04 motor, which runs fine but not when on the track. How have you tested this? Have you turned the loco upside and applied 2 wires directly to the wheels and it works? It sounds like you have a broken or loose wire somewhere, pick up strip? One things for sure, removing the spark suppression capacitor, won't miraculously make it work.
  8. The following issue points out some errors and the one after has apparently some missing plans of the ladders.
  9. Perhaps you already know this information (it is over 9 years since the last post!), but there is an article by Doris M. Stokes in Railway Modeller 1961 January, where she builds a goods shed based on the one at Farrowfield. Includes a couple of photos of the completed model & drawings of the office end and a side elevation.
  10. But that is something that could be questioned. How many people for instance are registered on a particular computer or device, but often visit websites such as RMweb as visitors, perhaps from work, but work won't allow them to register sites like this. As for it being one of the quietest months for a while. I do know people that only use the internet/email, when they are at work or some other place, such as a public library. For obvious reasons, many work places or public buildings are/have been in lock down. How they manage at other times, I do not know. But they seem quite proud of that fact.
  11. Which is why you call it such!
  12. But just because RMweb has 40000 members, doesn't mean that they are all active. Some leave for all sorts of reasons including sadly death and their accounts stay active. Others forget their log in details and instead of asking for help, they start off with a new account.
  13. For chronological "exactitude", should it not be Airfix/Dapol kit, as this product was never a Kitmaster one!
  14. Or, the equipment is there to protect the fuse! That's why choosing the protection ratings is so important. You don't want a fuse blowing all the time, otherwise eventually someone will replace it with one that won't blow. A friend of was told to get some globes to protect his kit train controllers. He did, but got some 50 Watt QH ones, and wired them in. But the controllers only handled about 1.25 Amp. He was advised to change them for car brake light globes, but told us that he already had them, so was going to use them. So we had weekly running nights and for a few weeks, he averaged one dead controller a night! Not a happy man, as he had to keep sending them to his friend to repair!
  15. Yes, I agree with you. In fact the 'City' names didn't mean a great deal for their normal operations. A lot of those names never saw them on a regular basis - if ever.
  16. Well hardly. Letting the odd dud through is not good for business. Much better to sell a product and never see it again! Returns cost money.
  17. Swapping the two blue connections is easy too, just wire them up via a Peco DPDT switch or relay that operates when the point is thrown.
  18. Others of course are interested in the TIMETABLE and would be quite happy running blocks of wood up and down, as long as they run to TIME. I'm not suggesting that there is anything wrong with running a timetable, I have done so on a few layouts. Usually the layout owner ran mixed period/country/owner trains, which several operators. But I do find it infinitely preferable, to watching trains circle an oval for several laps, then put into a loop, while another train does several laps. Rinse and repeat.
  19. Do we know that more work needs to be done by hand? Regardless, it's up to Peco to come up with a selling price, based around the costs of getting them to market, with a suitable mark up. Any business has to do that or go broke. Unless the owner(s) want a 'loss leader', which is unlikely for what is probably a low volume product.
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