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Everything posted by dj_crisp

  1. Totally agree... looking forward to your next update! Cheers Will
  2. I do admire modellers who can batch build and maintain focus. My MK1 coach project is progressing but at a slightly slower rate than I'd hoped for, as currently I'm doing about 11 of them I realised I'd got a bit bogged down.... so to keep my mojo going I've had a bash at a 66 (as a quick and super easy project)! This one is a bit out of my time frame but I'm a sucker for an unloved loco going very cheap! And to cap it all an express models lighting kit was sourced from eBay for next to nothing so I went about fitting this first; In amongst the mass of wires is the express models kit which has been soldered up to 2 decoders (one with a 8 pin socket so i can program it separately. I'm rather impressed with this kit and defintely the best Express Models kit I've fitted. It also helps that Bachmanns original lighting arrangement is a pretty good starting place with excellent light feeds. So all thats needed is to rip out the circuit board (and capacitors) and solder everything up! Things didn't go quite so smoothly in that I was planning on using a DCC concepts decoder with a hattons 8 pin (as the function only decoder). Don't know why but both have failed and I'd vowed never to buy any again. The lenz standard and a chinese rip off are fine! It perhaps looks a bit complicated but was actually easy to install. Now I have 8 functions allowing separate night, day, tail and marker lights. I've left the markers and tail as directional for simplicity. Interior has been roughly painted with some light grey walls, dials picked out and blue seats. The light grey on the back of the drivers cockpit is very important as this seems to be very noticeable through the front window in photos I've seen. If you've read any of my posts before you'll probably know that i really dislike the manufacturers fitted glazing. I've tried to hide the thickness and refraction of the original glazing by painting the sides black. This involved painting both inside and out of the glazing and inside the body shell windows leaving only the window unpainted. The edge of the side windows was picked out with a silver marker pen and overall I'm fairly happy with the effect. Onto Kadees.... These are mounted directly onto the chassis so i fit a full sized skirt (is that the right word??). A holed has been drilled in to the chassis and I've used a 10 BA nut and bolt to fix the kadee. The nut and bolt is the opposite way round to how i normally fit them with the bolt underneath. This is so the bolt doesn't foul the lighting unit when it;s refitted and I only had to scrap a small amount of plastic off the lighting unit in order for everything to have a nice snug fit. There is a bit more plastic to remove from the loco front to get the correct Kadee height and I tried to only takeoff as much as needed so the front looked flush. Finally a spacer is needed (I used 4mm plastic rod with a 2mm hole drilled) to set the right height. Time to fit the skirt (?) - As this is one of my specials i didn't have the Bachmann originals. Thankfully I did have some Lima Class 66 (or 59) versions as spares. These are nice and thin and just about the right size (only a smidge under) - but need the Lima fixing chopping off and a new version made of 0.7mm wire adding. This has been superglued and is nice and strong (better than the originals, The setup does however allow me to change the Kadees now as they can slide out if needed. Air pipes are from a Hornby Class 60 as i didn't like Bachmann's attempts. Conversion to EM has been down using Branchlines 14mm wheels on 2mm axles and is very straightforward. As this is an older Bachmann 66 then I've also added extra pickups so it runs more smootly. Interestingly I've had to had a bit of plastic off to allow extra clearance on the front axles and allow them to turn freely. Before i did it I noticed alot of wear here so i wonder if the previous owner had the same issue in OO. It's probably while it was sold to me as a poor runner. Base weathering has started but there is much to do on tis. I also have to make up some steps (one missing) and one bogie is missing all of its extra bits... not sure how i can sort that out just yet! Maybe no-one will notice. So my quick project hasn't been particularly quick. But I've really enjoyed messing about with this loco over the last few weeks and it's got my modelling mojo back! Shortly back onto coaches although i may sneak a 60 in between! Happy Modelling!! Will
  3. I recon you could fit this onto the same sized board.... Will
  4. Cool - look forward to reading about it! Afraid I'm down sarf so only venture out to the London or Southern shows cheers Will
  5. Your layout looks fantastic - do you have a thread as it'll be great to follow progress
  6. I having a bit of a modelling lull too! Totally understand work getting in the way as it my challenge too. It'll pass I'm sure. Happy Modelling! Will
  7. Hmm just read some of this thread and learned the following.... 1. Scale is far easier to measure (with a tape measure) 2. Soul is very much to the individuals taste and everyone's different. 3. I'm never going to exhibit my stuff as it will never be true to scale (after all I bodge most of it) or have enough soul for some. 4. I've learnt I'll never get anything right on my railway... (I like buddleia as it can add a bit of colour but when did the line side invasion occur... lol) 5. I like my EWS 60.. and I like my NSE 50s. They appear together in my household Cheers Will
  8. 33114 is a bargain compared to 33105!
  9. I think you're right.... I guess it's a 207.... and 33114 is probably just stabled there. I believe it was repainted in May1992 in time for the Ashford 150 celebrations, which I think is after the last in service 4TC. But not in my world
  10. Nearly a 4TC https://flic.kr/p/cm5otf And I can't quite work this one out https://flic.kr/p/cm5oF7 can add a construction 33/0 as well, I'm sure i saw one on flickr. Personally I like mine with a 4TC (and with some NSE Mk2s). I'm tempted to have a go at converting one to 33035 but also not prepared to pay the current Ebay prices! cheers Will
  11. Well I was knackered by 3 Really enjoyed the show which had some fantastic layouts. Actually enjoyed this year more than last which I guess is going on the Sunday. Arrived 9 30 and whistled through the box shifter traders and despite missing out on the "Saturday bargains" spent more at this show than before. Being quieter I managed to get a good look in on some great layouts. Thanks for putting the show on!
  12. I've just found this thread... fantastic stuff! I've always been put off having a go at NSE livery despite this being my favourite! Cheers Will
  13. I'm interested as there have been rather dismissive comments on this thread of some really high quality D&E layouts that have given me loads of inspiration to keep with the hobby.
  14. A proper play room Awesome Will
  15. Thanks Martyn A very interesting read and I might have a go myself Cheers Will
  16. Looking awesome... much better than my efforts! Anyone got any methods of keeping the buffers straight as I've ended up glueing some of my worst offenders.... which feels a little sad seeing as they're sprung. Cheers Will
  17. I'm now curious as to what level of layouts we should all aspire too.... (other than Pendon)
  18. I like the sound of a PWA Fertiliser wagon Or any ferry wagon tbh. So much choice I doubt you can go wrong!!
  19. That sounds an interesting idea Jim... and thanks to you I'm about to order some copper tape
  20. I'm not sure where this is going and imo the arguments placed could easily be applied to any genre/era. Modellers model what they want to see and if they enjoy themselves then fair play. It's funny cause I actually feel some of the digs could very easily be directed at me. After all I live in Surrey with no permanent layout (yet) and spend my time attempting to ultra hack stock. I actually find it quite fun (and running qualities on my test track are my main priority). I'll probably never join a club as I doubt there are many out there who also spend a few months researching MK1 stock in the late 80s early 90s and find it fun... And then go for EM gauge. Anyway that's my current project and what's keeping me sane (?) away from work. A small point I'll make is I don't need to see a layout in every magazine. I tend to read (and find more interesting) smaller achieveable projects... be it stock. .. line side details... electronics etc. And if they have a D&E theme then all the better. (I really could have done with one recently on modifications to MK1 coaches
  21. Thanks Jim! Your use of the copper tape sounds like a genius suggestion. I was looking for a way of sneaking some wires through without fouling the interior.... copper tape sounds a great plan. Cheers Will
  22. This is the funniest thing I've read all day. Thank you for your words of wisdom.
  23. Hi Alan - sounds great. I've just drilled out the centre where you'd fix red jewel supplied with them. I'll hopefully get over me cold and post some photos next weekend! cheers Will
  24. dj_crisp


    Excellent stuff!! It's looking like a proper 50 I think you'll enjoy the weathering it though!! My favourite stage although for me it does mean that I glazing to follow which nearly finished me off when i did my 50s. Just a thought are you planning on making any changes to the lighting circuits? cheers Will
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