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Platform 1

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Everything posted by Platform 1

  1. So here's the next development - having realised the similarity to Minories, it is now a Minories with sidings. This one addresses the issue of the headshunt not being accessible from the inbound route. The right-hand part with the fiddle yard is unchanged from the initial plan. A variant I tried when drawing this is to have only a single siding to the bridge, which then becomes a headshunt to two splayed sidings in the top-left-hand corner. This arrangement might be better for goods and/or simmering engines awaiting turns. Any more thoughts anyone?
  2. Very forward-thinking! My contents list was just the old tag-driven feature, so I'll need to do some writing... Miss the old 'tag cloud' thingy too. Thanks Mikkel.
  3. Thanks Corbs, I found that but it looks as though you have to compile it manually - is that right? Just assemble a list using links to entries?
  4. - thought swearing wasn't allowed on here?
  5. Very nice upgrade - especially the activity streams - thanks Andy! One point I haven't seen raised yet - though Mikkel has led the way - is indexing tags in blog posts. My blog entries were carefully tagged in the old forum software, but those tags now seem to have disappeared, just empty tag fields on each post. Yet tags work on forum posts (I think). Before I go through and add my tags again, is this a 'feature', or has something not caught up or been configured yet? And do blogs no longer have any easy method of listing their contents in a side bar? Not a whinge, just wish to understand.
  6. Yes, you're right! It would mean interesting operation, but uncertain how prototypical it is. One option would be to convert the headshunt into a siding, then put the kickbacks and lead up a level as though it's part of a high-level goods from elsewhere. That way I get to shunt and simmer but there's no visible connection between the two lines. It would be visually appealing, but lose some operation interest?
  7. Hi Barrymx5, Thanks for taking time to comment. I'm not really a fan of turntables because they take up space, are difficult to build, and are often fiddly to operate. Though they can look impressive, especially with a smouldering Castle on them! I should have mentioned that my preferred eras are mid-60s and end-80s-early 90s. Envisaged location is Wessex/South-western areas, mostly suburban passenger and light goods and/or parcels. The fiddle yard is in a tight alcove with a sloping ceiling, so I'd need something very ingenious to handle cassettes. Hence the planned 4-fan tracks at the right-hand end. Something to think about there! The curves into the station area are also tight at 20 inches radius which is going to look naff, so I need to ease that a little - it's constrained by the board join. I've also realised that the station area is almost a Minories layout. Tony
  8. The freezing weather has enabled me to spend a few happy hours fiddling with track components in AnyRail. This is my initial attempt - it seems to satisfy a number of criteria: a mix of urban and semi-rural double-track somewhere undulating terrain with e.g. a bridge interesting operation somewhere to shunt Any thoughts anyone?
  9. And something different again in Patchway Gap: https://twitter.com/NoelDolphin/status/1084861500248997888
  10. Nice pics above - thanks guys! Here's an atmospheric night shot from Williton. Have to comment that the cam angle isn't ideal there, but the recent improvements more than make up for it... Btw, Blue Anchor seems very dark at night lately, have they cut some lights?
  11. Thanks! Sounds like a badly dropped joint by the platform end too... :-(
  12. Whatever my track layout will be (still thinking about that ), it'll need some points. But this time, I've decided I shall NOT have a tangle of wires under the board! Even on a small layout, tracing wires/faults/feeds etc can be a right pain in the neck! So the plan is to have one pair of wires to feed DCC everywhere, and another 4-wire cable to feed digital point control using i2c or similar control. Although I've a collection of old Peco point motors, I can't say I've ever been keen on their 'snap-snap' whether using AC pulses or DC capacitor discharge. Reading through many threads and blogs here, it seems servos are a good way to go. Suitably encouraged, I sent off for some servos, an Arduino nano and some I/O expanders. Actually, they are cheap clones because I've no idea whether it'll work out or not. Then I threw the lot together on a breadboard, cobbled some program code together, and this is what I have today: Now I should admit here that I have a background in electronics and IT, so doing this wasn't at all fearsome! However, I am amazed how easy it is to put the pieces together. The Arduino libraries cover a huge wealth of functionality, so it's really a case of integrating the parts with some C code statements and testing. The nano is particularly easy to use because the USB interface makes uploading binaries a doddle. What have I been missing?! The outline design is thus: Not very elegant, but I hope it gets the idea across. So far, 15 switch inputs are working on the nano - the maximum that can be configured without input multiplexers or shift registers. My expanders are actually 16-way, but they were cheap and had easy-to-use libraries available. So here's hoping these boards will fit quietly under the baseboards and 'just work'! P.S. I'll post the code when I get chance.
  13. Am I the only one here NOT gone to Warley?

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. BoD


      Where's Warley?

    3. Lu4472ke


      I didn't, due to lack of spending money and a driving license

    4. Tim Hall

      Tim Hall

      Thought I'd go today, probably quieter ;)

  14. If printed, that'll come out as "... frack lauding allusion, fighting and construction tissues."
  15. This was a brilliant show - good range of scales and styles - too much to see! Had to skip round a few stands in the large hall towards the end of today. Well done chaps, it just gets better! One comment: the huge Midlands layout with 8+ operators was very, very impressive, but whenever I passed it, there was nothing moving! Huh? A few snaps where I could actually find a gap in the crowd... Sidmouth: Little Aller Junction: Midford:
  16. Baseboards constructed at last! Here they are: The key question is what to build here? Almost certainly this will be 00, because I've quite a lot of stock gathered over the years - though some is tatty and somewhat below par so will have to go! So here's the overall plan: (Red blobs are wall brackets) No real track design yet, just a few placements to get some idea of what might fit in this space. Some sort of bridge structure on the dropped board, maybe built-up on the left, and more rural on the right leading to a fiddle yard? It would be nice to fit in a raised track at the back left to add vertical interest and scope for extra running. All constructive thoughts welcome!
  17. New empty baseboards - what to do?

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. cpman46


      With what shall I fill it? Dear Liza Dear Liza, with what shall I fill it Dear Liza what with??

    3. Hroth


      With some track, Dear Henry, Dear Henry, Dear Henry, With some track, Dear Henry, Dear Henry, with some track!

    4. Dr Gerbil-Fritters

      Dr Gerbil-Fritters

      Leave them empty. Its the only time I'm ever happy with my layouts...

  18. Raining and 18degC on Bodmin Moor! Apparently...

  19. Today I was mostly in... Haverfordwest!

    1. Hroth


      Someone has to be there...

    2. bgman


      Buying sausages for the barbecue !

  20. Couldn't find this referenced yet, so here is Network Rail's Stapleton Road factsheet. Timeline is bottom right...
  21. At least the GWML won't be running these after wiring (plenty of different gantry types here)...
  22. Interesting piece about potential delays was posted last week on London Reconnections.
  23. Completely OT, but since the thread has drifted to inaccurate reporting. Auntie has had only one science editor: David Shukman (since 2012 when the role was created). Take Maggie Philbin ... now BBC Science editor....
  24. Thanks Keith. Dunno where these local rags get their info from...
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