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Obi-Jiff Kenobi

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Everything posted by Obi-Jiff Kenobi

  1. Thanks, useful info. I see the IMSA race is live on Viaplay Xtra channel; they’d been showing the season until recently, but the scheduled coverage disappeared without trace. The most recent couple of races weren’t shown at all, but now it’s back (subject to any last-minute changes of schedule).
  2. Oh to be so rich that you can afford to employ a man simply to baste turkeys.
  3. I suppose it’s the difference between what happened in Brazil (which was a fair fight) and what happened in Singapore (which was manipulated by what security agencies now refer to as a bad actor - and no, I’m not referring to Sylvester Stallone).
  4. It’s not the years, it’s the mileage.
  5. Well, ol’ Bernie Ecclescake is fast approaching his 93rd birthday...
  6. Shamelessly copied from Tim Brooke-Taylor, by way of Sandi Toksvig: I’ve got a frog in the throat. Well, it’s better than a toad in the hole.
  7. Did you hear about the frog who parked on double yellow lines? He got toad away.
  8. q. When is a train not a train? a. When it turns into a siding.
  9. Personally, I’m sick and tired of ‘sprint’ races. What a pointless exercise.
  10. What was it called? Ah, yes: Drivel.
  11. Well, if you include Albon (Anglo-Thai), that’s all four British drivers in the top eight. Great race, deserving winner, good racing throughout the field, but what the heck happened to the Ferraris?
  12. Well, that was an exciting qualifying session! Silverstone delivers once again.
  13. For those who have the channels, the Monza WEC race is live on Eurosport 2, and Viaplay Xtra are showing 3 hours live of the Mosport IMSA round, both on Sunday.
  14. My solution: don’t go back there. It’s a silly little track, full of vociferous orange people who have no interest in F1, only in one driver.
  15. Despite the changes (i.e. sprint qually & race now having no influence on grid for main race) I still find the sprint races a pointless waste of time.
  16. Some of us (and I include myself in this) are beginning to notice that we are ageing. I mean, I used to come here when it was all just jokes!
  17. There are two kinds of people in the world:- 1. Those who can extrapolate from incomplete data.
  18. Yes, disappointing that Hulkenberg got a 3 place grid penalty for exceeding the speed limit under red flag conditions, while Sainz got the same penalty for dawdling about on the racing line at the last corner as Gasly came through, at top speed, and had to take to the runoff in order to avoid the mother of all shunts. Perhaps the FIA should take a leaf out of the Mikado’s book, and let the punishment fit the crime.
  19. I certainly didn’t notice it on any channel other than Eurosport. I’ve just finished watching the entire race (recorded from Eurosport and watched over several sessions when I found time), and it was the best race in years. Close racing throughout the fields, issues for all the top contenders, weather making it unpredictable, and all the major Hypercar manufacturers took turns at leading the race on merit. The icing on the cake was a thoroughly deserved overall win for the AF Corse Ferrari team, which will ensure the next race at Monza is a sell-out! Who needs F1, sulky Verstappen, and Whinger Spice? Almost as good for me was the Corvette winning in GTE-Am, after going two laps down early on, but being able to fight back through a combination of performance and luck regarding safety cars.
  20. I’ve got three:- Mallard in pre-war Garter Blue Seagull to match Mallard in BR green l/c I really need another 33, all in LNER pre-war liveries. I think I may have a problem...
  21. “Failed to slow down sufficiently” must be code for “came tanking in at full speed with complete disregard for waved yellows.”
  22. I can hardly wait for Le Mans, especially with the (slightly controversial) changes to Balance of Performance, which should make the racing amongst the Hypercars even closer than it has been. I know it’s a big if at the moment, but if Ferrari were to win the centenary Le Mans it could send sportscar racing stratospheric.
  23. Nigel Mansell learned that lesson at Monaco in 1984. It’s all just a little bit of history repeating.
  24. I think it was poor coverage of a dull race around an uninteresting track. The worst offence, for me, was when Verstappen came upon the duelling Leclerc and Magnussen. The trackside camera showed the cars start to go three wide, so we cut to Max’s onboard camera, which showed (big surprise) an empty track in front of him. It took the director a moment to realise the pointlessness of that, so we cut back to the trackside camera, but it was all over by that point, so we missed the highlight of the whole race. At least we were spared the horrors of a sprint race this weekend.
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