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Status Replies posted by cromptonnut

  1. chilling this weekend as next weeks looking to be HUGE!!!

  2. 70018 has been burning on the swml...

  3. 70018 has been burning on the swml...

  4. Moan moan grumble grumble whinge whinge moan moan grumble.

  5. has just seen two class 73s at London Bridge station

  6. Seriously needs to stop thinking about the next layout, Greslington still needs completing, and therers tons to do on it!

  7. Seriously needs to stop thinking about the next layout, Greslington still needs completing, and therers tons to do on it!

  8. Enjoying reading the Dapol 2012 catalogue, I can see it's going to be an expensive year. I'd never have thought there would be so many new things coming out at once!

  9. Now cutting polystyrene with a kitchen knife (the wife is out ;-))

  10. Nice new 73, 08 & 27. Glad you all approve :-)

  11. Currently dancing a jig in my office due to our awards in the model of the year voting. Thanks everyone.

  12. Currently dancing a jig in my office due to our awards in the model of the year voting. Thanks everyone.

  13. Only four more pieces of paperwork to go. It's been a long road...

  14. Just seen Barwells 2012 release list and am 'over the moon', watch this space folks!

  15. Is wondering what all the extra bits are for in my first ever Slaters 7mm BR Van kit

  16. Is it just me or is there something strange about this new colourscheme? My profile dropdown I can only change status, everything else has disappeared.

  17. it never ceases to amaze me how one person i.e. me can be so utterly incompetent at baseboard construction...

  18. Today in a moment of pure stupidity I went to Macclesfield exhibition a week early...

  19. Just looked outside and it's snowing!

  20. Heljan Railbus running like a bag of spanners

  21. I love work's network. It must be quicker to post the bytes to some of our servers.

  22. is wondering whether he might be better off undertaking a different hobby...

  23. now has a complete APA box. Now to figure out what I'm going to do inside it...

  24. is wondering if anyone else has ever transported a 10' exhibition layout... by bicycle?

  25. Having to repair my layout for an exhibition this weekend. I always find working on an older project sheer hard work - Am I alone on this?

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