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Status Replies posted by cromptonnut

  1. In severe need of inspiration - Leeds South is at its first 'proper' exhibition in 25 days, and there's still bare baseboard to cover...

  2. Brit on Royal Train just seen at Horbury going towards Wakey.

  3. With kind permission of Andy Y (RMWeb Admin) I would like to inform you all that our website is now live, a big thank you to all those who have offered your help and support during our first few month in business. Matt :) www.absoluteaspects.com

  4. 20 years of accumilated models and nothing to run anything on? Time to change that.

  5. Eyeing up honeymoon destinations. It's either 4 nights in the New Forest or Torbay for us \o/ - can't decide which!

  6. Going to give 7mm a go...

  7. wonders why a brand of Italian gorgonzola would be called "Igor", of all things oO

  8. It has been a hard days night and I have been working like a ............

  9. Dropped in the modelshop today just to wish everyone a happy new year came away with a Bachmann intercity 47

  10. At the risk of sounding like a total nerd. I've spent pretty much the whole day working on a model railway layout. Life doesn't get any better than that

  11. has just managed to rip open his finger for the 4th time today trying to extract Peco track pins from the carpet. I suppose it's better than standing on them (which I've done more than enough times already today; the latter triggers the former).

  12. Just Being On pathfinders Railtour yesterday was fantasic

  13. Let the Ride of the Valkyries commence!

  14. glad these cottage industy kit makers dont have internet ordering as id end up spending a fortune at night, when ive slept on the idea its usually better i didnt order

  15. Off to St Albans, see some of you there perhaps, photos on the way of course !

  16. Fingers crossed our website will be up and running early next week. With kind permission of Andy Y (RMWeb Admin) we will post a link to the site as soon as it is finished and after someone has corrected my spelling. Matt ;-)

  17. Is working on the webstie today....

  18. Really at a loose end tonight, might need to raid the film collection, Die Hard 4 perhaps?

  19. Can I make another request NOT to use SUs for subjects that should be topics - the turnover of SUs does not benefit the asker or the membership at large who might also benefit from the replies/

  20. must resist going to Hattons

  21. Should probably clean out the glass of water I use for my brushes, can see the lines where the water has evaporated!

  22. must resist going to Hattons

  23. Still cant make my mind up if I should have a go at doing some N gauge. But where to start??

  24. working on the APA box layout!

  25. Anybody else found themelves issuing more "Yes dear"s than usual?

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