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Status Replies posted by cromptonnut

  1. Making curry. That's the last of the Xmas turkey gone.

  2. Mmmmmmmm schnapps is nice and warming!

  3. i've just realized that i have been ballasting Austwick for nearly a 2 months. By friday i want this finished it is driving me berserk.

  4. is looking at buying some chests of drawers from Ikea (753.057.09) that are 30cm wide. Reckon I can build a layout that'll sit on top of that comfortably?

  5. is looking at buying some chests of drawers from Ikea (753.057.09) that are 30cm wide. Reckon I can build a layout that'll sit on top of that comfortably?

  6. I fit the criteria for the next England managers job

  7. Just checked the tempruture outside and it is -6. That is cold.

  8. reticulating splines

  9. Ebay and shill bidding

  10. is struggling to find something with even a PG certificate to put in his status update, can up it to an 18? Maybe a bit of strong language and scenes unsuitable for young modellers (like a GWR pannier in rail blue)....

  11. Who is "Not Captain Kernow" that just joined.

  12. Lovely day to wait for the RAC... apparently they're on a four hour wait at the moment. Glad I'm indoors with a dead car rather than sitting in it in the middle of nowhere.

  13. feels like doing an endless loop playback of "Ice, Ice, Baby" after coming in from the almost Arctic climate we're currently having...

  14. "And the people bowed and prayed / to the neon god they made..."

  15. He was shot 6 times by a man on the run and she couldn't find how to push through.

  16. can feel man flu coming on, shouldnt have hung out the window of trains all day on the GCR

  17. so, to balast before spraying track muck or after?

  18. graze.com = doomed.co.uk

  19. Sammy The Shunter

  20. Is currently procrastinating.

  21. wishes Ebay postage wasn't so expensive, when the postage is almost as much as the item, and you can walk into a shop and buy it for the same or less price, it's hardly a bargain any more is it?

  22. I knelt at my bedside last night and prayed to the good Lord that Monday should be free of knobs. That didn't work - I've just had to deal with someone who thinks that all of the site's facilities should be accessible to them even though they don't want to join RMweb as they prefer to spend their precious time modelling. Same s**t, different day then. ;)

  23. By jove, I think I might have cracked the layout planning problem. Just need to print the plan out full size and make sure it works as good on paper as it does on the screen.

  24. plans to visit the Erith show tomorrow.

  25. The 7mm double slip has arrived - Its really huge!

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