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Status Replies posted by cromptonnut

  1. Wondering why I brought salad to work for lunch when there were sausage rolls in the fridge...

  2. Despair at seeing the shrubbery of the Olympic opening event. Where's the magnificence of Concorde, the Harrier Jump Jet, the original Mini, etc etc to celebrate all things British as opposed a picnic in a garden?!

  3. Lots of meetings today. :( Expenses, scheduling, planning (ha!), site visit reports, blah, blah... So this afternoon I announced that I needed to go and check the ambient UV levels at the bottom of the dilute Chlorine tank. I then got up, went back to the hotel, and went for a swim! ;)

  4. Handle gives out on saucepan, potatoes and boiling water all over the floor, great. Guess that's dinner knackered...

  5. Handle gives out on saucepan, potatoes and boiling water all over the floor, great. Guess that's dinner knackered...

  6. currently reticulating splines...

  7. currently reticulating splines...

  8. Another joke: Whats the difference between a ###### and a ######? A ###### doesn't ###### when you ######!!!!!

  9. still has an almost full bottle of Johnsons Klear. Perhaps I should ebay it?

  10. Patience is a vertue but silly potential damaging speculation is just daft.

  11. "A Canadian porn star is believed to be on the run in France dressed as a woman after allegedly mudering his lover and postin bits of him to Canadian politicians" You couldn't make it up!

  12. painting the Throne Room for Jubilee weekend. Pity I couldn't persuade SWMBO to do it in chocolate and cream...

  13. As I really could not care less about all this Jubilee nonsense, I shall be spending four days catching with some very overdue modelling projects!!

  14. Tornado has just passed my back door

  15. ugh, not looking forward to having to revert back to the godawful BT homehub.

  16. ugh, not looking forward to having to revert back to the godawful BT homehub.

  17. Ok, still out on the road. I will send a prize to the person who can tell me here exactly what I'm doing tomorrow!

  18. Is in a heightened state of narkiness.

  19. Has an excellent black eye! Amazing what 10 year olds, cricket bats and balls can do!

  20. Mmmmmm - Vimto flavoured milkshake!

  21. Mmmmmm - Vimto flavoured milkshake!

  22. Spaghetti and meatballs for dinner...bellissimo!

  23. 250ml size cans of Pepsi, who's rediculous idea was that? They are no more handy than 330ml cans, and I get far more swigs out of one!

  24. Currently taking a Sauna in my office, and wondering why ice cream vans pass by so fast you cannot get out to flag them down! :-(

  25. Wonderful weather to weather.

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