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Everything posted by Doughnut

  1. Signals...signals..and more signals! Woe betide any of my drivers that SPADS after all this lot !! Managed to get an OHLE mast (headspan) erected today; first one in about 6 months. Also been doing some OHLE gantry construction too. I have pre-fabricated most of them, but I need an additional one for the end of Penbury station, so out comes the brass section! Dave
  2. Couldn't say for sure. I would imagine it's empirical. I wouldn't want to have to derive it from first principles, G and radial acceleration...and all that... Can't imagine anybody not liking super-elevation Jaz !! Dave
  3. Yes. 11.82 is just a constant that has been worked out when deriving this equation and through testing trains on track, many moons ago. It's like the 2, in 2 pi R, when working out the circumference of a circle. V is the velocity(speed) of the train in km/h and R is the Radius of the curved track. E, in this equation, is the amount of cant that needs to be applied (deficiency also) to get the train around that curve, at that speed, without it shooting off. Cant is the tilt of the track, like crossfall on a curved road. Dave
  4. Curvature of track and points(turnouts) are the main speed restrictors of linespeed. Vertical grade and curves occasionally come into it. Everyone thinks E=mc2 is an important equation,but E=11.82V2/R is king on the railways!
  5. Can be quite a tedious business, platforms. Dave
  6. Many thanks Ken. Yes I'm happy with how it's come out. You never know when you start do you. Onto the signalling now.....and it's an ocean of wires. Dave
  7. That looks good!! Looks like the real thing. Dave
  8. I'll be casing your thread Jaz...see what I can ('half-inch') re-create! 8) Looking forward to seeing those photos Terry. Just had another look at your last vid. Got to say that TMD looks the business! I would keep the side building, it definately adds to the effect. Green with envy over your RoyalMail 128. When that's weathered and stood 'ticking over', just infront of the TMD....that will be quite a picture!!! Thankfully Ive finished my point motors, but it was a pain. Used peco motors with long pins and a CDU. Used the peco frog switches on about half of them, till I saw a few comments about how naff they were. So now using microswitches to change the frog. Many thanks for that info Rally. Couldn't remember whether I'd seen them outside or not and would have moved them but with your info I'll leave them well alone. Cheers chaps Dave
  9. You're a scholar & a gent guvner!! 8)
  10. Seriously though, you've got a great attention to detail and this is a great layout. Some excellent techniques, which I hope you don't mind me pinchi recreating now and then? Top stuff! Dave
  11. You got me!!!!! It's a fair cop. It is the highest form of flattery though! Dave
  12. Morning. Yes, your canopy construction is excellent, so borrowed the idea of using small lattice trusses between the stanchions. As for the rest...'vive la difference' Dave
  13. Thanks Terry. Yes, you've gotta get down and dirty to get some realism. Just got the lineside box yesterday. Had a bit of an empty lineside space and it fills it nicely. I would say yes, go for it, it does look nice... but it's gonna need a bit of Dirty-Dave treatment ! Double yellows are done with same method I used on the platforms - white crafty computer transfer paper, painted matt yellow, cut into long strips and applied to road surface using Microsol/set. Then painted over with matt varnish to seal it in. Dave
  14. Latest progress with the layout. First Signal connected up and lit, along with quite a few other lights. A wee bit of weathering to do on the platforms and 4 more signals to install and I can then carry on where I left off with the OLE. Enjoyed doing the industrial estate back-road, double yellows and all. Just a bit worried that the platform Arrival/Departure Display units on Platform 2 will be exposed to the elements. Is this un-prototypical or ok ...I'm not sure?? Perhaps they would have to be under cover ala Platform 1? Dave
  15. Quality pics Terry. The one with the 58 & Yeoman stone wagons, going past the signalbox is Top Drawer. Dave
  16. Cheers chaps. Trying to 'keep it real' , but now and then, as long as it doesn't stetch reality too far, I add something of my own to enhance the atmosphere. Dave Ps Terry, the latest video is up to your usual Top standards. Loved it and glad to see them return.
  17. Many thanks. Jeff, the capping stones wer made from thin wood strip available from B&Q or Wickes I think, with grooves scored into them at about 20mm intervals, using a dremel and cutting disc. They were then sprayed with Plasticoat suede and painted with acrylics, black, browns...etc. With regard to the Dive-under lights, the official explanation is based on Health & Safety grounds; Unwanted vandals need to be able to find their way out at night. The unofficial line is that I Like -em!! Dave
  18. Some more modelling on Penbury Station, this week. Both Canopies are now in place and lit. The Dive-under is now also wired for light. A couple of advert hoardings have gone up too. Dave
  19. Glebe Road back....this is more like it...quality! Dave
  20. Took the Hy-Drive Point motor pics and one or two others of the on-going canopy, while I was at it. The Hy-drive is created from some plastic strip painted yellow and stuck to the sleepers and some brass wire representing the central shaft, painted grey. Not much more than that. Look forward to seeing the Glebe updates Terry. Dave
  21. Evening Terry. My outlook to modelling is .... "Find it, Pinch it, Build it !" So we're all the same. Just swiped a station canopy design from Dover Priory, which looked the business, so Im building one similar. I'll get a closeup pic for you tomorrow evening. These yellow point motors are found on the bigger/faster points, GV's & HV's..etc. Normal points would probably have the HW2000 point motors, the grey ones that peco make. Dave
  22. Yep, looks like a long night ahead. Hope that kebab was nice? Dave
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