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Everything posted by Doughnut

  1. Morning Jaz, good to have you back. Right ...answer to question 1 - Yes! The speed sign (round, white with red edging) refers to the speed you are allowed to go over the points, the arrow shows the direction of the points - turnout route. Sometimes it might be the speed you're allowed to go at over the rest of the turnout route - ie the track that you've moved onto, but usually its just the speed that you have to go at while traversing the points. 2. I think the red outline on rail speed signs is thinner than on the road speed signs. There are two sizes, cant remember the dimensions but they can be found in the group standard, one for narrow 6fts or limited clearance areas,which are small and sometimes oval and then another for normal clearance areas, which are bigger. I have printed all mine onto normal phot paper and stuck them onto thin plasticard with double sided tape. Then cut them out.they're easy to draw out on any artwork software 3. A cross-over is simply two points connected together to allow a train to 'cross-over' from one line to another. The Hydraulic drive ponts can be used and seen on any track, either with or without OHLE. Generally they usually get installed on tracks with higher speeds. Thats my 10 pence worth. Anyone else feel free to add. Just off now to finish installing the Power bus....what a task and in this heat....we must be all mad!!!! Dave
  2. Hi IC125 and thanks. I have a class 92 in the garage so I'll put that on and do a pic, if I can remember. Dave
  3. Yes, I bought the tri-leds from Rapid or Maplins, I think. The secret of getting the colour right is to do with the resistors used. Dave
  4. The concrete cover in one of the pics referred to, does look like an old style track drain catchpit cover. But with the timber sleepers adjacent, I am not sure. I notice the timber sleepers are only found on the track to the right of the concrete cover and not to the left; indicating some sort of conduit under that track. The other long lense pic shows timber bearers under 'breather switches'. Expansion joints (breather switches) generally come made up on timber bearers. Also, w.r.t. the bi-coloured signals, I have 2 operational on Minsterley and the amber aspect of the tri-colour LED looks just as good as a normal yellow LED. In the picture, the top LED is a normal yellow LED, the bottom, a Tri-colour set to amber. Dave
  5. Thanks Ryan. The OHLE is scratch built using brass sections and brass rod. All Soldered together. The castellated gantries are brass and plastic sections. Dave
  6. A few more bits and bobs. Point switch panel needs a new overlay I think....its been knocked about and spattered since I started. All points and signals are now wired up and tested. Must have used about 5 metric tonnes of cable & wire! Buffer stop lights in Minsterley station all switched on. Started on the power bus tonight...the penultimate job!! Dave
  7. In a lot of places where 3rd rail and OHLE overlap, not all the rails are 3rd rail, Euston for example,Watford jct...etc. I can't remember seeing a full stretch of 3 or 4 track line, where all the tracks are both 3rd rail & OHLE. Correct me if I'm wrong. Dave
  8. Wire...wires...wire...wires...even dreaming about them now. Need to get out of the garage I think. This weeks progress: all the OHLE wiring done and a real pain in the back that was! Just need to tart up the stanchions and tidy up a bit. Next task, wiring point motors. Dave
  9. For the 3rd rail there's a couple of 466's and a CEP, for heritage traction. Also the 92 can use the juice rail, if i'm not mistaken. I was hoping, along with many others, that at some stage Bachmann would tweak the 350 to do a 450...etc...but doesn't look like that now and it's probably just as well as the expense would probably evict me. I think Kal and myself should apply to the Ministry of transport to divert funds from the HS2 scheme to us, so we can link our 2 layouts, through S. Yorks & Lincolnshire. That way our combined stock collection would have a suitable layout length to operate on.
  10. Ok...hang on...DP1, DP2, Kestral. Falcon(53), Lion, 52, 57, 60,66, 67 & 70 I have. Waiting for 10000...like waiting for Christmas. One of the 31's I have is 31017...not sure if thats a 30...never did understand that? 58 & 59....hands up...not got! As for 18000....is that one of them southern things??? Aint got the Fell loco..nor that gas turbine thing either. Dave
  11. The piggy bank has joined the quoir invisible. But at least I dont have to get anything else...........................until of course something new & sexy comes onto the market......" I can handle it !!!" A hopless case !! Dave
  12. As yours is up and running, I'm gonna try Modelling by proxy - Need a Kalborough fix, with these locos. How about it? Dave
  13. Yes , just the class 06, 10,11 & 12 to get. 10 is easy, 11's got smaller wheels but the class 12 is the blighter...bulleid wheels!! But it will be nice to have a 1970's day or two. But that's for another time....gotta get the layout done first. Dave
  14. Thanks for that. I shall have a closer look. At the moment the platform vertical wall is blue brick and the edging peco with added paving stones. Perhaps a strip of concrete wall adjacent to the subway???? Would there still be paving slabs?? Any suggestions would be gratefully recieved. I know that sometimes you can see concrete upstands between the tracks, where a subway runs. Dave
  15. It could 55, 50, 47, 46,45, 44, 56, 42, 40, 37, 35, 33, 31, 29/21, 28, 27, 26, 25, 24, 23, 22, 20, 17,16, 15, 14, 13, 09, 08, 07, 05, 04, 03, 02, 01..........Derby LW, 117, 128, 108, 105, 101, 121, 124...so it could be BR Blue Bob, now and then! 02, 15, 16 are BR green though; 01 BR Black even! I've been collecting a long time waiting for the right layout to come along! 8)
  16. Thanks, I'll be running, class 91, Pendolino, HST, Voyager, 92, 90, 350, 321, 319, 466, 66, 60, 70, 150, 156, 158, 170, 168, 159, 144, 08. There's also the heritage diesel stuff.....and ......gulp.....the odd kettle! Dave
  17. Thanks, Ralph, Kal & Bob. Me to AV and Jaz to Minsterley. Might be able to wave to each other on passing trains? Dave
  18. Well another week and the theme is OHLE wiring, finishing signalling and a little treat to myself, which I know being a Modern Imager, I should be shot for, but it's one of the things that started me on railways as a wee laddy. From the BBC series ghost story for Christmas, came the episode..The Signalman, with Denholm Elliot...etc. It was shot way back when on the SVR and I think they used Highley Signal Box, but not at Highley. Anyway, said signal box is now a part of Minsterley in a location that harks back to that great Episode. I've even put a grated fire/stove in it, with a flickering LED from a cheap tea-light. "Hello Below"!!! Dave
  19. Many thanks Rory for your kind comments. It's very satisfying to read that someone has enjoyed the thread and pics. Putting a couple more up in a few minutes. Dave
  20. Looking like a Grey Friars Bobby scene. Dave
  21. Got really frothed up watching.....and listening to this. Superb!!! Dave
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