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Everything posted by Doughnut

  1. The fuelling point is haunted!!! If that pic with the hose in mid-air is not proof of supernatural phenomena, I dont know what is! The fuel tanks are Bachmann, Ken. Not sure if they still make them, but I think they are still knocking about in one or two shops. Jaz & Kal have one on theirs. Yes, the panel lends itself to some sort of huge control box, which I suppose, really is what it is! My fuel point is knightwing too Jaz. Just got to tame that hose !!! Actually, Ive been spurred into constructing it after seeing Kal's over the last few weeks. Thanks Mike. The 3rd rail I use is Peco code 60, IL-1. I use a roller based track cleaner which scrubs the running rail heads. On an old layout,which had 3rd rail seated on the little white peco insulator chairs, I found that the 3rd rail, which stood higher than the running rail (as it should in real life), used to stop my roller cleaner cleaning the adjacent running rail, ie the roller cleaned the 3rd rail instead. So on this layout, I solder the 3rd rail to nails and fix them into holes drilled into the sleepers of the track. With this method I can keep the 3rd rail slightly lower than the runningb rails. The guard boards I made with strips of thin plasticard (10 or 20 thou) and after painting them grey and adding cosmetic board prongs (narrow plastic painted black) , simply glued them either side of the 3rd rail, on the end of the sleepers. See pic below. Cheers Terry, yes I love doing overgrown areas, grass, shrubbery etc...find it relaxing strangely enough. Dave
  2. Its been a while what with work and the likes, but managed to get some done this weekend. Tracks laid into final terminus station and a small Fuelling point constructed. Been laying 3rd rail and hooking up the new track to the bus, also. Got to weather everything but the bare bones are there. Then it's onto platform / over-roof construction, for the last time. Dave
  3. A Geordie Ian Rush....DT.....well I never!! Dave
  4. Nice! What's it painted on....you run out of Wall??? Dave
  5. If ther's owt goin for free...that lot always turn up!
  6. Well done.....We'll make a Yorkie out of you yet!!
  7. It might have tipped the International metals market over the edge too! £50 notes.....It's Yorkshire we're talking about....fiver might be more like it! Dave
  8. Might have been a tad expensive, with all the insulators I've needed.
  9. All that can be said is that..... this shows what can be achieved with modelling. Inspiring pictures!! Dave
  10. Quality pics, as usual, Jaz & Kal...looking excellent! The wall slots in perfectly. Motivating me to press on with mine. Dave
  11. Yes, that is true enough. But the signal is also used for the through route, so a green is necessary for that (feather not on). Nevertheless, as you say, when the feather is on, as it is going into a terminus, I will only use the yellow aspect. Well spotted - Thanks Dave
  12. The Tour De France came past the end of my street today. How often does that happen??? So must be worthy of putting a pic or two up. Would make a good subject to model on a layout, dont you think? Could be a job for Jaz?? Dave
  13. Just had to comment on this one......This is a fabulous pic...takes me back years. Great stuff!! Dave
  14. Looking real good! Dave
  15. Jaz, your wall is definately becoming the ' Who's Who' of Model Railwaying. Dave
  16. Excellent artistry...very very good. Banksey's got competition! Dave
  17. Wow....a big 'blank canvass'. Plenty of potential for something really special here Mr S. Will be following this one. Dave
  18. ....shady doughnut.....love it!!! Jam doughnuts are imposters...(but nice ones). Get wll soon to your old man too!! Dave
  19. This is gonna be good!! My neck of the woods too...looking forward to it. Dave
  20. Oh dont worry....once the layout's done....all the new stock will be getting the 'Minsterley Treatment'! Might be re-engining and re-bogeying that class 92, too, so that its fly-wheel drive and all axle drive/pickup. And sound too. Dave
  21. Hooligans!!!! Vandals!!!! ....Top stuff!!! Dave
  22. Yes. The things that look like tie-bars, between the switch blades move the blades all along their length, whereas the standard HW2000 point motor, like the surface mounted model variety, just move the blades via the ends (switch toes). Just finished wiring up the power bus, so only need to attach the controller and the layout will be live. Still a bit of work to do before that though. As requested by IC 125, some pics featuring a loco on the layout. Straight out of the box, just plonked on the track.... so looks way too clean, but gives an idea of what things will look like. Dave
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