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Jenny Emily

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Everything posted by Jenny Emily

  1. Just subscribed for a year to Model Rail - the free Bachmann wagon swayed it for me; such a pretty little thing in the picture.

    1. Horsetan


      "Pretty little thing" reminds me of a line from a '60s song

    2. Tim Hall

      Tim Hall

      Bit annoying for those of us who've subscribed for years....

  2. Hit me baby one more time - Travis (Britney Spears) mostly because anyone's cover would be better than the original. Smooth Criminal - Alien Ant Farm (Michael Jackson) Tainted love - My Ruin (Various) they did this Goth version a number of years before Marilyn Manson did, and their version is tons better. Blue Jeans - Terry Poison (Lana del Ray) personal favourite cover of all time for me, even though I also like the original: Walking in the air - Nightwish (Aled Jones) Guns 'n' Roses - Down on the farm (The UK Subs) Renegades of Funk - Rage against the machine (Afrika Bambaastaa) Others I prefer the cover of have already been mentioned by others. Edited for poor spelling.
  3. Back onl;ine after major computer fubar incident. I hate reinstalling windows. Only lost a small amount of replaceable data though, which was good.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. highpeakman


      That machine must be good. Had my mobile phone and tablet both both fail totally on the same day last week. Must be a plot by someone?

    3. Ian J.
    4. Jongudmund


      Sorry to hear about your computer problems. So frustrating when that happens!

  4. Some-one must have snaffled the Cambrian wagon, as I cannot find it. There are, however, quite a few collectors' club wagons going back to the 2001 one listed. I'm surprised how cheap even that one is at £14.
  5. From the pictures this promises to be an excellent model, and I am very tempted by R3430 in LNER green. It is good to see Hornby seeming to get back on their feet.
  6. Looks pretty good. How to you fix the track down and what is the roadbed underneath made from?
  7. This thread has reminded me to go out and do some maintenance on the single Peco point that the garden section of my layout has. The Peco points hold up just fine, and the one I have out there has managed several years without any issues. All I do is oil the spring with some spare 5W30 synthetic engine oil that I have around half a gallon of left following mistakenly buying it for my Volvo nearly ten years ago (a note: older engines really don't like this stuff! The Volvo required another oil change within a month, and burnt a worrying amount of its sump contents on the sly, leaving a mess in the PCV system but lived happily ever after with the correct 10W40 oil in the sump). The spring is steel, and will otherwise rust away meaning the point will no longer latch if it fails completely. The point never got motorised, as I was never happy with an adequate way of preventing the weather from getting into and destroying the PL10 motors. When the garden section gets rebuilt over the next few years, I will try and add quite a few extra points and motorise them somehow.
  8. Reading up on this, it appears to be a bit of a minefield, with information from ICO contradicting what the Police told us and what the Police in general seem to be recommending. Filming some-one else's private property is an obvious no-no, and everything I read is quite clear on that. Covering areas like the footpath beyond property boundaries becomes awkward, thanks to European legislation on privacy. That said, it appears that it isn't an automatic breach of the DPA to capture this area as incidental to the main focus, especially if the legitimate aim is to combat anti-social behavior and vandalism. I've spent a little while analyzing the images my cameras are taking, and have decided to adjust the angle that two of them point at. One covers part of the pavement at the front at the very top of frame, but captures a small patch of road in the top left corner. I will rotate the camera slightly to remove this. One side camera captures a few feet of the path down the side, and I might lower that one too, though it would mean that local goblins will be able to throw stones at will without fear of being caught. Go Europe for helping protect the scrotes. That said, there has never been a prosecution of a homeowner for capturing small areas of public pavement on their CCTV, and on at least one occasion I read the Police were happy to use footage so caught to help identify a hit and run incident. Police around here seem quite keen for homeowners to have CCTV. After an arson attempt down the street, several terraced properties sprouted CCTV cameras covering the pavement and road area that the houses are built straight up to. It caught the arsonist when they came back to try their luck again. The Police secured a prosecution from the footage, and the cameras are still there recording.
  9. I was under the impression that if the main focus of the camera is on private property, and it does not cover anyone else's private property then as long as the public space (in my case, a few feet of pavement around the edge of the property) that appears is incidental to the main focus, then it is allowed. After all, filming in a public place is completely legal, as an individual cannot expect to never appear in the background of other people's photographs or video. That was what I was told when I inquired.
  10. Night vision is very highly detailed, but looks monochrome. The camera has its own infra red emitter so that you could put it in a completely dark box and still see the interior clearly on the screen.
  11. About a week ago I finally got around to buying and fitting a CCTV system. Maplin had a special deal on, and we got a Swannlink 1080P camera kit. It's a base unit that can take up to eight cameras, but comes with four to get you going. I mounted them all on the house, getting coverage of front, side and back of the house including good coverage of the outside of the shed where the model railway is. The kit was £319, and had everything to get set up. I now hate my loft, as it is dirty and cramped under the eaves, but I got the cables through over the tops of the wall by sliding conduit bought from B&Q in from the outside then feeding the cables through from the inside. It can record up to 120 days of footage, but seems to trigger a recording only when movement is detected. This is quite sensitive, and the wind moving trees in the garden is triggering this. I can view the live feed from several computers in the house, as well as through the base station and even through the other half's smartphone, which was invaluable for setting the way the cameras pointed and what they saw by taking the phone up the ladder with me and adjusting the cameras there and then with instant feedback on the screen of what they could see. It is very enlightening to see the things that go on. Within two days we had amusing footage of a driver parking their car without applying the handbrake, then chasing it down the street as it rolled away! It also, more importantly, caught the scrote-spawn who were throwing stones at our conservatory roof. We've known for a while that something was depositing small rocks on the roof, and occasionally we would hear the clatter, but never saw the cause. Today we heard the clatter and found the rock, and had the bright idea of looking at the recording. Low and behold, two local goblins were there, picking their moment, launching the rocks and running away. Unfortunately for them the camera saw it all, and in a high enough definition to not only see their faces clearly, but record them running back to a house up the road which was just visible in the top of frame of one of the front cameras. The footage is being passed to the local PCSO who no doubt will remind their parents of just who will be footing the bill for any damage caused. No wriggle room for denial either. No other serious issues, and I hope that the mere presence of the cameras will deter the career scum from trying anything. The cameras also have brilliant night-time vision. For the price I cannot recommend the system more highly.
  12. Had a really special in-duh-vidual today. They joined the M60 at Prestwich, then proceded to cut me up, and two others to force their way out to lane 3 to sit there oblivious of anyone else, doing around 35mph.
  13. +1 for the Hudswell Clarkes! If the Pecketts really shift on release, then I guess that becomes ever more likely.
  14. Just picked up DH16 in MSC blue - I walked into the shop minutes after the delivery arrived, so saved them a phone call. Just running it in now, and a review has been filmed. Once the Peckett turns up, that's two locomotives for Grove street yard which means that the ones I have been using can be returned to the display cabinet.
  15. I had one today in an Asda carpark. Because it was school chucking out time, there were long queues to get out. One joker decided to try and jump the queue by driving down the wrong side of the road towards the front, as if the thirty or so cars queuing were doing it for the hell of it. Unfortunately for him, I was coming the other way. He was somewhat rude and shouty with an attitude of self-entitlement, until my wife picked the go-pro-type camera that was on my dashboard and pointed it at him. That made him reverse away quite fast and shut his gob. Of course, he wasn't to know that the camera's battery was flat and it wasn't actually recording. Wonderful thing dashcams for diffusing situations.
  16. Some months ago I overhauled a HGV running up on the M6 just north of the M55 junction with a seized rear hub on one of the trailer axles. The tyre was long blown out and the hub was gouging the tarmac in a shower of sparks. The driver was oblivious, ignoring motorists flashing him, tooting their horn and otherwise trying to alert him to the fact that he was very near to setting fire to his trailer, not to mention showering the road with débris. To paraquote a film I saw far too long ago "some people you just can't reach"
  17. I recall one found recently in the canal basin near Ellenbrook when this was drained pending turning into a trendy marina? There may be others that have long since been written off, lurking in bushes, down the sides of embankments after rough shunts, left behind in former rail served factories or buried in former ballast dumps.
  18. Bachmann will have some idea of the sales potential of this, knowing how well the triple packs of NCB 16 ton mineral wagons sold. That may have had some bearing on the choice.
  19. I still buy vinyl LPs, and stopped downgrading my operating system on my computer with XP Professional. I stopped caring about technology when I had to knuckle down and work for a living out of University! iPhones remain a mystery to me. Remember when telephones were just for making phone calls? The man in the shop was full of "yeah, you can watch films, listen to music and post to the book of face on this" I replied that I already had a television set, a very expensive hi-fi and a large computer all at home which had all that covered thankyouverymuch and actually I just wanted to make phone calls and some joker has taken away all the call boxes.
  20. I have never seen the S J Claye one in the flesh. There is one other earlier one I don't have (Cambrian one in a yellow colour I think?) but I do have the Bachmann blue liveried one as well as the black Charles Roberts open which I think might be the first or second that they ever did. I have no real use or love for my collection. Apart from a couple that I rather like (the Charles Roberts all steel tippler one is quite nice, as is the Marcroft wagons which I have acquired two due to being a member in that year, and getting a second in a job lot of secondhand wagons at a show), they are just wagons gathering dust for me I'm afraid.
  21. I keep rotating my iPhone, and the bl**dy things keeps rotating the picture back to upside down. Modern technology my a**e!
  22. Agreed. I was always taught that you walked facing oncoming traffic, so that you could see the danger and react to it. The other thing I have noticed around here are a breed of middle aged joggers who will jog in the road rather than on the pavement. Why? Are they trying to get run over?
  23. Just built a camera wagon and done a gauging test. Oh my! Such a brilliant angle to see a model railway by!

    1. mikes rail

      mikes rail

      details details please

    2. DougN


      Check out SRmans videos on Penhayl bay and his own layout... Oh mine is also there!

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