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Everything posted by Indomitable026

  1. Is it today? Just kidding, we’re 20 minutes down the road at a Greasy spoon, just washing up - be there in a bit...
  2. Further photos will appear at the RMWeb SWAG - Virtual Members Day Exhibition on Sunday 26th April. It’s a Fundraiser for NHS charities so please have a look...
  3. Today’s picture from the AY collection...
  4. I think it’s a great place, not the cheapest but a big selection of beers and a good astmosphere. It depends what you like - preferences can be very personal... York Tap
  5. Found this while looking through some of my photos...
  6. Having been invited to the RMWeb virtual exhibition next Sunday I need to find a cunning way of getting that particular part of a show across...
  7. I’ll book a van... Whats involved?
  8. Another one of Andy York’s pictures. All quiet...
  9. Quite a while ago Andy York agreed for me to use some of his photographs on here. Now seems a good time to give them an airing...
  10. Well thanks for the memory. I’ve just ordered one off the internet as the original is long gone...
  11. Hang on, let me get this right. You went to a “hairdressers” with mirrors on the ceiling....
  12. Yes there was always something ‘lingering’ around Treneglos. I think there’s a picture of you and Gringo in this thread - I saw it yesterday - but i’m damned if I’m going to venture back in again to find it...
  13. Now that seriously takes me back to what must be my very first interest in model railways. I can remember looking at the layout over and over and over again as a child. Did it re-appear in a later Railway Modeller?
  14. Really like the looks of this project - it’s got a good feel about it.
  15. Yes, I’d agree it was a fabulous trip - down the south west where we went so many times. Awesome
  16. I've just spent more than hour or two glancing through all 361 pages of this thread looking for a photograph. I found it eventually. However, another photograph stood out to me...
  17. Its going on the “to be modelled” list. An interesting prototype - something legitimately quite different
  18. Thats very interesting - I can see it’s really quite different and my be shorter too?
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