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Everything posted by Indomitable026

  1. You're like a secretary to me (just with hairy legs) EXPO EM 2013 invite, you up for it?
  2. Ha ha, it's funny I read it as yes - I knew what you meant. And I should have read the answer properly.....
  3. Ok thanks for that. I would have to concentrate on the; measure and accurate.....
  4. Thats very nice, I like the idea Couple of questions tho, 1) Are the runners easy to set up? 2) Is there any 'slop' or twist when its set up?
  5. Hilly? I'm not even going to start to explain it.. By all means post a shot of your fiddle if you wish....
  6. 'On The Fiddle' Not normally seen by the public this is the 'Newquay' end fiddle yard. It is of open frame construction, the sides of the frame being two lengths of ply sandwiched together with ply blocks in between - a take on the Barry Norman baseboard construction method. The main traverser is pivoted one end (top of this picture), this pivot is also used for the secondary loco traverser at the top - which feeds all five roads. It is arranged such that the three tracks that come off the layout (bottom of this picture) run on to this board. The five roads on the traverser align with all of these roads. This gives the benefit of being able to run three trains in parallel on all three lines. At the other end of the layout (Par Docks) currently we only have a two track run off, about 3 feet long. Operational experience has shown this to be woefully inadequate. I've been told by 'the team' in no-uncertain terms that something similar to the other end is required. I will probably build the same again so they can be bolted front-to-front for transport. Watch this space.
  7. TPO's? Remember them? The plan is to model the Penzance TPO, which I believe, ran back up to St Blazey due to a lack of space at Long Rock. Should add a splash of colour.....
  8. The comparison will be interesting between the two. Having looked at Chris's last weekend - before it was accidently dropped on the floor - it looked a nice model.
  9. Layout's safely back in its room now, out of the cold......
  10. My problem is scruffiness It's full of nice messages More Admin!!!
  11. Ah thanks. I'm not very good at the PM thing, I suspect there's a few in there......
  12. Keen to provide 'the team' with all the modern facilties - and to try and stop them standing on my tool boxes - for Warley I invested in a couple of platforms. One each - a kind of early Christmas present if you like. I think they were well recieved bar the odd comment; -They are too high, theres snow at the top, can it be fitted with a lift and a hand rail? -Would have prefered a bullied pacific for Christmas - thats what I though I was getting? etc etc. So I took it they were pleased. However there was a problem, within a couple of hours 'we' had managed to bend them both!! And theres a mystery... Who did it? Perhaps the answer is; who ate all the pies?
  13. I can't believe it!! I've inadvertently promoted the acquisition of more of them...
  14. Ok, Three comments; 1) whats the problem with the 37 start up? - thats a good one..... 2) its advertising chinese women for dates..... 3) scroll a little further down and listen to the class 40 start up - its a fire breathing beast.........
  15. These diesel's were so bad that; It took 3 of them just to back on to a train - never mind pulling it!! Photo, from Brian Morrisons 'Diesels on the regions - Western Region'
  16. Young Mr Spams sent me his like earlier, its a bit of video footage of the layout at Warley courtesy of them chaps at BRM. https://www.model-railways-live.co.uk/Features/Video_Highlights_from_the_2011_Warley_National_Model_Railway_Exhibition/ I'm chuffed to bits we are considered a highlight. Our bits about a quarter of the way in. Enjoy......
  17. Sing;; "whats that coming over the hill?? is it as monster? is it a monster? I going to buy them all up and have them melted down - thats the wheel sets and the loco's
  18. I'm just trying to imagine 'Owd Grinder' flying around...... .......and I can't. Just placing an order for yet more Ultrascale wheels - in the hope they will be available for our next show in April.
  19. Appologies Pete, Still like the idea of Levers and holes tho
  20. What, we thinking 'Britians Got Model Railway Talent' style?? Perhaps we could have a more 'room 101' approach where some one pulls a lever and the offending item disappears into the ground. This could include layouts, people, food and beer we dont like.
  21. Tis true we need more members. Warley was a real struggle with only 3 of us. I've not mentioned to the team that one of the invites we recieved over the weekend was for both the layouts at the same show!!
  22. Oh don't worry; our layouts have smells - just not the right ones.
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