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Everything posted by KNP

  1. KNP

    Bala Town

    I suppose we ought to hang this on the door handle until he returns....
  2. Agree with Miss Prism What are your camera settings?
  3. KNP

    Little Muddle

    Nearly past.... Hang on didn't I see an old picture of this yesterday?
  4. KNP

    Bala Town

    Don't be silly. How's it going to hold the shears!
  5. KNP

    Little Muddle

    Careful Ken, loco backing up....
  6. Sorry John but couldn't resist having another try. So took my favourite from your recent batch, which you did yesterday, and managed to get it to look like this...
  7. KNP

    Bala Town

    Totally agree, if you can arrange to take early retirement then do so. I managed to sort mine at 62 a few years ago and haven't looked back.
  8. Barry Ten beat me to it. I got Serif Affinity to have a go where I tweaked brightness/contrast, exposure and shadows/highlights ending up with this. With a bit more time I think I could get even better. Hope you don't mind. What editing suite do you use?
  9. Looks great and very realistic. What it needs is one that doesn't have all the edge effects because it you look at the main picture it has a very good dated effect. It's almost like you need to crop the edges out It sort of works better I think
  10. KNP

    Little Muddle

    Very good.... I call it an optical illusion and no that's not a Russian jet wearing glasses!!
  11. KNP

    Little Muddle

    Last one - I promise - for now!
  12. KNP

    Little Muddle

    Found it. Thanks Calvin, useful site which is likely to appear on here from time to time...…. Even to me, and it's my loco, that's looks like old photo found in the back of a cupboard somewhere.....!
  13. KNP

    Little Muddle

    Can you refresh my memory Phil as I can't recall. EDIT Didn't go back far enough, wish Andy could get he post numbers back up and running! The colour one is the original with the vignette added, forgot to save it before that.
  14. KNP

    Little Muddle

    Oh dear, trouble in paradise...…. Not used to cameras pointing at them some these locals.....!
  15. KNP

    Little Muddle

    Like this? And without words. I took the original colour picture, turn into monochrome then used a lens filter to add some sepia and finally noise added to give the grainy effect.
  16. KNP

    Little Muddle

    No good sitting here, those veg's won't sort themselves? Well perhaps, just for a moment longer - honest.... In a minute.... Don't rush me.. It's....sooooo……….peaceful and quiet.....must get on....zzzzzzzz
  17. KNP

    Little Muddle

    It does now as I have sorted out the issue between the tablet and e-link.
  18. They look smart.....would they be new by any chance. You have the same problem I've had, roof to white so the poor old camera gets in a twist and bleaches the detail out - weathering needed!!!
  19. KNP

    Little Muddle

    4550 just simmering between jobs
  20. Better sort those veg's out now, can't sit here all day!!
  21. KNP

    Little Muddle

    Meanwhile over at Encombe Town station some 'posed' action.....for the iPhone Just think, which will cause some of you to splutter and tut tut , that both these engines do not have any motors.....??? They are basically props.....
  22. KNP

    Little Muddle

    Well I've sorted out what made the mark on the water.... A few weeks ago that is where I stood a plastic tube with water in whilst I was painting an area at the back. So I got rid of the mark, quite simple really I stood Misty on it!!! There is always a simple answer, this picture was taken with the iPhone 5s and I was pleasantly surprised at the quality so I took a few more....
  23. Well, to be honest, any train will suffice....!
  24. KNP

    Little Muddle

    And now a picture of the harbour wall!!! Looks like a bit of remedial work needed to the water, I can see a ring of something or other - no idea what it is or when I did it. Normally Misty is alongside so hides it!
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