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Everything posted by KNP

  1. KNP

    Little Muddle

    Before starting on 8700 (to 8701) and then of course working on the split chassis/chip installation I thought I ought to get some books on the Pannier so I know what is what..... Very nice pictures inside and timelines for each loco.
  2. KNP

    Little Muddle

    No reason, just a picture in monochrome.
  3. KNP

    Little Muddle

    In essence I agree with you but a thinned acrylic paint can be made to creep about a model by slightly wetting the surface first so an osmosis effect ensues and all the edges, corners etc attract the paint. The other thing I have found with proprietary washes is that they don't always dry matt where as a matt paint thinned will.... The beauty of thinning a paint is that you can determine intensity of the coverage from the beginning and build up as you proceed.
  4. Don't forget to leave your landing light on tonight...
  5. Hope all goes back together OK and I bet you'll get it all back together and end up with a bolt left over..... Leaving you scratching your head, wondering where did this come from!!! Is it critical!! Keep posting with progress.
  6. KNP

    Little Muddle

    I take it straight from the bottle, a couple of coats gives depth. Sum times I might dip the brush in water and mix in the paint to 'loosen it up a bit'.
  7. KNP

    Bala Town

    Effective, can't wait to see it finished...….Monday?
  8. KNP

    Little Muddle

    That was original dinghy that came with the Misty steam drifter model, before I decided to use an open one. I sort of placed it here ages ago and it seems to fit so I have left it.
  9. KNP

    Little Muddle

    Squadron Leader heard of the new arrival so did a very low level pass of the yard.
  10. KNP

    Little Muddle

    Crew ordered from Modelu, couldn't make my mind up so through caution to the wind and ordered the lot....! Least I'll have some crew ready for the next three loco's!
  11. KNP

    Little Muddle

    Stan Dare, the local artist, happened to be sitting on the roof of the derelict house when 8700 steamed past. He has just sent me a quick sketch he did.. Time to sort some crew.....
  12. KNP

    Little Muddle

    The parcel arrived a couple of days early and after unpacking, which seemed prudent, the new addition steam purposefully into Little Muddle. Picture taken deliberately of the two Panniers together just to confirm I do indeed have two.... Plan to renumber 8701 and add some of the new Modelu GWR figures...
  13. KNP

    Little Muddle

    You missed it, I'm so sorry.....
  14. I can confirm that it is not me.....as I don't own a flat cap!
  15. Heads up, motive power fleet for Little Muddle has just increased by one...... Should be arriving on Friday from flea bay.
  16. You must finish those steps down onto the beach, big jump and then trapped...…! May I point out an odd issue, nice tide mark on the stonework but not on the adjoining rock face.....!
  17. KNP

    Little Muddle

    Sun's gone down now but found this from this afternoon....
  18. KNP

    Little Muddle

    Sun still shining as our intrepid photographer moves around the yard....
  19. KNP

    Little Muddle

    Crates where just painted in Vallejo old wood then a few weak washes of Lifecolor weathered black. The Lifecolor weathered black is very convincing but I have found that the Vallejo black grey also gives nearly the same result. It's what all the black plastic was painted with for King Stephen and the Collett coach underframe/bogies.
  20. KNP

    Little Muddle

    True... What worries me is that if you look on the delivery label it appears they are also due to be delivered there!!! I wonder if it is a boxed up crane that needs unpacking so it can be reassembled to lift the crate of the lorry...…...
  21. KNP

    Little Muddle

    What a nice day it is in the yard, just the Prairie moving about in the sunshine Must do something with those crates, I just plonked them there a while back and they seem to have taken root!!
  22. Not quite yet, don't forget Post Focus!!!
  23. Looking better, crisp and sharp along the focal plan. Colour much better and not so pixelated. Now doing the model some justice. Just need to master Post Focus....! OK...OK....one step at a time
  24. KNP

    Little Muddle

    I'll give it a try once I can source some and post results. Thanks
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