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Everything posted by Sasquatch

  1. Can't you get a gang of Mexicans in to do it? Trouble with our lot is they can't tell the difference betwwen the wisteria and the blackberry.
  2. Thats right T54! not good with soviet armour! Got any ruins Allan or Iain?
  3. Morning people. Well its 42F promising to rise to 89F. I'm up before the cats this morning maybe I should pester them for my breakfast. Am taking this oppertunity to look through Dave Fs dads photos before a long day with the compressor, sray gun, and gallon of varnish. Might even have cold toast in solidarity for Don!
  4. T 52s in Chester, not sure that would have been Hitlers worst nightmare but ours!
  5. Morning Don! Mid winter down there right now. Thats hard to imagine. Sounds like its a bit nippy, hope that toast is warm! Best Shaun
  6. What a mamouth task Dave. There are details in some of these pics which totally inspire. A big thankyou for your efforts. I wonder what your dad would have thought about his images being seen all over the world. Regards Shaun. I'll get up early tomorrow and finish going through this thread.
  7. Quite an ordeal there first thing Simon. If anything like that happens again, Bag over the head, zip tie him up, chuck him in the basement and we'll send in the Gump! That'll put a stop to his antics! Hope you're ok.
  8. How many cups of tea is it gonna take to get me started today?

  9. Lewes. County town of East Sussex on the line from Newhaven to London and the Brighton Eastbourne line.
  10. Just love that county hall its reminds me of the county court in Lewes.
  11. New haven Niel. You're spot on. The most fun with our hobby is to be found with the kids. Thats why a have installed a 6 pin socket on the front of dunster, for the kids to have a go at the Medford show each year. Last year one Boy was dragged screaming from the hall after I suggested he let the next kid have the controller! I hardly got to play trains myself! Great layout Grandadbob, anything digital scares the hell out of me! Know what you mean by trouble resisting buying stuff you like ie; wagon kits and American HO building kits like the ones above, there's nothing better than kit bashing on rainy days! Just wish my kid was still into it.
  12. Bloke walks into an empty bar with an adidas bag. Wakes up the barman, and orders a flagon of finest ale then tells the barman that he needs some entertainment in here upon which he puts the holdall on the bar and pulls out a small piano. Action man then jumps out of the bag and starts playing lovely classical music. The following night the bar was packed. The barman tells the bloke he can have free drinks all night but wants to know where he got the action man. "Its a long story (these kind of jokes always are) but I found a four leaf clover one day when I was drunk in the fair isle, thing is I don't remember wishing for a twelve inch pianist!
  13. The last layout sagged but lucky I'm a cabinet maker and can over come this problem. My gt.gt.grandfather's sir name was Law I believe, that would have been my grans grandfather on her fathers side. Definately Southern days but I've no idea which box. Might have been found trainspotting in the yard entrance near the top of Lovers walk myself in the late seventies. We've a Brighton here in Oregon, it's so small you could fit it under Brighton station roof!! Regards Shaun.
  14. has just come down with a new ailment."microstrip blindness".

    1. Mikkel


      A bottle of liquid poly should fix it.

    2. davefrk


      I've got bolthead blindness this week, 104 boltheads and nuts on a Caledonian buffer stop, yeah I couldn't believe it either.

  15. There's a thread all about it.http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/68485-wills-new-point-rodding/ The Station Master goes into great detail!!
  16. Here is the first repaint. The abbey section which covers the tunnel And the tunnel made from insulation sheet, don`t ask how.
  17. The mill project is here http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/73044-west-riding-textile-mill/ I have enjoyed reading your blog Iain very nice work indeed.
  18. My son is coming for the summer and I have plans to give Goathland a detail upgrade as a project with him. This will inlcude repaniting of structures, new (working) signals,detail additions such as cable trunking & piont rodding, some scenic detailing and back scene. I also want to install 2 more points off scene and my uncoupling system. Then as my son is cool with vids n tube etc we hope to bring you some short films.
  19. Have fun Allan! One of RMwebs members lives in the station building, the imfamous Boris! Check him out I'll bet he gives you VIP access etc.
  20. Yes Jaz this is the best thread on here. Don't you just love RMweb? The way it brings modelers together and from all corners of the world. Sharing ideas and giving mere mortals the chance to show off our efforts. I only wish I had more time for it and more than 6 fingers to type with (about 1 sentence a minute). It was a good day when Allan joined and to think he almost shied away, here is Allan’s 4th post from his first thread: Posted 10 March 2013 - 03:58 I'm sorry but I can't upload any pics from my files as I'm electronically informed that they are to big to upload yet they're not to big to upload anywhere else! I'm finding this forum increasingly frusterating and extremely difficult to use and if it wasn't for the kind efforts of Andy, this topic wouldn't even exist. So this will be my last post as I really have had enough of all this messing about trying to do something that on other Forums is so very straight foreward and simple. Allan Downes. Sure glad you got the hang of it Allan and started this thread with Iain. Shaun.
  21. You could always hold the loco in a vice and connect up the motor and spray while in motion. Have you every tried thinners and weathering powders, the streaking effects are quite realistic. Am building a full West Riding textile mill complex having got my technique down quite well. Will blog on its progress soon, now that my work load has eased off.
  22. Ding Ding. Round two. Queensbury rules, try to keep it above the belt gentlemen. Good to see you both back and in top form!
  23. SWMBO is on her way home (early) and I haven't done a thing except catch up on RMweb all day. S#!t.

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