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Everything posted by Corbs

  1. Very nice. The basic frame in the second pic is a bit like a scaled up NG slate wagon!
  2. Hi mate, thanks for checking in I've been a bit distracted with these projects at the moment (featured in my blog) 3D printed LBSCR E2 on Hornby Thomas chassis Turning a L&MLR Kitson 2-6-4T 009 kit into a standard gauge 2-6-0T, and the hopper wagon behind it is my first attempt at card modelling (using an empty chocolate box and tri-ang chassis) in the style of an enlarged Snailbeach hopper. As for a 4-8-2, I'll try and get a pic of the pony truck mounting so you can see what bogie could be adapted to fit, but I don't thing it would be too difficult to do. I'd recommend the chassis highly as its a very good runner.
  3. Corbs

    Little Muddle

    Wow. Stunning layout.
  4. As Caradoc mentions above, the Borders railway is a bit like a very long siding. The signalling involved in the Portishead route is quite extensive.
  5. It has to clear the level crossing as well, so presumably they wanted to clear large lorries/low loaders with big items (the road leads to an industrial estate) and double deckers.
  6. Someone was saying its made difficult as the original line had a signal box and passing loop in the middle of the line, south of Pill. I believe Metrobus was mostly funded from a specific grant.
  7. I asked my sister (a graphic designer) to make a suitably period-esque logo for one of the many industries that will abound in this area. Think she did a nice job! Points awarded to anyone who can guess the reference correctly...
  8. Maybe an overbridge or something would work for the middle? Or something like an overhead pipeline?
  9. Can't wait to see the Peckett! In terms of ownership and livery, what company does the MW belong to? Is it another on the same estate?
  10. Great idea Tom, will be watching with interest.
  11. Thanks! That's really interesting, I've been fascinated by the Lambton lines. I recently read an online article about the letters your grandfather/great grandfather sent and how they give an insight into the workings of the railway. Is this the pannier tank you mean?
  12. Come now, we all know BPRC is the true future of model railway control. (Corbs was later spotted running for the hills, not wishing to be caught uttering words of such heresy)
  13. Nice work, I've a Cambrian 'Turbot' in my to-do pile for when I muster up the courage, your stuff is pretty inspiring to get on with it!
  14. Here's a braw wee pugbash for a Tuesday. This one is from Rushby's Railways http://rushbys-railways.blogspot.co.uk/2010_05_01_archive.html
  15. Yes of course! That sounds fantastic.
  16. My favourite temporary fix is black tac. A bit more tactile than blutac, you can get it on ebay. It's more easily hidden as it's black. Quite a few of my loco bodies are held on this way during construction
  17. Thanks for the kind comments. Here's one I did this morning. The same disclaimer about the 'join' applies but hope it is enjoyable. Ones like this are more difficult as masking around the trains as they move is very fiddly. (with the same apologies to Jesse for using your footage, and Tony for removing him from the background!) Here's the one I did a few months ago, previously posted in this thread.
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